Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Badass Moments From The Women Of The Series

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Badass Moments From The Women Of The Series

Even in the past 15 years since Avatar: The Last Airbender was first released, representation in television has progressed a long way. This series was one of the few children’s shows on American television at the time that had a very diverse cast of characters including many different female characters with unique personalities and motivations.

The complex women of The Last Airbender are one reason why fans of all ages enjoyed the show then and are enjoying it now that it’s on Netflix. To celebrate the women of the series, we’ve collected a list of their 10 most badass moments.

The time Mai betray Azula to protect Zuko

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Badass Moments From The Women Of The Series

While Mai might be somewhat of a villain through most of the series as she goes along with Azula and acts as one of her cronies, she turns out to be more complex than that.

She’s extremely skilled in battle, and she’s also someone who is loyal to those she cares about. When she betrays Azula in order to save Zuko, it’s a great moment that speaks to the power of connection over anger and fear.

When Suki was a way better fighter than Sokka

Sokka in the first season of the series has a lot to learn.

He’s quite sexist and thinks that women have certain roles and men have certain roles. So, when he meets Suki and the rest of the Kyohsi warriors, it’s pretty badass when he gets put in his place. He learns that women are just as strong and capable as men, and Suki teaches him an important lesson by easily defeating him in a fight.

Azula infiltrating Ba Sing Se

Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee in disguise in Avatar The Last Airbender

Azula is definitely a villain, but she’s also one of the most compelling characters from the show. She has quite the de-evolution from a cruel, capable leader to her mental breakdown.

However, when she’s at the peak of her power and cunning, she executes a plan to infiltrate Ba Sing Se that goes off rather perfectly. Whether you love her or hate her, it’s definitely impressive.

When Katara challenges Master Pakku to a fight

Katara Vs. Pakku

Probably one of the most iconic feminist moments from The Last Airbender is when Katara stands up to Master Pakku and his sexist ways. When he won’t train her just because she’s a girl, she challenges him to a fight.

While she might not be able to defeat him given her lack of experience compared to his, she shows just how skilled and powerful she already is. It’s a great and inspiring moment that reminded everyone that girls deserve everything that boys do.

Toph easily defeating The Boulder

Biulder points a finger in Avatar

The great thing about the girls and women on The Last Airbender is that they all have distinct personalities, goals, abilities, and appearances. Toph is a disabled person and a great example of how to include a positive representation of disabled people.

She’s one of the best and fiercest earthbender from the series, and fans first learn just how cool and strong she is when she easily defeats The Boulder.

Katara taking on the Painted Lady persona

Katara as the painted lady in Avatar looking somewhat scared

Katara is the main female character of the show, and she has quite a few badass moments throughout the three seasons. Her skills as a waterbender are incredible, but she’s also extremely compassionate and willing to stand up for what she believes is right.

When she takes up the Painted Lady persona to help the Fire Nation village that is being destroyed by the filthy river, she’s a badass because she does whatever it takes to help people.

When Kyoshi reminded Aang of the importance of justice

A statue of Kyoshi looking solemn in Avatar The Last Airbender.

One fan-favorite female character that isn’t on the show too often is Avatar Kyoshi. While fans can learn more about her in the comics and books, she’s still pretty hardcore even in her brief appearance on the television series.

Kyoshi was a strong, unyielding Avatar who recognized that sometimes justice needed to be served. She taught Aang the importance of doing what needs to be done in order to save innocent lives.

Toph’s amazing ability to “see” using the earth

Toph with her arms raised in ATLA

Without Toph’s skills, Team Avatar wouldn’t have gotten very far. She was an extremely important addition to the group who had unique abilities that no one else in the world could match.

The fact that she was able to use earthbending to feel into the earth allowed her to sense things underground and even tell when people were lying.

When Toph invents metal bending

While Toph does a lot of really cool and powerful things, one of the most memorable and kick-ass moments is when she learns how to metal bend and becomes the inventor of this bending form.

She learns how to do this while she is captured in a metal box by bounty hunters sent out by her parents. The fact that she’s able to invent a new form of bending at such a young age is as cool as it gets.

When Katara showed she was one of the most powerful waterbenders ever

Katara using blood bending in The Last Airbender

Just like how Toph is one of the most powerful earthbenders ever, Katara is one of the most powerful waterbenders. This is showcased during “The Puppetmaster” episode.

While Hama said it took her years to learn how to blood bend, Katara is able to do it, even though she only does as a last resort to save Aang and Sokka, immediately with the help of the full moon.