Avengers Confirms 2 MCU Heroes Are Destined to Be Together

Avengers Confirms 2 MCU Heroes Are Destined to Be Together

Warning! Spoilers for Avengers: Twilight #1 ahead!A glimpse into the future of the Avengers, confirms that two founding members, Iron Man and the Wasp, finally get together years after separating as a couple. In the MCU, Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne never interact with each other since Janet (the original Wasp) spent most of her life in the Quantum Realm. However, in this new continuity, Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne’s love created a dangerous son.

Avengers: Twilight #1 by Chip Zdarsky, Daniel Acuna, and Alex Ross sees the legacy of Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne taking the form of their only son, James Stark. This alternate-future story is set in a world where heroes like the Avengers are remembered as failures and not as heroes according to the media.

Avengers Confirms 2 MCU Heroes Are Destined to Be Together

The young James Stark’s first appearance is as a selfish, snarky rich kid who has no regard for the safety of others and loves to push people’s buttons—a “Stark” contrast from his more heroic and honorable parents.

James Stark Tony Civil War


Iron Man’s Son Has an Even Worse Take on Marvel’s Civil War Than His Dad

Iron Man’s son, James Stark, has just made his debut, and he’s setting himself up as a major antagonist with a worse Civil War take than his dad’s.

Iron Man and the Wasp’s Loving Relationship Has Unintended Consequences

Iron Man Love Interests Wasp 3

Tony and Janet’s relationship as a couple began in 1982’s Avengers #224 by Jim Shooter, Alan Zelenetz, and Mark Bright after Janet’s marriage to Hank Pym came to a bitter end. They bonded over their shared dreams of heroism and creating new technology to save lives. Though they had wonderful chemistry and love for each other, Tony and Janet could never make it work in the main continuity. But now, a new timeline sees what could have happened if they had never broken up and had a child who has grown up to be a disloyal critic of superheroes.

James has clearly inherited his parents’ eye for technology, but he completely ignores the reasons why they used their tech. As the CEO of Stark Technology, James Stark is seemingly out to tarnish his parents’ legacy with an all-new Avengers team while a corrupt S.H.I.E.L.D. Task Force watches over New York City. Using the power of his last name and public image, James labels all former superheroes like Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner as terrorists. Despite this, James still has a deep connection with his father by keeping his Iron Man armor and consciousness alive in a secret lab in the Raft prison.

The Avengers Live On Through Their Children

James Stark visits Tony

While sharp-tongued and rude like his father, James Stark hides many secrets beneath his public persona. Despite all of the public criticism towards the Avengers, James still has a heart when it comes to his parents. His mother, the Wasp, helped bring nanotechnology to the masses with Hank Pym, and Iron Man was arguably the greatest inventor in the entire Marvel Universe. James has big plans for his parents’ technology. He could very well bring about the creation of a new AI like Ultron or give new life to a technological suit that could sway the masses even more. The legacy and fate of the Avengers will be decided by whether James Stark chooses to follow in the footsteps of his parents, Iron Man and the Wasp, or carve his own path.