Batman Debuts His Own Mechagodzilla, Stronger Than MonsterVerse’s Original

Batman Debuts His Own Mechagodzilla, Stronger Than MonsterVerse’s Original

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6!The invasion of the MonsterVerse continues, but Batman is ready to bring it to an end by debuting a ‘Mechagodzilla‘ of his own. The DC Universe has been in serious turmoil ever since the Titans arrived and wreaked havoc that even the Justice League couldn’t stop.

With Superman down for the count after his battle with Godzilla, Lex Luthor has sprung into action by reassembling and taking control of Mechagodzilla. But Batman is ready for him thanks to a new invention created with the Justice League’s assistance. The Dark Knight’s new mecha might be the turning point the League needs to end this kaiju nightmare.

How the MonsterVerse’ Titans Arrived in the DC Universe

Tired of always losing to the Justice League, Lex Luthor led the Legion of Doom to the Fortress of Solitude to plunder powerful relics from Superman’s collection. While they were supposed to just steal Mother Box and Orion’s Astro-Harness, the Toyman touched the Dreamstone, triggering an alarm. The Justice League arrived to apprehend the Legion, but the villains were transported to the MonsterVerse after Toyman blew up the Mother Box. Realizing these Monsterverse’s Titans had the potential to take out the Justice League, Toyman used the Dreamstone to wish Godzilla, Skull Island, and the other monsters to the DCU.

The Titans quickly began destroying iconic locations like Themyscira and Gotham City. Godzilla even made a beeline for Metropolis, where he got into a fight with Superman. The King of the Monsters ultimately felled the Man of Steel after Clark took on the full brunt of Godzilla’s atomic breath. As Superman was placed in intensive care, the rest of the League fought back against the other Titans. Batman, the Bat-Family, and several Leaguers managed to take down Camazotz in Gotham, inspiring Batman to start making tech to fight the Titans.

On Skull Island, Lex discovered the remnants of Mechagodzilla and began putting the oversized automaton back together. Meanwhile, Batman went back to the Batcave and started working with other DC heroes to create something that could help them fight the Titans. Though it wasn’t finished, the heroes were working on the frame of some kind of unfinished mecha. But as the heroes assembled their new weapon, Lex had already completed repairing Mechagodzilla and set out to defeat the Justice League once and for all.

Batman’s Mecha Army Defends the DC Universe from the Titans

Batman Debuts His Own Mechagodzilla, Stronger Than MonsterVerse’s Original

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Tom Derenick, Luis Guerrero, Jimmy Betancourt, and Richard Starkings, the League goes over the current situation. Godzilla is secured at the bottom of the ocean thanks to an Nth metal manacle, but Kong is missing and Scylla, Tiamat, and Behemoth are all heading toward Metropolis. Batman assures the team that they will be ready and tells his teammates to make the preparations they need for the Justice League’s final stand in Centennial Park.

Just as the Justice League feared, the Titans arrive in Metropolis and are under the control of Lex Luthor, who leads the kaiju with his new and improved Mechagodzilla. However, Lex’s confidence is shaken a bit when he discovers Batman has built a giant robot to battle the Titans. Piloting the giant mecha is Batman, but he’s joined by Flash, who powers the vessel with a Cosmic Treadmill. Cyborg is also there with his teammates and is plugged directly into the mecha’s system.

Batman’s robot takes on Mechagodzilla while the rest of the Justice League goes after the Titans. Assisting the League is Robin and Red Hood, who are piloting the Batwing, which has been upgraded by the Flash and Cyborg. Batman’s classic Batwing vehicle transforms into a smaller mecha with a gun that lets the heroes blast the Titans with energy. Meanwhile, Batman’s mecha manages to stand up against Meachagodzilla’s wrath. But unfortunately for Batman and his mecha’s crew, Kong joins the fray and dispatches the giant robot.

Batman’s Tech History Peaks with His New Mechas

Batman's Justice Buster Armor in Endgame DC

Batman has always been one of the biggest gadget makers in the DC Universe and his utility belt has always held several crafty, hand-held weapons he personally designed. But Bruce’s ingenuity has never just been limited to grappling guns and smoke bombs. Over the years, Batman has fashioned several armors that use cutting-edge technology. Bruce’s Trasher exo-suit was a heavy-duty armor that allowed him to combat enhanced opponents. Batman also worked with the Justice League to create the Hellbat armor, an exo-suit that greatly enhanced Bruce’s strength at the cost of his own energy.

Beyond mere exoskeletons, Batman also has experience operating mechas. When the Justice League was corrupted by the Joker, Bruce used the Justice Buster, a small-scale mech-suit that had ways of neutralizing every one of Batman’s most powerful allies. And while not created by him, the Fulcrum Abominus mech was piloted by Batman in Dark Nights: Metal and allowed Bruce and the Justice League to escape Mongul’s gladiator pits on War Moon. Batman has also piloted giant robots in non-canon stories like DC: Mech.

While Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong is also an out-of-continuity story, it’s still unbelievably cool to see Batman create a mecha. Especially since it was a joint effort with the Justice League. Using Flash’s Speed Force to power the robot is a fantastic idea, as is upgrading the Batwing so that it can act as smaller air support for the larger mech. The Justice League has thrown everything at the Titans and nothing has worked so far. But Batman’s new robot could be just what the heroes need to defeat the monsters.

The Justice League’s Mechagodzilla-Level Weapons Are a Game-Changer

Robin and Red Hood in Batwing with Mecha Upgrade DC

Powerful as they are, the Justice League needs more than their usual bevy of powers to handle the MonsterVerse’s greatest threats. With Flash powering Batman’s mecha and Cyborg guiding its systems, the League’s robot managed to hold off Mechagodzilla all on its own. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Mechagodzilla was strong enough to defeat Godzilla by itself. Thankfully, the League has come together and created a new weapon that’s at least as powerful as the mechanical menace (not to mention the backup provided by the new and improved Batwing gives Batman’s robot an extra edge).

As the final battle between the DC Universe and the MonsterVerse reaches its conclusion, the Justice League can’t afford to hold back anything. Luthor isn’t going to stop until he uses his Titan army to crush DC’s heroes. But through teamwork and ingenuity, the Dark Knight and his allies have developed a weapon that’s stronger than one of the mightiest things to come from the MonsterVerse. Hopefully, Batman’s new Mechagodzilla-level threat is enough to help the Justice League achieve victory in this final fight.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6 is available now from DC Comics.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6 (2024)

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  • Writer: Brian Buccellato
  • Artists: Christian Duce and Tom Derenik
  • Colorist:Luis Guerrero
  • Letterers: Jimmy Betancourt and Richard Starkings
  • Cover Artist: Drew Johnson