Batman & Catwoman’s Daughter Redefines Hero-Villain Relationships

Warning: This article contains preview images of Justice Society of America #1!From Batman and Catwoman to Spider-Man and Black Cat, superhero-villain relationships have always had an allure—especially when one of them is a cat-themed burglar. However, most iterations of these romances don’t last long. After all, it’s difficult to build a lasting relationship between two people whose values are so wildly different. However, Batman and Catwoman somehow make it work—through their daughter, Huntress.

As DC Comics heads into its New Golden Age, several characters are getting the revamp they deserve, starting with the fan-favorite Justice Society of America. Headlining these stories is the long-forgotten original Huntress, Helena Wayne. From what DC has revealed so far, it seems like the new JSA will be spotlighting the stories of DC’s forgotten sidekicks in a mystery through time.

In the preview pages of Justice Society of America #1, by Geoff Johns, Mikel Janín and Jordie Bellaire, Huntress’ origins are fleshed out for a new audience. Following the murder of her father, Bruce Wayne, Helena dons her mother’s mask and father’s cape to hunt down the killer, a sorcerer nobody’s ever heard of. At that moment, Huntress was born. 26 years into the future, Huntress is searching for Doctor Fate, while her internal monologue outlines the years Helena spent grappling with the idea of Batman’s legacy. While the world believed Batman stood for “fear and vengeance”, she knew better. It wasn’t until she joined the JSA that Huntress realized what that legacy was: “to give people a second chance. It’s what [Batman] did. It’s why I was born.”

Huntress Perfectly Fulfills Batman’s Legacy

Interestingly, Huntress herself is a direct result of Batman’s legacy of “giving people a second chance.” If Batman hadn’t given Catwoman the opportunity to redeem herself, they never would’ve married or had Helena. Even Huntress’ costume exemplifies how she takes the best parts of both parents to create her own identity while carrying their legacy. Helena Bertinelli, the more popular iteration of the Huntress, has always been a black sheep of the Bat-Family, making her the least likely candidate to carry on Batman’s legacy. Batman’s daughter, however, is the perfect legacy character, perhaps even more than Damian Wayne.

DC’s New Golden Age is off to an exciting start with the Justice Society of America (arguably, the better counterparts of the Justice League) leading their own comic for the first time since 2011. While squabbles over the best Robin will always be popular, none of them hold a candle to the legacy child of Batman and Catwoman. Fans will undoubtedly love this new era as we follow Huntress and the rest of the JSA on their next big adventure.

Justice Society of America #1 will be available from DC Comics on Nov 29.