Arrowverse Is Making Batwoman Look Like A Villain

Arrowverse Is Making Batwoman Look Like A Villain

The latest twist on Batwoman proved to be an emotional one – but it also pushed the titular Arrowverse vigilante closer to being the villain of her own story. The latest addition to the Arrowverse, Batwoman follows the journey of Kate Kane (Ruby Rose). After an old flame was abducted, Kate returned from traveling the world to aid in her rescue. Despite being successful in that endeavor, the revelation that her long-lost twin sister was still alive, and had assumed the villainous persona of Alice, prompted her to stick around. Upon also learning of Bruce Wayne’s secret identity, Kate ultimately assumed the Bat-mantle to protect the city in her cousin’s stead.

Batwoman has since become a staple of The CW’s collective DC Comics-inspired universe, playing a central role in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. She has also come up against notable Bat-Family villains like Duela Dent (aka The Joker’s Daughter). Throughout it all, Batwoman season 1 has repeatedly returned to the conflict between Kate Kane and Alice. That dynamic has resulted in some dark turns recently – including Kate vengefully murdering the deranged August Cartwright in cold blood. What Kate did to Alice in Batwoman season 1, episode 16, “Through the Looking-Glass”, however, is arguably even worse.

After helping Kate dispose of Cartwright’s body, Alice was eager to track down her surrogate brother Mouse. After Alice vowed to end her reign of terror and leave Gotham for good, Kate agreed to help. Once it was revealed that Mouse had been recommitted to Arkham Asylum, the wayward twin sisters hatched a plot to infiltrate the facility. All went according to plan, right down to Alice honoring her promise not to kill anybody. Once the pair made it to Mouse’s cell, however, Kate twisted the words on her promise. As Alice rushed to unfasten Mouse’s restraints, Kate sealed the door behind her. With it revealed to have been a ruse the entire time, hatched with their father Jacob Kane, Alice pounded on the glass and begged Kate to reconsider. Alice’s pleas fell on deaf ears, however, as Kate silently departed.

Arrowverse Is Making Batwoman Look Like A Villain

On the surface, it could seem as though Kate did the just thing. After all, Alice has done a lot of damage during her villainous tenure. Unfortunately, Batwoman has also been dedicated to fleshing out the years Alice spent in captivity. During that time, it was revealed that Alice endured unspeakable abuse. Alice has also demonstrated a capacity for change – often protecting Kate and even saving the life of their half-sister, Mary. As a result, especially when coupled with Rachel Skarsten’s highly emotive performance, Alice has emerged as a sympathetic and possibly even redemptive figure.

August Cartwright himself conveyed that her plots were largely designed to avoid innocent casualties and instead target those who directly ruined her life. Such a fact is something Kate should be able to relate to after killing Cartwright for the same reasons. However, the latest Batwoman season 1 episode had Kate largely unable to see outside of herself. Worried that she was turning into Alice, Kate actively blocked out seeing that aforementioned goodness or potential for growth in her twin sister. It came across as an “out of sight, out of mind” type solution – which is not a good look for a character who preaches hope.

Kate’s decision was made worse by the fact that trapping Alice played into the latter’s deepest fears. Having once had the chance to save Alice from her childhood captivity, her family inadvertently overlooked her. Such is why Alice tearfully pleaded not to be left behind again – with her and Kate placing their hands on the door serving as a harrowing callback. Equally, it was established in the same episode that the doctors of Arkham were predictably corrupt and conducting torturous experiments on patients. While Alice could no doubt benefit from therapy for her broken psyche, it was made clear that Arkham was not a place for that. Kate ignoring that fact and leaving Alice under such care just served to leave Batwoman‘s titular vigilante looking extremely negligent and even cruel. As such, Alice’s revenge will now look justified.