Apple Watch New Google Maps App: Everything You Need to Know

Apple Watch New Google Maps App: Everything You Need to Know

A version of Google Maps is coming to the Apple Watch in another surprising reminder that massive, competitive brands sometimes learn to get along. The Apple Watch version of the popular maps service may come with a few restrictions, but it will still provide major convenience for users who happen to prefer Google’s cartography efforts over Apple’s. From what has been revealed, the integration is smart enough to feel like more than a slapdash way of getting Google into more iOS devices, too.

One of the strangest parts of the Android/Google vs. Apple debate comes in the form of proprietary apps. There are valid points on both sides. Many Android fans laugh at Apple die-hards for getting “common” apps and features later since they’re forced to wait on Apple’s version of an Android idea. On the other side, Apple users don’t typically mind the wait when they feel like their version of an old feature is better or better-integrated than Android’s. However, amusingly, Apple has several apps on the Google Play Store (Apple Music, for example) and Google has apps in the Apple App Store (such as Google Maps).

That cross-pollination of services brings us to a recent post on the Google blog. In the coming weeks, Google Maps will be added to the Apple Watch App Store and an update to Apple CarPlay Dashboard will integrate Google Maps support as well. Both platforms already support Apple Maps natively, but there are a handful of scenarios where a person might want to use Google Maps instead, so this is a win for everyone. And, of course, these versions of Google Maps will connect to the user’s Google account, so for people who prefer one maps app over the other, this should be a smooth transition.

What to Expect From Google Maps on Apple Watch

Apple Watch New Google Maps App: Everything You Need to Know

When Google Maps for Apple Watch goes live, it’ll sync GPS-enabled Apple devices like iPhone and iPad with the watch for useful, streamlined functionality. The blog post is very light on details, but it suggests that the Apple Watch version may only include direction services for locations saved in the user’s Google account. In these cases, it’ll still give step-by-step routes (literally – the watch app will still provide driving, public transit, biking, and walking directions) and track remaining distance and ETA for a trip. For navigation to new, unsaved destinations, it’ll be possible to start a trip on another Apple device’s version of Google Maps and then continue the trip using the Apple Watch app.

This integration is just about perfect and it lines up well with the key features users expect from Apple Maps on the Apple Watch, making Google Maps a realistic alternative. The blog post implies both the CarPlay update and the arrival of Google Maps on the watch App Store could be a few weeks away, though. This all comes as a bit of a surprise since Google pulled Maps support from Apple Watch in 2017, but the return may have been inspired by a recent uptick in Apple Watch sales.