Armor Fanart Gives X-Men’s Most Underrated Hero a Jaw-Dropping Redesign

Armor Fanart Gives X-Men’s Most Underrated Hero a Jaw-Dropping Redesign

A remarkable work of fanart has thrust Armor, one of the X-Men’s most underrated heroes, into the spotlight with a sensational redesign that’s set to ignite fandoms. This captivating artwork reaffirms her enduring presence in the hearts of loyal fans, while a recent Marvel announcement signals her imminent return to comics, ensuring she won’t be forgotten by the comic book publishing powerhouse.

Joel Furtado, a talented artist, recently took the internet by storm when he unveiled his stunning fanart of Armor on Instagram. In this captivating piece, Furtado brings the beloved X-Man to life in a whole new way. The artwork showcases Armor in the process of generating her iconic psionic body armor, but with a creative twist that sets it apart from the familiar bulky, almost robot-like form her armor usually takes.

Instead, we find Hisako wearing a yoroi, a traditional suit of armor worn by the samurai class during feudal Japan. This choice of attire adds a unique and visually captivating dimension to the character.

Armor Gets A Redesign that Pays Tribute to Her Heritage

Armor Fanart Gives X-Men’s Most Underrated Hero a Jaw-Dropping Redesign

Hisako Ichiki is a Japanese mutant who is known for her incredible ability to manifest psionic body armor. Her unique power endows her with superhuman strength and durability, but what truly makes her abilities mesmerizing is their tangible and visible form. Hisako has the remarkable gift of shaping her psionic armor to a certain extent, and Furtado has taken this concept to new heights by bestowing Hisako’s armor with a magnificent redesign. This reimagined look enhances the visual allure of her powers and also serves as a touching tribute to the character’s cultural roots, making it a sight to behold for fans and newcomers alike.

The yoroi, typically constructed from small pieces of lacquered metal held together with silk laces and cords, was designed for flexibility and ease of movement in the heat of battle. Furtado’s reimagining, though not constructed from the same materials, perfectly captures the essence of this mobility and fluidity. It’s a design that not only captivates the eye but also pays a beautiful tribute to Hisako’s Japanese heritage. Furtado’s artistic interpretation, if ever incorporated into the comics, would undoubtedly be a welcomed addition, offering fans a fresh perspective on Armor and her cultural background.

Armor’s Role to Grow Significantly in the X-Men Universe

Ultimate X-Men Armor

Ever since Joss Whedon concluded his iconic run on Astonishing X-Men, Armor has regrettably faded into the background in most of Marvel’s recent storylines. However, it appears that her time to shine is on the horizon. This thrilling revelation occurred during this year’s New York Comic Con at Marvel’sNext Big Thing” panel, where it was revealed that esteemed writer and artist Peach Momoko will be heading the new Ultimate X-Men series. As part of this announcement, fans were treated to a stunning cover for Ultimate X-Men #1, featuring Hisako Ichiko. This sneak peek strongly suggests that Armor is poised to assume a significant role in this upcoming X-Men series.

Ultimate X-Men #1 from Marvel Comics debuts on March 6, 2024.