Batman’s Greatest Sin Against Red Hood Makes Him DC’s Worst Father

Batman’s Greatest Sin Against Red Hood Makes Him DC’s Worst Father

Red Hood and Batman have one of the most complicated dynamics within the Bat-Family due to the array of perceived transgressions Bruce Wayne has inflicted upon Jason Todd. These transgressions include Batman’s failure to seek retribution for Jason following his premature demise at the hands of Joker and brutally beating Jason bloody due to their conflicting ideologies. However, neither of these incidents stands as Bruce’s ultimate sin against Red Hood.

Batman and Robin #23, by Judd Winick, Guillem Marc, and Andrei Bressan, witnesses Red Hood’s return to this iconic comic run as a main character. However, Jason is far from a free man in this issue, as it is revealed that he has been imprisoned in Arkham Asylum for the past several months, thanks to Batman’s doing.

Batman’s Greatest Sin Against Red Hood Makes Him DC’s Worst Father

While his imprisonment might not be unexpected given his past killing spree of criminals, it’s startling that Batman chose Arkham as Jason’s place of incarceration. This decision to imprison Jason here is deeply troubling for several reasons and symbolizes Bruce’s gravest betrayal of his son.

Batman Locking Red Hood Up In Arkham Asylum Was His Greatest Betrayal to Jason Todd

Batman and Robin #23 featuring Red Hood arkham

Batman’s decision to confine Red Hood in Arkham Asylum is the ultimate betrayal to Jason, especially since this is the same facility that frequently houses Jason’s killer, the Joker. Being incarcerated alongside the clown undoubtedly exacerbates Red Hood’s psychological trauma, serving as a form of torture and triggering PTSD. Consequently, Bruce’s choice to imprison his own child with their murderer is a significant failure on Batman’s part as a Bat-Dad. What exacerbates the situation further is Bruce’s rationale for detaining Jason within Arkham.

Visiting Jason in prison, Batman attempts to justify his decision to imprison Red Hood in Arkham by stating, “You’re in Arkham for your safety.” This assertion is a blatant contradiction and utterly outrageous, as Arkham is arguably one of the most dangerous environments for Jason’s mental and emotional well-being. If Bruce genuinely believed Jason required mental help, he should have arranged for treatment out of state. Moreover, Bruce’s exploitation of his authority as Batman to detain Jason in Arkham, despite Jason passing all his psychological evaluations, underscores the fact that Arkham is the last place Red Hood should be.




“Man, I Hate Him”: Red Hood Admits He Hates the DCU’s Most Beloved Superhero

There isn’t a soul in the DCU that hates this hero… Well, except Red Hood, who proves that even the most likable heroes have at least one hater.

Bruce Continues to Be a Bad Bat-Dad: Batman Rewires Red Hood’s Mind in The Gotham War

BAtman and Red Hood Gotham War

Unfortunately, Bruce’s lapses in fatherly judgment extend beyond his decision to imprison his son in Arkham. In The Gotham War storyline, Bruce demonstrates more questionable judgment regarding what he deems as “best” for Jason. Batman #138 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles depicts Bruce kidnapping Red Hood and subjecting him to a machine that alters his brain chemistry, inducing paralyzing fear whenever Jason experiences heightened levels of adrenaline, essentially incapacitating him from acting as a vigilante. Hence, Batman has, without a doubt, been a bad Bat-Dad to Red Hood.

bales batman and keaton's batman batsuit comparison 2


Batman Calls Out the Batsuit’s Biggest Original Flaw – That Never Should Have Existed

Batman finally calls out his most ridiculous (and dangerous) Batsuit design that NEVER should have been implemented in the first place.

Batman and Robin #23 is available now from DC Comics!


Batman and Robin #23 cover featuring Pill-Head Red Hood costume

  • Writer: Judd Winick
  • Artist: Guillem March & Andrei Bressan
  • Colorist: Alex Sinclair
  • Letterer: Pat Brosseau
  • Cover Artist: Guillem March


D.C.’s original son, Superman is a Kryptonian superhero who becomes the defender of Earth after crashlanding their following the destruction of his home world. Raised by two human parents on earth, Kal-El was given the name Clark Kent, which he uses as his alias to hide his identity. Superman has various abilities, including; heat vision, ice breath, super-strength, super speed, and near impervious skin. Superman is frequently seen as the leader of most of D.C.’s superhero teams, including the Justice League.

Red Hood