‘Arrow’ Season 3: First Look at New Count Vertigo

‘Arrow’ Season 3: First Look at New Count Vertigo

With the third season premiere of Arrow still more than two months away, the show’s panel at San Diego Comic-Con last night debuted the first trailer for the upcoming season as well as more details about the crossovers planned with Arrow’s spinoff, The Flash. The CW’s original superhero series has generated a lot of buzz for season 3 by casting plenty of new characters who are well known from the DC comics: Katana, The Atom, and a new version of Count Vertigo.

Now that the trailer has debuted, we have our first look at some of these new characters. While Katana (both as Tatsu Yamashiro and her superhero self) and The Atom were absent from the video, Palmer and Count Vertigo (Peter Stormare) did make an appearance.

In the trailer, a brief clip of Count Vertigo is shown, getting a quip in at the Arrow’s expense: “Some things never die, you for example.” When the new version of Count Vertigo was announced, the casting description listed him as a spin on Werner Zytle (the most recent incarnation) from DC’s New 52 relaunch.

‘Arrow’ Season 3: First Look at New Count Vertigo

Whether Stormare’s character will share a name with Zytle remains to be seen, but he will certainly share some back story; Zytle is from a fallen aristocratic family in an Eastern European country and regained power through organized crime. We previously wondered if this new version of Count Vertigo on Arrow would finally have his comic book character’s Vertigo effect powers (altering balance and inducing dizziness in his opponents).

Though many fans of Arrow and the DC comics are certainly hoping for a full-fledged Count Vertigo, it seems unlikely due to the nature of The CW’s superhero series so far. As Greg Berlanti, producer on both shows, said, Arrow is set in a world of crime while The Flash in a world of science fiction. Aside from the physical and mind altering substances featured on Arrow, the show rarely — if ever — deals with superhuman powers.

Arrow Season 3 First Look Count Vertigo Werner Zytle

So how will this new Count Vertigo be characterized on Arrow? While the first incarnation was an ostentatious drug dealer, it seems Stormare is playing up the organized crime background established by Zytle (especially in terms of accent and wardrobe). Whether Stormare’s character will receive any modifications not shown in the trailer that will give him his trademark abilities, remains to be seen. In terms of introducing those powers to the world of Arrow, that seems the most likely route.

Arrow season 3 premieres on Wednesday, October 8th @ 8/7c on The CW.