Baldur’s Gate 3: CRPGs To Play While You Wait For The Final Release

Baldur’s Gate 3: CRPGs To Play While You Wait For The Final Release

While Baldur’s Gate 3 is currently available in Early Access – with all the good and bad that entails – those that want to wait for the full release may be looking for other ways to scratch that CRPG itch. There’s something about those top-down, slightly isometric games that can’t be found anywhere else. The mix of potent combat encounters, and memorable companions and conversations, is tough to find in any other genre. Baldur’s Gate 3 is shaping up to be an instant-classic, but players not looking to be part of the testing process (and paying full price for the privilege) need something to fill that CRPG-shaped hole in their gaming lives. Here are a few contenders that could fill that void.

An obvious starting place would be the previous entries in the Baldur’s Gate series. Both Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate 2 are available as ‘Enhanced Editions’ that bring them closer to a ‘modern’ game while still maintaining their old-school charm. There’s a reason these games are considered classic, and those looking for a lesson on the history of CRPG’s will be hard-pressed to find better examples of the ‘golden-era’ of the genre. For those who have little-to-no experience with this style of game, or aren’t familiar with Dungeons & Dragons rule-sets, they can be a tad daunting. THAC0 alone is enough to leave players scratching their heads. But, with some patience (and maybe a walk-thru or two) they can be very fulfilling. Players who want to get some background on the Baldur’s Gate setting before the new one hits should look no further.

Those who feel an affinity towards those classics, yet want something with modern comforts, should take a look at the Pillars of Eternity games. These love-letters to the classic RPG wear their inspiration on their sleeve, while also injecting some much-needed modernizations into the genre. Its rule-set feels like a fresh take on the tried-and-true formula. Obsidian created an entirely new world and setting for these games, but they definitely share certain flavors with classic D&D realms. There are swords to be swung, and magic missiles to be cast. Alongside some fantastic companions (featuring some familiar voices) the players’ adventures will take them all across the world of Eora – which also happens to be the setting for Obsidian’s upcoming open-world, first-person RPG.

CRPGs to Play While Baldur’s Gate 3 is Still in Early Access

Baldur’s Gate 3: CRPGs To Play While You Wait For The Final Release

For those who need to take a little break from the sword & sorcery, Wasteland 3 would be a great RPG choice. Set in a post-apocalyptic Colorado replete with giant scorpion robots, Reagan-worshipping cults, and killer-clowns, this game is about as far from half-elfs and orcs as one could get. The Wasteland series actually predates the Baldur’s Gate series; it’s the sci-fi sister to those fantasy classics. The combat in Wasteland 3 is turn-based, as opposed to the real-time of the previously mentioned games, and will be very easy to grasp for those that have played the more recent XCOM games. Wasteland 3 is available on Xbox Games Pass, giving it a fairly low barrier to entry. It’s definitely worth a try.

The full release of Baldur’s Gate 3 may still be years away, leaving plenty of time to explore these other RPGs. Whether players want to gun-down mutants in Wasteland 3 or chase a vengeful god around the seas of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, there are grand adventures to be had and talkative NPCs to meet. Each of these games offers hours of entertainment, hours that bring that highly-anticipated release just that much closer.