Avatar The Last Airbender: 10 Quotes That Show Aang’s Innocence

Avatar The Last Airbender: 10 Quotes That Show Aang’s Innocence

Aang is the Avatar, the master of all four elements and the only person who can stop the Firelord from taking over every kingdom. However, because he’s been frozen for over a hundred years and he’s only 12, he has a lot of learning to do before he can take on one of the most dangerous people in the world.

All that being said, there are several quotes that show just how innocent Aang is even though he has the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. He’s the Avatar, but Avatar: The Last Airbender shows that he’s a kid first and foremost.

Aang Tells Zuko About Before Ozai

“If We Knew Each Other Back Then, Do You Think We Could Have Been Friends Too?”

Avatar The Last Airbender: 10 Quotes That Show Aang’s Innocence

Aang says this to Zuko in a heartfelt moment that shows he always hopes to see the best in people. He tells Zuko about his best friend from the fire nation that he had a hundred years ago and how peacefully everyone coexisted back then. Aang has done many great things in the show, and this quote exemplifies one of them, which is his willingness to understand others.

Even though Zuko and Aang are at odds for most of the series, it’s clear that they are both people that want to do good even though Zuko is misguided by his father. Aang, in this moment, shows his innocent desire for everyone to just be as understanding and friendly as they used to be.

Aang Chooses Katara

“Why Would I Choose Pure Cosmic Energy Over Katara?”

Avatar Aang and Katara kiss in Avatar The Last Airbender

Aang is responsible for defending the entire world and anyone else in his position would most likely be doing anything in their power to get stronger. Aang, on the other hand, doesn’t care about that if he doesn’t have Katara, his friend and crush, with him.

Though they don’t end up in a relationship until the end of the series, it’s always pretty clear that Aang has a naïve crush on Katara. This quote shows that he cares more about being a normal kid with a crush rather than an all-powerful being that is a master of all the most powerful bending types.

Aang Questions His Destiny

“This Whole Avatar Thing…Maybe The Monks Made A Mistake.”

Aang walking between two guards aboard Zuko's ship in ATLA

Just like a normal kid, Aang doubts himself in this quote from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He has faults and worries about not being good enough. Even though he’s demonstrated his wealth of power multiple times, he still has the humility of a kid.

All this being said, his innocently placed doubt makes him appear to be just a lost kid waiting for someone to lead him down the right path. He wants so desperately to do good, but his fear of not being enough is human. His innocent understanding of how he fits into the world shows that he doesn’t quite know everything yet.

Aang’s Outdated Slang

“Or, As They Say In The Fire Nation… “Stay Flaming!””

Aang in the FireNation in Avatar The Last Airbender

Aang says this to his friend when they first arrive and disguise themselves as members of the Fire Nation. What makes this quote even more hilarious is the fact that all of Aang’s slang is at least 100 years old, which makes for some stares from strangers.

His obliviousness at this moment makes it clear how truly naïve he is, but no one dares to tell him to stop. He tries his best to enjoy being a kid in the Fire Nation and this scene shows that his friends care about preserving his child-like innocence as well.

The Monks’ Saying

“The Monks Used To Say Revenge Is Like A Two-Head Rat Viper. While You Watch Your Enemy Go Down, You’re Being Poisoned Yourself.”

The Air Nomad Monk hands out apples to the air bender children in a flashback in Avatar the last airbender

Aang quotes this message from the monk at the Air Temple to tell his friends that revenge is never the answer. Sokka then immediately retorts that Aang doesn’t have enough experience to know when revenge is necessary.

Of course, exacting revenge is not always the most peaceful solution to a situation, Aang should be able to at least know that it can be an option in the future when he is in the gravest circumstances. His innocence, in this moment, shows Aangs youth.

Aang Stays Hopefully For Goodness

“Everyone, Even The Firelord And The Fire Nation, Have To Be Treated Like Their Worth Giving A Chance.”

Avatar Aang and Lion Turtle

Aang says this to almost convince himself that he needs to give others a shot to prove themselves. He knows that everyone has at least a little bit of good in him and he will not give up until he is able to find it. His hesitation to view anyone in a bad light is part of what makes him so beloved by fans.

However, people like Firelord Ozai and Azula are both too corrupted to be saved. Aang’s innocent hope that they have any goodness left is sweet, but it doesn’t show that he’s ready to take on the more evil enemies that will never stop fighting.

Aang Find Gravity Hilarious

“I Laugh At Gravity All The Time. Hahaha. Gravity.”

Aang rides a ball of air in Avatar The Last Airbender

This goofy line comes from a silly moment that Aang has with his friends. In this moment, he isn’t thinking about what he has to do and train for, but rather, he’s enjoying his favorite element while laughing at the idea of gravity.

It definitely makes audiences realize how young Aang is compared to even Sokka and Katara. The simpliest things can make him laugh because he just wants to be happy and enjoy his childhood while he can.

Aang’s Friendly Nature

“This Isn’t About Finding My Teacher. This Is About Finding My Friend.”

Aang and Zuko practice bending in Avatar the Last Airbender

Aang wants everyone to be his friend, which means that anyone who is important to him, he considered being in a friendship with. Even his teachers, who are often difficult, yet strong benders to work with like Zuko and Toph, are his friends first and foremost.

Aang is good-natured and loves making people feel like they belong because he often struggles with that. He innocently approaches every relationship in his life as a friendship and a partnership, which is why he is so endearing to many even though he is extremely powerful.

Aang Compliments Zuko

“You Know, Zuko, I Don’t Care What Anyone Else Says About You. You’re Pretty Smart.”

Aang nudges Zuko in Avatar the Last Airbender

Aang says this to honor-driven Zuko,  and it shows his playful nature quite well. While Aang usually doesn’t give anyone backhanded compliments like this, he does this to liven Zuko up and make him feel more comfortable joking around with everyone.

This line, while sweet and funny, shows Aang’s innocence because he demonstrates once again that he likes to be on friendly territory with everyone, which includes Zuko, the teenager that hunted him for years.

Aang Begs For A Sledding Partner

“Closer…Closer…Closer…Will You Go Penguin Sledding With Me?”

Aang Penguin Sleds in Avatar The Last Airbender

This is one of Aang’s silliest lines, but it shows his youth and contentment in a really fun way. He loves to play around and be a kid whenever he has the opportunity because he’s had to take upon himself so much responsibility at a young age.

Even though he goes through a transformation throughout the show, it’s clear that his fun-loving and innocent spirit stays with him. This cute question really emphasizes the child-like excitement that makes Aang so likable throughout Avatar: The Last Airbender.