Aquaman’s Family Adds A Brand New, ‘Evil’ Member

Aquaman’s Family Adds A Brand New, ‘Evil’ Member

Warning: spoilers ahead for Aquaman: The Becoming #3!

In DC Comics’ new Aquaman series, a new ‘evil’ member has been added to Jackson Hyde’s already crazy family. Having been framed for a bombing in Atlantis, the future Aquaman is struggling to make sense of what he should do next as he evades arrest and tries to figure out who the real culprit might be. However, the true bomber ends up coming to Jackson and reveals themselves to be family, despite potentially posing as great a threat as Jackson’s villainous father Black Manta.

In Aquaman: The Becoming #3 from writer Brandon Thomas and artist Scott Koblish, Jackson is on the run. Using a protocol used by the Justice League known as “Trapdoor”, the Aquaman-in-training has been able to stay one step ahead of Atlantean security agents. While a painful process, Jackon teleports all over the United States between various Justice League and Teen Titan bases (as well as the Flash Museum.) However, by the time he gets to the remains of Titans Tower West, he’s attacked by the true Atlantis bomber.

As the pair fight, it’s revealed that this unknown and helmeted assailant has a rather personal vendetta against Jackson. Furthermore, when Jackson’s mother Lucia arrives to try and stop their brawl, the new villain demands that she admit the truth to the next Aquaman. It seems as though Jackson’s mother has several secrets from her past that she’s never confessed to her son with the largest one being that Jackson has a sister named Delilah, coming as a complete and total surprise that he has not one, but two family members who’ve embraced evil.

Aquaman’s Family Adds A Brand New, ‘Evil’ Member

While the issue doesn’t reveal who Delilah’s father is, it’s likely that it’s not Black Manta, making her Jackson’s half-sister. As they fight, Delilah tries to make Jackson angry, challenging him to let his Black Manta side out while also hinting that their mother has done just as terrible things in her past. Furthermore, it seems as though Delilah’s anger stems from the feeling that Jackson has had everything handed to him, the implication being that she has not been extended the same in her own life.

In any case, it looks like Jackson has a lot to learn about his family history in the coming issues of Aquaman: The Becoming. While his new sibling rivalry has just begun, his mother’s omission and secrets can’t be good for their relationship either. As a result, it seems as though the future Aquaman is going to have to face some heavy hidden truths and major family drama before he can move forward in his superhero career.