Aquaman: Will Aqualad Be Killed By His Father, Black Manta?

Aquaman: Will Aqualad Be Killed By His Father, Black Manta?

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Aquaman #63

In the last few issues of Aquaman, the chaos that ensued in the wake of the Atlantean royal wedding of Queen Mera has been put on hold. Instead, the series has been focusing on Jackson Hyde, the Aqualad. Recently, Jackson has gone on a side quest for Aquaman and then to the kingdom of Xebel. However, in order to succeed, he had to strike a deal with his supervillain father Black Manta, who may end up killing his son if the end of the issue is any indication.

At the request of Aquaman, Aqualad was on a mission to save Princess Andy, the new daughter of Arthur and Mera who has gone missing (due to the machinations of Orm, the Ocean Master, Aquaman’s brother, and seeker of the Atlantean throne). After finding and saving her, Jackson decided that he wanted to visit the kingdom of Xebel with the robot head containing the advanced A.I. of his grandfather, which had been given to him by Black Manta. Manta gave him the robot head to find Andy, provided that he take a piece of tech to Xebel for him so that Manta could one day infiltrate it (unbeknownst to Jackson’s grandfather.) However, while Jackson was there, the armies of the monstrous Trench appeared, motivating Jackson to take up arms with the forces of Xebel to repel them back.

After Jackson and his grandpa helped save the day in Aquaman #63 from writer Jordan Clark with art by Marco Santucci, Aqualad has a choice to make: does he honor the deal with his father, or does he refuse and risk Manta going after Jackson’s mother like he threatened he would? In the end, Jackson makes his choice, deciding to be a hero, regardless of personal risk.

Aquaman: Will Aqualad Be Killed By His Father, Black Manta?

While Aqualad did do the right thing, it looks as though Black Manta isn’t going to take Jackson breaking their deal lightly. His final words to his son as he leaves seem pretty clear and lethal, indicating that Black Manta may go and kill his son, if not Jackson’s mother as well. However, Jackson drew a pretty strong line in the sand, warning Black Manta to stay away. If Black Manta does go on the offensive and try to kill one or both of them, Aqualad isn’t going to have any qualms about fighting his father.

It’s a really cool moment for Jackson, as he’s determined to make the name his father gave him mean something on his own terms. It looks as though his grandfather has sided with Jackson as well, as opposed to his own son Black Manta. One could imagine that this would sting for Manta, even if he wouldn’t outwardly show it. His father was killed by Aquaman, his son has been taken in by Aquaman, and despite getting his grandfather back as an A.I, he’s still alone due to his inability to look beyond himself and his own selfish desires. It wouldn’t be unexpected to see Manta viciously lash out at those he could have loved and who probably would’ve loved him back had he made different choices. Fans will have to wait and see what Black Manta does next as Aquaman continues.