Bar Rescue: 10 Most Intense Arguments Between Jon Taffer & Bar Owners

Bar Rescue: 10 Most Intense Arguments Between Jon Taffer & Bar Owners

Bar Rescue is in its ninth season, and the stakes are higher than ever for Jon Taffer to get through to struggling bar owners. In the wake of supply chain and staffing issues, the newest season is taking the same approach as season eight, focusing on helping bars get through the pandemic.

But just because Jon Taffer is going to these bars with an open heart doesn’t mean he doesn’t have those intense arguments with bar owners that the show has become known for having. In previous seasons Jon Taffer has had some fierce discussions with owners and their staff when pointing out why the bars are failing.

Jon Vs. Desi Romano – S5, Ep 20

Bar Rescue: 10 Most Intense Arguments Between Jon Taffer & Bar Owners

Desi Romano was not ready to make a change when it came to his bar. After a night of heavy drinking, Desi went toe to toe with Jon Taffer about not needing to alter the things Jon suggested. Desi’s disrespect to Jon and his daughter sent Taffer over the edge.

Jon didn’t throw any food or dump out drinks, unlike in other encounters, but that didn’t diminish the screaming match’s intensity. Given Desi Romano’s health issues, fans were concerned the fight would send the bar owner over the edge upping the stakes on this argument.

Jon Vs. Loni – S4, Ep 12

Jon Taffer pointing off camera on Bar Rescue.

The weird tension between Loni and Jon started when she tried to psychoanalyze Jon’s doodles on her bar tables, outfitted with crayons and paper. What began as an oddly casual encounter, Loni soon became a defensive and insulting owner, blatantly attacking Jon’s appearance, which isn’t often seen on the show.

The intensity mounted as Loni’s son loomed in the background, and it was unclear if he would jump in to his mother’s defense. Ultimately Loni accepted Jon’s help, but not before giving him a chilling stare.

Jon Vs. Richard – S6, Ep 27

Jon Taffer Yelling and Pointing At the Camera

If there is one thing Jon Taffer gets heated about, it is when bar owners allow customers to disrespect the staff. This was a rampant issue at RJ’s Replay, which resulted in owner Richard and Jon getting into an argument. Richard’s tears did not soften Jon as he laid into Richard about his failures.

Jon wasted no time in unleashing his temper and turning up the intensity of his conversation with Richard. Richard didn’t push back as much as other owners have, but his inebriated crying wasn’t easy to watch.

Jon Vs. The Entire TJ Quill’s Staff – S3, Ep 3

TJ Quill's Staff Argues with Jon Taffer

The more people involved in an argument, the faster it will escalate, which was the case when Jon busted TJ Quill’s staff for not ID’ing patrons. Once the bar manager got involved, the entire team jumped into a screaming match that nearly turned physical.

It was unclear to viewers how Jon would take on at least four grown men should they throw punches, but luckily the owner restrained his staff. However, this didn’t change the tension that carried on until the reopening, making the fight and the entire episode one of the most intense.

Jon Vs. Childish Owner – S5, Ep 12

Owner of Triple Nickle on Bar Rescue

When an owner physically assaults his employees, Jon Taffer will not stand idly by and watch. Jon wasted no time covering the owner in drinks and forcing him to endure the same treatment he doled out to his staff. Never before had Jon made an owner lay on a dirty, sticky bar floor, but this first for the show made this argument legendary.

Jon doesn’t usually tip this far over the edge; sometimes, the bar owners need a taste of their own medicine, and Jon sets out to give them a dose. And it was effective because The Triple Nickle is one bar from Bar Rescue that is still open.

Jon Vs. Spoiled Rich Kid Owner – S5, Ep 11

Jon Taffer talking to a man and a waitress in Bar Rescue

In one of his more educational episodes of the reality series, Jon entered Fort One to set a rich kid with no bar knowledge straight. Jon wasn’t a fan of the owner, Jason’s blase attitude and lack of care for his employees’ paychecks. Jason clearly wasn’t used to being told that he was in the wrong or being forced to do hard work.

Jon usually doesn’t insult owners on a personal level, but this owner pushed his buttons to the point of Jon calling him a moron, among other names. Jon even threw a table to prove his point.

Jon and Gavin Murphy vs. David – S4, Ep 50

Jon Taffer seated at a bar

Owner David told Jon straight up that he wasn’t doing his job as an owner, yet he still told Jon he was in the wrong for pointing out the shortcomings of George and Dragon. In an even bolder move, David attacked Jon’s expert Gavin Murphy, a renowned restaurant owner and chef, for his lack of knowledge of his pub.

The fight got so intense David kicked everyone out of the pub, including the camera crew and staff. David got in Jon’s face, but that didn’t stop Jon from continuing his verbal assault.

Jon and The Headhunters Staff Vs. Steve – S3, Ep 2

Jon Taffer talking to a man in Bar Rescue

In one of the most disgusting bars on Bar Rescue, Jon Taffer meets one of the most arrogant and non-committed owners ever. The environment was already hostile as a band with a gory theme drove patrons from the bar and only became worse when bugs were found in the bottles.

This fight shouldn’t have been intense, given that the staff backed everything Jon said, but took a turn when Steve refused to accept responsibility for the filth in the bar, one of Taffer’s biggest pet peeves. This one was the most intense of the season three fights and led to the bar’s downfall even after Jon left.

Jon Vs. The Stepfather – S4, Ep 25

Stix & Stones Bar And Grill on Bar Rescue

In a strange turn of events season four offered up the first owner to say they’d rather lose all their money than take Jon’s help. However, this isn’t what set Jon off. Jon was confused but became enraged when the owner said he wouldn’t step in to help because he was “only” the co-owners stepfather.

As a father himself, Jon was disgusted by the owner and made it clear he didn’t want to help him, but he would for his daughter. Jon’s intensity in the argument that ensued came from his love for his daughter and sense of fatherly duty.

Jon and The Dugout Staff Vs. Ed – S5, Ep 16

Jon Taffer stares at Ed angerily

Jon and his experts created a fantastic concept with The Press Box (formerly The Dugout) for the self-proclaimed grump Ed. Unlike other episodes where the intense fights only last a few minutes, this whole episode was an argument as Ed refused to stop drinking or respect his staff. The battle continued to reopening, where Ed showed up intoxicated, and none of the team nor Jon entered the new bar. Ed’s refusal to change enraged Jon and created one of the most frustrating episodes in the series.