Avengers Adds New Twist to the Fan Question of Whether Heroes Get Paid

Avengers Adds New Twist to the Fan Question of Whether Heroes Get Paid

Warning: Contains spoilers for Moon Knight #22!The Avengers have added a new twist to an age-old question: do superheroes get paid? Fans have debated this for years, and in Moon Knight #22, former Avenger Tigra adds an interesting wrinkle, revealing that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes do have a pension–but judging from Tigra’s living situation, it is barely enough to make ends meet! While the Avengers having a pension is a good thing, Tigra’s situation raises serious questions about its effectiveness–and the idea of superheroes getting paid in general.

The issue is written by Jed MacKay, drawn by Alessandro Cappuccio, colored by Rachelle Rosenberg and lettered by Cory Petit. The Midnight Man, a former enemy of Moon Knight, has returned. Tigra, Moon Knight’s handler and newest confidant, plans to trail the Midnight Man, but before she does, she returns to her home. She thinks about watching VHS tapes with her young son William to pass the time. Tigra reflects on the tapes, noting that they seem archaic in today’s world; she also mentions they are cheap–which is a good thing, as Tigra describes herself as “a single mom on a partial Avengers pension.”

Not All Heroes Are Born Rich

Avengers Adds New Twist to the Fan Question of Whether Heroes Get Paid

The way superheroes make their money is as varied as the characters themselves. Some heroes like Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne were born into money and have used it to fund their heroic endeavors; still others, such as Peter Parker, hold a day job that pays the bills–even if it is not much. Along these lines, there has been debate on whether superheroes should get paid or not. They put their lives on the lines in a fashion similar to first responders–who do get paid. So the question then becomes: how much should they get paid? What kinds of insurance and benefits would they have? These questions continue to be debated, and now Tigra has come along to add a new and unfortunate layer to it.

Superheroes Need to Be Paid…A Lot

The Avengers’ pension that Tigra is drawing from can keep a roof above her head and food on the table–and that seems to be as far as it goes. Tigra was an Avenger in good standing for many years, serving the team with distinction; she is also currently Moon Knight’s handler, keeping an eye on him to make sure he does not go over the line again. This position puts her into a great deal of danger, and yet even then the Avengers cannot pay her enough to live comfortably on. Granted, she is only drawing a partial pension, but even then, given the amount of danger Tigra has been put in over the years, it should still be enough to cover her living expenses and have enough to splurge on from time to time. The Avengers are at the forefront of defending the Earth–but not paying their members what they are worth.

At various times throughout the team’s history, the Avengers have paid their members, drawing from a fund provided by Tony Stark. In 2023 dollars, it amounted to $2,700 a week. Given that most of Marvel’s heroes reside in New York City–which has a high cost of living, this is not really enough to get by on. Furthermore, it is a joke amount in light of the danger the Avengers put themselves in on a regular basis. The pittance that the Avengers pay adds a new wrinkle to the issue of whether superheroes should be paid or not.

Moon Knight #22 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!