Bachelor: Tayshia Adams Accuses Colton Of Lying About Fantasy Suite

Bachelor: Tayshia Adams Accuses Colton Of Lying About Fantasy Suite

Bachelor franchise star Tayshia Adams accused Colton Underwood of lying about their fantasy suite experience in both his book, The First Time: Finding Myself and Looking for Love on Reality TV and his Netflix series, Coming Out Colton. In 2019, Colton starred in The Bachelor season 23. Nicknamed the “Virgin Bachelor,” Colton faced much speculation about what would happen during his Fantasy Suite dates. Tayshia was the only woman from Colton’s season who went to the Fantasy Suite because after her date, Cassie Randolph left, and Colton famously “jumped the fence” to chase after her. He broke up with Tayshia and also ended his relationship with Hannah Godwin before their overnight date to pursue Cassie. After Colton came out as gay in an interview on Good Morning America in April 2021, Tayshia expressed support for him, saying that she was happy that he could live his truth.

In both his book and Coming Out Colton, Colton discussed his Fantasy Suite date with Tayshia. On the show, Colton said that the Fantasy Suites were “intimidating and scary.” He said that people saw a “blossoming relationship” between him and Tayshia, but in reality he didn’t want to go into the Fantasy Suite and put Tayshia through it because he knew that he “was attracted to men.” He said he “felt so bad for Tayshia” because that night I slept in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and it was like 70 degrees in the thing, and I was like sweating, but I was like, ‘I just don’t want to give her the wrong impression.'” Colton had previously mentioned this in his book as well. He said that Tayshia did not pressure him to get physical and she was “so respectful and like so nice and nurturing and great. Totally, totally very classy and like awesome.”

On the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast co-hosted by Becca Kufrin, Tayshia accused Colton of lying about their experience in the Fantasy Suite. Tayshia said that she has not read Colton’s book or seen the show, but she heard about what he said and she was offended by how Colton described their time together. She thought it was “extremely rude. I mean, don’t make me seem like this pity case. Like you felt so bad for me.” Tayshia also said that Colton lied about wearing sweatpants to bed, explaining, “No, Colton Underwood did actually not sleep in sweats and a sweatshirt that night.” Tayshia continued, “This has been said multiple times. It’s been said in his book. It’s been said on television. It’s been said in his show, apparently. He actually slept in boxers that night because it was so hot in Portugal. I remember that the door was wide open and it was raining outside and it was just like we were trying to get air ventilation. It was so hot and sticky. So there’s actually no way he would’ve been in sweats and a sweatshirt.”

Bachelor: Tayshia Adams Accuses Colton Of Lying About Fantasy Suite

When Becca asked Tayshia why Colton would lie about that, Tayshia said, “I don’t know, and it honestly makes me so sad because it’s just like, at the end of the day, we did have really good conversations and I thought that we ended on a good page. I don’t think that there’s like any ill will or there’s nothing that happened for us to like not even be friends.” Tayshia went on to say that for Colton to “make up this elaborate story that you slept on the other side of the bed and you had to sleep with sweats and a sweatshirt on because you felt so bad and you didn’t want me to think that anything was gonna happen . . . like it’s just I don’t know what you’re trying to cover, and I don’t know why you’re dragging me down for something that’s not even true. Like it’s absolutely not true. And I have no reason to lie. Why the hell would I lie?” Becca replied by saying, “some people really care about that image, you know.” 

This is not the first time that Colton has been accused of lying on his show. Ben Higgins said that Colton lied about Chris Harrison being the only one to reach out to him after he came out as gay. Now Tayshia’s revelation puts Colton’s story and motives into question again. Hopefully, Colton will one day explain why his version of the events is so different from that of others. Until then, Bachelor Nation will have to wonder who is telling the whole truth.