Arthur Questions His Closest Friend’s Honesty In The Winter King Episode 5 Clip [EXCLUSIVE]

Arthur Questions His Closest Friend’s Honesty In The Winter King Episode 5 Clip [EXCLUSIVE]

Warning: SPOILERS lie ahead for The Winter King Episode 5!

Arthur’s desire for unity is weighing a close friendship in an exclusive The Winter King clip. Based on Bernard Cornwell’s Warlord Chronicles trilogy of novels, the MGM+ show acts as a retelling of the iconic Arthurian legend, chronicling his efforts to unite the warring tribes of Britain in order to put a stop to the invading Saxons. With an ensemble cast led by Iain De Caestecker, The Winter King has garnered largely positive reviews from critics thus far, with many hailing it as one of the best King Arthur adaptations to date.

In honor of the show’s latest episode, Screen Rant is proud to present an exclusive The Winter King episode 5 clip. The video, as seen at the top of this article, finds Arthur in a heated argument with Owain about the allegations that he murdered the miners he and Derfel attempted to rob. Owain attempts to appeal to Arthur by reminding him of their long friendship and how he stood up for the latter to his father Uther after his banishment.

What Owain’s Death Means For The Winter King

Arthur Questions His Closest Friend’s Honesty In The Winter King Episode 5 Clip [EXCLUSIVE]

The argument featured above wouldn’t be the end for this tense chapter in Arthur and Owain’s friendship as the former would come to embrace the truth that the latter did have a hand in killing the miners. Prince Tristan returns to confront Owain in a battle of swords as recompense for the murders, only for Arthur to take his place in the fight, knowing the Kernow royal wouldn’t stand a chance against his friend. After a bloody battle in which Arthur sustains multiple injuries, he ultimately succeeds in delivering the killing blow to Owain, holding him in his arms as he dies.

Owain’s death holds a lot of weight for The Winter King going into the second half of season 1. With his friend now dead, Arthur is technically the king of Dumnonia after establishing Owain as the region’s interim leader in the wake of an attempt on Morgan and Mordred’s life. Arthur is now also Mordred’s primary protector, putting him in charge of his nephew until he comes of age to take his birthright spot on the throne.

One of the biggest fallouts to come from Owain’s death and Arthur’s new position is how the latter deals with Merlin heading into the rest of The Winter King season 1. The powerful Druid has frequently expressed concerns of his visions regarding Mordred’s future as a bloodthirsty tyrant, believing he will make a pact with the Saxons when he takes the throne and cause Britain’s downfall. Given the close friendship the two formed after his banishment, it does seem likely Arthur would heed Merlin’s warning to an extent, especially given his goal to unite Britain against the Saxons. However, with him also having sworn to protect Mordred until his dying breath, Arthur will have to make an impossible choice at some point.

New episodes of The Winter King air Sundays on MGM+.