Baldur’s Gate 3: Deal With The Devil Walkthrough (Choices & Rewards)

Baldur’s Gate 3: Deal With The Devil Walkthrough (Choices & Rewards)


One of the quests you’ll encounter in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3 is “Deal with The Devil,” a mission that sees your party make a choice surrounding the offer of rewards given by Raphael, a native of the Nine Hells. The devil has an artifact in his possession that could be crucial to gaining a powerful ally. While coming to any agreement with an infernal being is risky by default, you may have to offer help to the definition of evil to save the realms.

Once you reach Act 3, you will find Raphael through his servant Korrile on the first floor of Sharess’ Caress, a pleasure house found within the city. Your party will be directed to the second floor for an audience with the devil that claims to have something you want. Speak to Raphael to learn that he has the Orphic Hammer, an artifact that can be used to free the Githyanki Prince Orpheus in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Every Choice in the Deal with the Devil Quest

Baldur’s Gate 3: Deal With The Devil Walkthrough (Choices & Rewards)

As you talk to Raphael, he explains that Orpheus could be a powerful friend in the fight against the Elder Brain, but only the Orphic Hammer can free the Prince from his shackles. The devil has the Hammer in their possession, but he wants something in return. An artifact called the Crown of Karsus could ascend Raphael to incredible heights, allowing him to rule over the Hells for all eternity in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Raphael proposes that your party agree to hand over the Crown after the Elder Brain’s defeat in exchange for the Orphic Hammer. You have three options here, either to take Raphael’s deal, refuse, or accept and break your contract later. The third option is the most dangerous, as you will have to travel to the House of Hope in Baldur’s Gate 3 in the depths of Hell to find and destroy your contract in Raphael’s domain.

Should You Accept Raphael’s Offer?

Baldur's Gate 3 Raphael Making an Offer Your Party can Accept in the

Since accepting this infernal deal puts you in a binding contract that potentially leads to a devil gaining tons of power, it’s best to refuse Raphael’s offer in Baldur’s Gate 3. You can easily travel to the House of Hope any way to steal the Hammer, even though this does put you up against Raphael in a challenging boss fight. Your party will agree with this outcome though, with any contract made leading to disapproval from your companions.

You could always lie to Raphael and destroy your contract later, but this requires some additional skill checks that could be hard to succeed. When making this choice for the “Deal with The Devil” quest in Baldur’s Gate 3, you may not gain a reward, but you do ensure that an evil entity does not gain unchecked power.

  • Baldur’s Gate 3
    Baldur’s Gate

    macOS, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5


    Larian Studios

    Larian Studios


    Larian Studios


    Baldur’s Gate 3 is a long-anticipated sequel to Baldur’s Gate 2, released in 2000 from BioWare and now being handled by Larian Studios. Set 120 years after the events of Shadows of Amn, Baldur’s Gate 3 puts players in the role of a customizable protagonist who has been captured and infected with a parasite that will turn them into a mind flayer. Before the process is complete, the ship they are on crashes, leaving them on a quest to cure themselves as they meet up with other survivors. Gameplay is turn-based and can be played co-operatively online or tackled alone in a single-player campaign with NPC allies. 

    How Long To Beat:
    50 – 100 hours

    Baldur’s Gate 2