Batman: The Animated Series – 10 Best Quotes From The Penguin

Batman: The Animated Series – 10 Best Quotes From The Penguin

After watching The Batman, it isn’t surprising that fans of the vigilante went looking for anything in relation to the plot. One of the first things they picked up was the Batman: The Animated Series,  which remains one of the greatest animated DC shows. One reason is the depiction of the infamous villains beyond just committing crimes and turning them into lovable and sometimes even sympathetic characters. One such character is one of Batman’s oldest foes, the Penguin.

Interestingly, this version of Oswald Cobblepot (voiced by Paul Williams) did not get as many episodes as other big-name villains, such as Joker and Two-Face; however, he made an impact regardless with his refined dry wit and even some rather heartbreaking moments. These are best expressed with some of his best lines from across the series.

Penguin Ransacks An Art Gallery

“Sorry About The Intrusion, Sir, But At Least You’ve Been Ransacked By A Man Of Impeccable Taste.”

Batman: The Animated Series – 10 Best Quotes From The Penguin

The Penguin is sometimes depicted as a classy gentleman thief, and the B:TAS version of the Penguin is no exception. At the start of “Birds of a Feather”, the Penguin is seen robbing a high-end art gallery with his goons.

It’s highbrow enough that he’s stealing from an art gallery and swooning over his favorite painting. But what wonderfully highlights the Penguin as a gentleman thief is how he apologizes to the tied-up and gagged art curator and assures him that he’s “been robbed by a man of impeccable taste.”

Penguin’s Umbrella Ruse

“Curses! I Would Grab The Wrong Umbrella.”

The Penguin shooting an umbrella gun in Batman The Animated Series

The episode, “Almost Got ‘Im,” remains one of the best episodes of the show ever. It revolves around some of Batman’s most infamous foes telling each other how they individually almost caught Batman over a game of poker.

Penguin begins the story of his scheme by “accidentally” spraying Batman with a seemingly harmless gas from his umbrella. Whilst ultimately a trick, it’s one of the Penguin’s funniest quotes because of how perfectly it reflects his signature umbrella weapons and the brilliant classy delivery of the line by Williams.

Penguin’s Disdain For Home Decor

“Tearing This Place Apart Could Only Improve It.”

The Penguin and a group of children in Batman The Animated Series

The Penguin may act polite in what he deems respectful company but he is not afraid to speak out his opinions on tastes. One lowkey but funny example is when he and his henchmen break-in and enter a suburban house where a valuable Faberge egg is hidden.

Once inside, the Penguin disdainfully calls the interior decor “bourgeois,” commenting that tearing the house apart to find the egg “could only improve it.” For someone who claims to be a gentleman, he certainly can be very insulting to and about others.

Penguin’s Wry Manners

“Gentlemen, And I Use The Term Loosely, After You.”

The Penguin in Batman The Animated Series

Like any successful crime boss in Gotham, the Penguin has goons and henchmen to help carry out his dirty work. But although he may be refined in manners, that’s not to say he treats his minions with any respect.

In one of B:TAS admittedly weird episodes, “I’ve Got A Bat In My Basement”, the Penguin hires two henchmen called Jay and Raven to help him steal a Faberge egg and ultimately reclaim it from two children protecting Batman. After unlocking the door, the Penguin steps aside to let his henchmen in first in order to check for traps. The dry disdainful sarcasm towards his goons is both fitting and funny for the snobbish crook.

Penguin Throws A Tantrum

“I Wanted The Rare Ones! The Reverse Audubon!”

The Penguin aims his umbrella weapon in Batman The Animated Series

Some of Batman’s rogues can be known for throwing near child-like yet amusing temper tantrums if their henchmen mess up or if Batman comes out on top. The Penguin, as refined and controlled as he may think he is compared to his peers, is sometimes no exception.

One particularly smirk-inducing moment is his reaction to learning that his henchmen botched a robbery and stole a collection of low-value stamps instead of “the rare ones” Penguin wanted. The tantrum is only made funnier when he throws the stolen stamps to the floor whilst sitting on some kind of throne.

Don’t Insult Birds In Front Of Penguin

“You Find Pigeons Funny, My Friend?”

The Penguin in an aviator helmet and a pilot in Batman The Animated Series

One notable aspect of the Penguin is his fondness for birds. In the animated series, not only does he show affection for them but he utilizes them for his schemes. In fact, he shows them more respect than his human henchmen.

In the episode “Blind as a Bat,” the Penguin and his minions have highjacked a military chopper. Whilst threatening civilians with it, the pilot laughs, commenting how they’re running like “scared pigeons!” The Penguin isn’t too amused, however, and his above response is delivered with such cold tones that the scared pilot immediately shuts up.

Heartbroken Penguin

“All I Wanted From You, Dearie, Was A Little Friendship! That Would Have Cost You Nothing!”

The Penguin and Veronica Vreeland in Batman The Animated Series

“Birds of a Feather” is undoubtedly Penguin’s finest episode in the series, and one key reason is that it reveals that the Penguin is one of the Batman villains that could have genuinely reformed.

The Penguin had good intentions of putting his criminal past behind him after being released from prison but this is even more set in stone when he falls for socialite Veronica Vreeland. The moment he finds out her affections were a ruse is heartbreaking enough, and this line is a rare moment of genuine hurt from the Penguin across the Batman franchise as a whole.

Lines That Won’t Be Crossed

“I’d Never Kidnap A Fellow Rogue From His Sickbed. It Just Isn’t Done.”

The Penguin being released from prison in Batman The Animated Series

One aspect that makes the Penguin stand out from the other villains is that he isn’t as brutal in his crimes in comparison to Batman’s greatest foes, and is usually sent to Blackgate Penitentiary rather than Arkham Asylum. So it’s only natural that there are lines that the Penguin just will not cross as other villains would.

A notable example is when Batman confronts him about Two-Face’s abduction from the hospital. The Penguin denies this with the above line, showing that the Penguin may be a criminal but he certainly has a code of honor and dignity. However, this doesn’t stop him from pushing Batman from his window straight after this line.

A Flair For The Dramatic

“Just Because You Mundane Miscreants Have No Drama In Your Souls! Anyway, There He Was In My Av… Uh, Big Birdhouse…”

Batman The Animated Series Almost Got Him Penguin Killer Crock Two-Face Poison Ivy The Joker

“Almost Got ‘Im” is one of the funniest episodes of Batman: The Animated Series and one moment of the Penguin’s story helps back this up. Penguin is interrupted in his tale by Poison Ivy and Joker mocking him for the “corny” name for his birdhouse: the “aviary of doom.”

Penguin’s feathers are ruffled by his comrades’ mockery and he proclaims the above before continuing with his story, begrudgingly calling it a “big birdhouse instead.” It’s not only a hilarious highlight of Penguin’s character but a wonderful humanizing moment for Batman’s villains as they play cards and harmlessly tease one another.

The Real Villain Of The Story

“I Suppose It’s True What They Say. Society Is To Blame. High Society.”

The Penguin is arrested in Batman The Animated Series

The ending of “Birds of a Feather” is impactful yet a thought-provoking commentary. After his defeat by Batman, Penguin is arrested once again, and Veronica apologizes to Penguin for her behavior, commenting how she was genuinely beginning to like him. However, Penguin bitterly responds with the above line.

The episode, and this quote, can be seen as a fitting commentary on how the upper classes can sometimes be cruel to those they deem unworthy. In the world of Batman, the villains are not always the costumed misfit personas but can also lie among Gotham’s civilians.