Bachelor: Did Coronavirus Concerns Play A Factor in Peter & Madison’s Breakup?

Bachelor: Did Coronavirus Concerns Play A Factor in Peter & Madison’s Breakup?

Did coronavirus concerns play a role in Peter Weber and Madison Prewett’s breakup shortly after deciding to give each other another shot on Tuesday night’s finale of The Bachelor? It’s possible.

It’s also possible they never wanted to get back together in the first place. Peter knew how much Barb disapproved of her son dating Madison. He also had just broken Hannah Ann’s heart. But Chris Harrison was not content to see the show end with Peter single. He convinced Madison to return to California to talk to Peter, and the two agreed to meet again during The Bachelor finale. Peter must have had an idea that Barb was not thrilled with the idea of him dating Madison, especially after he ended things with Barb’s favorite woman on the planet, Hannah Ann. Despite objections from Mom and Dad, Peter and Madison agreed to take things day by day. There would only be one full day before they were done taking things day by day.

There were likely many reasons why Peter and Madison didn’t choose to continue dating. One was the aforementioned Barb. The other was the incompatibility, which Madison had already recognized in Australia when she broke up with him. But concerns over coronavirus also play a part? They live on two separate ends of the country. If they were to date, it would potentially have to be long distance, at least in the beginning. As COVID-19 rapidly spreads, domestic travel is becoming less desirable. Unless Pilot Pete had any scheduled routes to Alabama, chances are they wouldn’t want to suffer the health risks of flying back and forth to see each other.

Bachelor: Did Coronavirus Concerns Play A Factor in Peter & Madison’s Breakup?

That had to play a factor, even if it was minor considering the heaps of odds stacked against their relationship’s survival. Coronavirus is affecting everyone. Social distancing is being encouraged at the perfect time for Peter, who would best be served not going out with any women for the time being. He needs to work on himself, preferably without the guidance of his mother.

Peter and Madison were never going to work. Their relationship would have fractured somewhere down the line had they not been spooked by Barb, their differences in lifestyles and, perhaps, coronavirus. The upshot for Peter is that there’s no shame in locking himself in his room for the next month or so to reflect on what he did wrong and how he could be better. He won’t have FOMO from missing out on the club scene or line dancing because everyone else, to the best of their ability, is in isolation too.