Babylon 5 Reboot Gets Encouraging Update From Creator After Losing The CW

The Babylon 5 reboot receives an encouraging update from creator J. Michael Straczynski even though the show is no longer moving forward at The CW.

During a recent interview with Inverse, Straczynski shared an encouraging update on the Babylon 5 reboot:

It’s just been a matter of time and obstacles. We were going to go with the CW originally, then Warner got it back. Then, we were going to take it out to the market, but then the Discovery purchase happened and that put us on ice for a while. Then, okay, that got all cleared up. And then the strike hits. After that, right as they were literally prepared to send it out the door, the rumor about a merger between Warner and Paramount happened. So, finally, it went out to buyers about two weeks ago. We’re waiting on word from those who have been sent the pilot script. One has said no, but the rest are all still in process. There’s interest from the rest of them. So, we will see where it goes.

More to come…

Source: Inverse