Avatar The Last Airbender: 10 Quotes That Proved Iroh Was The Best Uncle Ever

Avatar The Last Airbender: 10 Quotes That Proved Iroh Was The Best Uncle Ever

Uncle Iroh has many admirable qualities about him as a character. He finds it in his heart to be as kind as he can to basically everyone he meets. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, he has the arduous task of not only being Zuko’s uncle, but also his right-hand man.

Utilizing a lot of patience, and his positive attitude, Iroh often beats Zuko’s negativity by showering him with kind words, and endless words of wisdom. It’s his conversations with his nephew that we see just how great of an uncle Iroh truly is.

Iroh Twists Zuko’s Words Into Something More Positive

“I’m Lucky To Have Such An Understanding Nephew!”

Avatar The Last Airbender: 10 Quotes That Proved Iroh Was The Best Uncle Ever

Early on in the show, Zuko is rather mean to his uncle almost always. His hot-headedness often clashes with Iroh’s calm, happy-go-lucky demeanor. Regardless of this cruel demeanor from his nephew, Iroh always aims to see the best in Zuko.

He sometimes takes Zuko’s words, which can be extremely sarcastic, and twists them into a positive manner, often infuriating Zuko even more. By turning his negativity into a sort of game, it proves that Iroh has the patience necessary to help guide Zuko into becoming a better person.

He Wants To Protect Zuko From The Fire Nation

“Please, Prince Zuko! If The Fire Nation Captures You, There Is Nothing I Can Do!”

Iroh holding a torch in a dark space in ATLA

It is evident that Iroh cares a lot about his nephew when he says this. He knows how much trouble Zuko can get in if he crosses into Fire Nation waters, and although he advises against it, Zuko doesn’t listen and goes through the blockade anyway.

The level of nervousness in Iroh’s voice when he says this is palpable. He has been able to help Zuko get out of a few things before this, but seeing this as a situation where he would have no control, despite how powerful of a bender he is, clearly scared him. It was evident that he didn’t want anything bad to happen to Zuko.

He’ll Always Support Zuko, Even Against His Own Nation

“No Nephew Of Mine Is Going To Stowaway On A Ship Without Some Backup.”

Iroh drinking tea in Avatar: The Last Airbender

Even when Zuko was trying to be sneaky with his plans to capture the Avatar, Iroh figured it out and found a way to help him. Finding ways to help him, or sometimes even cover for him, usually entailed him having to go against other fire-bending officials which put him in danger, but Iroh always did it with little to no hesitation.

Going out of his way constantly, even when Zuko didn’t ask for it (because he usually didn’t) is just another way that Iroh shows how much he cares for Zuko and his strength of character.

He’s Always Understanding

“Try To Understand. My Nephew Is A Complicated Young Man. He Has Been Through Much.”

Zuko looking angry in ATLA

There are so many times throughout the show that Iroh stands up for Zuko. Whether he is being mean to someone, being ridiculous, or flat-out ignorant, Iroh always seems to have his back. Giving the guards of his ship some insight into why he is so passionate about finding the Avatar helped them gain some sympathy for him.

He doesn’t always agree with what Zuko does, but he tries to help people understand why he is the way he is. He does this out of the kindness of his heart because he truly loves and cares about Zuko.

He Offers Great Pearls Of Wisdom

“In The Darkest Times, Hope Is Something You Give Yourself. That Is The Meaning Of Inner Strength.”

Iroh holds a white lotus Pai Sho tile

Throughout the show, Iroh has a very subtle way of teaching Zuko at times. Many of his lessons are smaller and intimate and are often just words of wisdom. Often he lets Zuko learn the lesson on his own by allowing him to make mistakes.

In fact, there are many times when the two are separated and Zuko has to learn on his own, even though he may miss Iroh. Pushing Zuko to see the good in himself, even in dark times is one of his many ways to help guide him to become the best version of himself since Iroh believes in him so much.

He Understands Everyone Needs Support Sometimes

“There Is Nothing Wrong With Letting People Who Love You Help You.”

Toph sits in the foreground eating while Uncle Iroh sits in the background in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Not only is Iroh the best uncle ever, but he may also be one of the kindest, most parental-like figures of the whole show. In fact, Iroh seems to be one of the most likable characters in the whole show. When he crosses paths with Toph, he helps her with the problems she is dealing with by sharing his wisdom with her.

In doing so, he passively says something that Zuko also needs to hear. Being away from his nephew, and knowing he is struggling, but still trying to find ways to help him just yet again proves him to be a top-tier uncle even when Zuko isn’t around.

He Is Always Proud Of Zuko

“You Restored Your Own Honor, And Only You Can Restore The Honor Of The Fire Nation.”

Zuko during his coronation in ATLA

With this quote, Iroh shows Zuko that he believes he has grown enough to be his replacement. While Zuko may seem like he doesn’t believe it at first, Iroh believes in him, and it’s evident at this point that that is really all Zuko needs.

Iroh sticking by his side even when he was quite a handful was ultimately what helped Zuko become the character he ended up being. So, receiving his uncle’s words instilled the belief and confidence he needed to be able to fully believe in himself.

He Isn’t Afraid To Defend What’s Right

“Even In Exile, My Nephew Is More Honorable Than You.”

Admiral Zhao looks sternly at something in The Legend of Korra.

After Zuko had won the Agni Kai against Commander Zhao, Zhao tried to strike him down as he was walking away. Iroh stepped in and stopped that really fast, condemning him for his behavior with what may be one of the best, if not the boldest, Iroh quotes.

Calling out a commander, and comparing him to someone in exile was a bold move, but it was just another very clear act of how much Iroh supports his nephew and would be in his corner no matter what.

When He Admits He Sees Zuko As A Son

“I’m Sorry, I Just Nag You Because…Well, Ever Since I Lost My Son…I Think Of You As My Own.”

Zuko and Iroh wearing aprons in ATLA

This may be one of the first times fans really see not only how much Zuko means to Iroh, but why. Learning that Iroh lost his son was heart-breaking. Hearing that he thought of Zuko as his own son was one of the moments Iroh proved himself to be more than the best uncle.

His caring words after this quote were simple enough too, like a cherry on top sort of deal. Just little tidbits making sure that Zuko takes care of himself on his solo endeavor.

He Wants Zuko To Be Safe, Always

“I Was Never Angry With You. I Was Sad Because I Was Afraid You’d Lost Your Way.”

Iroh forgives Zuko and they hug in Last Airbender

In the finale of Avatar the Last Airbender, Iroh and Zuko have a touching reunion where Zuko apologizes for being a terrible person both in general, as well as to his uncle specifically. Iroh, who rightfully could have been angry since Zuko had been so mean to him, pulled Zuko in a tight embrace and forgave him instantly.

This may be the most emotional scene between the two. It shows Iroh’s pure heart, and just how much he truly cared for Zuko the entire time.