Batman Hilariously Proves He Can’t Raise Kids Without Alfred’s Help

Batman Hilariously Proves He Can’t Raise Kids Without Alfred’s Help

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Wayne Family Adventures episode 38

In the latest episode of Webtoon’s Bat-Family series Wayne Family Adventures, it’s proven that Batman can’t help his sons with a simple task without his butler Alfred. While it’s no secret that Alfred Pennyworth is Bruce Wayne’s surrogate father and the perfect grandfather to the Bat-Family as a whole, everything hilariously falls apart when he’s not around. Case in point, Batman becomes so desperate on his own in this new episode that he calls on the Justice League for help with the most relatable struggle.

Entitled “Slice of Life,” this new episode of Wayne Family Adventures comes from writer CRC Payne and the artist known as Starbite. The 38th episode of the Webtoon series, this particular chapter follows some incredible stories such as the Bat-Family coming together to keep an injured Batman from escaping his bed, helping Damian Wayne make new friends at school, as well as showing Duke Thomas’ Signal how to drive the Batmobile. However, this new look at the Bat-Family when they’re not on patrol may just be one of the funniest moments the series has ever depicted.

In “Slice of Life,” Bruce Wayne and his sons are getting dressed for an upcoming gala that’s fast approaching. However, Duke and Damian are struggling to tie their ties and ask Batman for assistance seeing as how Alfred is out of town. Hilariously, for all of the Dark Knight’s skill and expertise, it seems as though he’s unable to correctly tie a tie either. With Pennyworth gone, Bruce resorts to drastic measures and calls his fellow heroes on the Justice League for help (though the results are admittedly not great).

Batman Hilariously Proves He Can’t Raise Kids Without Alfred’s Help

Clearly, the Bat-Family is hopelessly (and hilariously) lost without Alfred. While their faithful butler dutifully takes care of them all, it seems he may have enabled them a little too much seeing as how not even Batman (The World’s Greatest Detective) knows how to tie a tie. That being said, tying a tie is one of the worst things ever in the world of men’s fashion, a fact that’s made even more evident seeing as how Superman, Flash, and Green Lantern all struggle to help with the deceptively challenging task.

It’s a good thing that Alfred is typically around in Wayne Family Adventures to keep the Bat-Family running as it should. However, this episode does remind readers of the sad truth that the Bat-Family must have had to majorly adjust in the main DC continuity after Alfred’s death in 2018 (in ways both big and small, seen and unseen). It’s also good that Wonder Woman comes up with the simple suggestion that Bruce and his sons should just abandon the ties altogether. That being said, Alfred’s return at the end of the episode thankfully means that Batman and the rest of the family can go back to not having to tie their own ties in the future.