Batman’s New Era Begins By Revealing the Secret of His Stealth

Batman’s New Era Begins By Revealing the Secret of His Stealth

Warning: contains a preview for Batman #118!

A preview for Batman #118 has released, showing exactly why he is able to successfully prowl around on rooftops. The rooftops of Gotham have been Batman’s domain for many decades. And, as a new era begins, following the end of Fear State, the Dark Knight is back on standard patrol.

DC’s recent event, Fear State, just wrapped up. Magistrate and Scarecrow’s threats have been dealt with and Gotham is free of their hold. Now, Batman is able to go back to his standard patrols and business as usual. The rooftops and shadows of Gotham are once more prepared to cover the vigilante’s activities.

Batman #118 has the creative team of new writer Joshua Williamson, Jorge Molina, Mikel Janín, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowls. This is the start of a new creative team’s time with the series and character. Fear State was the culmination of the previous run, but there is still a lot to come in Batman’s future. There are no nights off for Batman and no threat is too small for him to handle, as seen in this preview:

Batman’s New Era Begins By Revealing the Secret of His Stealth







This preview shows Gotham celebrating its survival of Fear State with numerous parties. Two criminals are about to stage a break-in, but someone has arrived to quell their efforts. In doing so, the preview reveals why Batman is rarely spotted atop Gotham’s roofs. Even when the Dark Knight IS spotted, no one quite believes it could be him. He blends in too well with the absurd number of gargoyles on top of Gotham’s buildings. The city is also loaded with top-tier villains, so who would think Batman would spend time dealing with small-time crime?

Gotham’s architecture has been explored through comics, film, and video games. The city is often seen as a combination of Chicago and New York City, with many other elements being added to it with each story told. The gargoyles are a staple of Gotham City and a purpose for their presence was provided in “The Destroyer,” a three-issue crossover within Batman comics from 1992. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #27 stated that one of the primary architects of Gotham, Cyrus Pinkney (in collaboration with Batman’s ancestor, Judge Solomon Wayne), placed gargoyles around the city for a distinct purpose. Gargoyles are believed to “Keep the demons at bay…they serve to frighten people onto the path of righteousness and to scare away evil spirits.”

Considering the caped crusader’s role in the city and his manner of becoming visually synonymous with the gargoyles, this sentiment may have some truth to it. After all, Batman designed his outfit to strike fear into his enemies. He has long protected the city from all manner of demons—metaphorical and literal—including Ra’s al Ghul (whose name in Arabic translates to “Head of the Demon”). Bruce Wayne knows Gotham well and it is no surprise that he would have taken the city’s design as an influence when it comes to his own crime fighting mannerisms. Gotham is in good hands, as it has its own mobile gargoyle circling round the city as a protector with its own mini-gargoyle army (the Bat-Family who uses similar tactics) to assist him. Batman #118 kicks off the titular hero’s new era on December 7th.