Batman Just Officially Exiled His Daughter from Gotham City

Batman Just Officially Exiled His Daughter from Gotham City

Warning: Spoilers for Justice Society of America #6! Helena Wayne, the Huntress of Earth-Two, is being separated from Batman just as the two have been reunited. The daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle was just reintroduced into DC’s main continuity in the Justice Society of America series. After entering present-day Gotham, she warns Batman of his pending fate, which then interferes with her own future of ever being born.

Huntress’ journey is briefly followed up on in Justice Society of America #6 by Geoff Johns, Marco Santucci, Ivan Plascencia, and Rob Leigh. Two pages are dedicated to Huntress’ story as Bruce and Helena discuss her future in this timeline, but only two pages are needed to establish that Helena is nowhere near Gotham anymore.

Batman Just Officially Exiled His Daughter from Gotham City

Bruce sets Helena up in a penthouse in New York City, keeping her far away from Gotham and, by proxy, away from Bruce himself.

Batman Exiles Huntress to New York City

Batman puts Huntress in New York City

The last issue ended with Huntress overhearing her father telling Madame Xanadu, “she can’t stay here,” though Batman doesn’t know that she heard him. Helena looks visibly despondent and especially frustrated given that Bruce’s alibi for them is that she’s her long-lost cousin rather than a long-lost daughter. Feeling bad, he invites her to return to Gotham, but Helena says she doesn’t want to be there for “one hell of an argument” he and Catwoman will be having soon.

Huntress’ words allude to the ongoing Gotham War between Batman and Catwoman, which confirms that their “daughter” will not be involved in the war. Helena is aware that it happened in her timeline, and maybe she’s even aware of what the outcome will be — which is interesting in itself. But placing her in New York could be the DC’s means of keeping the character out of the event’s proceedings. On the other hand, New York City is an oddly specific location, especially considering that there is another Batman taking residence in that city: Jace Fox.

Huntress Could Meet a Different Batman


The son of Bruce Wayne’s business associate Lucius Fox, Jace is the Batman of New York. He was last seen in I Am Batman #18 by John Ridley, Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, Christian Duce, Rex Lokus, and Troy Peteri, where he was very much still in New York and working with his sidekick and sister, Tiffany. Huntress taking up residence in that city doesn’t feel like a coincidence. Even though Bruce urges his daughter to lie low in New York for the time being, she’s not likely to stop fighting crime while she’s there, especially if she finds out that there are other vigilantes in the area. Huntress could even decide to form an alliance. As she grows distant from one Batman, Huntress may grow closer to another elsewhere.

Check out Justice Society of American #6, available now from DC Comics!