Apex Legends Nessie Easter Egg Found In Medal Of Honor: Above And Beyond

A fan has discovered an easter egg from Apex Legends in the new VR title Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. The game is a first-person VR shooter based on World War II, and in addition to the usual immersion focus that comes with a VR title, the game places a heavy emphasis on history. 90 minutes of interview footage with real WWII veterans can be unlocked by playing the new game.

This level of historical detail isn’t always easy to find in video games. When one thinks of WWII in the gaming industry one invariably thinks of Wolfenstein. These bombastic shooters certainly feature a lot of Nazis, but with considerably more robotic death machines than the Third Reich historically deployed in combat. As much as fans adore protagonist BJ Blazkowicz and his bloody crusade against the terrible sci-fi Nazis that have conquered the world, most of them understand that it’s far from any sort of historical account, unlike Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, which is actually set during the real World War II.

But that isn’t to say that developer Respawn Entertainment hasn’t had a bit of fun with the new title. Reddit user LeopardTurret (via GamesRadar) found a whimsical little easter egg hidden inside a briefcase in the game. The easter egg is a stuffed animal in the shape of the Loch Ness Monster, which Apex Legends fans will recognize as Nessie, a beloved easter egg and unofficial mascot from the battle royale. Nessie was one of several easter eggs in that title when it launched last year; finding all the little plushies scattered throughout the map would cause a giant version to pop out of the sea. The Nessie in Above and Beyond doesn’t seem to have that feature, but it does release a delightful squeaking noise when tossed.

found a familiar friend in Respawn’s Medal of Honor 🙂 from apexlegends

Since Apex Legends and Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond are made by the same developer, it makes sense that there would be a crossover like this hidden in the new title. Respawn’s beloved battle royale is still going strong, though; recently it began celebrating a “Holo-day Bash” event to give fans a chance to enjoy the season. One wonders if there’s a Titanfall easter egg hidden somewhere in Above and Beyond as well, since that’s the other franchise Respawn is most known for.

Easter eggs are a time-honored video game tradition, a fun treat from developer to fan which is always a joy to uncover. Often these easter eggs are just fun little secrets, but occasionally players will fixate on them and use them as evidence of deep, in-lore connections between games. Nessie popping up in Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond is probably not a hint toward any grand connection between the new VR shooter and Apex Legends. Instead, it’s just a cute little treat for fans of the battle royale who’ve signed up to shoot some Nazis.