Animal Crossing Villagers That’ll Spend Valentine’s Day Alone

Animal Crossing Villagers That’ll Spend Valentine’s Day Alone

It’s always a kind gesture to spend Valentine’s Day with friends and loved ones, but some Animal Crossing villagers will more likely than not spend the holiday alone. The Animal Crossing series features over 400 villagers, and while each one is someone’s favorite, some are a lot less favored than others. From their design to their personalities, villagers are a big factor in why people play Animal Crossing, with many going so far as to carefully select the villagers that live in their towns or islands.

Animal Crossing villagers are categorized into eight different groups which determine their dialogue. Male villagers can be “cranky,” “lazy,” “smug,” or a “jock,” while female villagers can be “normal,” “snooty,” “peppy,” or “sisterly” (sometimes known as “uchi,” from the pronoun they use in Japanese). While some of Animal Crossing’s hundreds of villagers have designs that clearly convey their personality – like Soleil the snooty hamster or Dobie the cranky wolf – others don’t, such as Apollo the cranky eagle and Agent S the peppy squirrel. Design deviations like these add to each villager’s uniqueness and overall charm, but sometimes neither element works in their favor.

Valentine’s Day in Animal Crossing doesn’t have its own special daily event the way Toy Day or Halloween have day-long festivities of their own. But that doesn’t mean players can’t still celebrate: rose bouquet and chocolate heart items can be purchased from Nook Shopping and gifted to villagers, and in New Horizons, Isabelle and another villager will send the player a letter with a gift. Players can also visit Brewster at The Roost in Animal Crossing to get hot chocolate instead of coffee. Anyone is also free to simply spend time with their villagers; players who can’t make it to their towns or islands on Valentine’s Day can also take solace in the fact that their own villagers will likely visit each other, similar to how they can be found chatting together on occasion. There are some villagers who simply can’t spend Valentine’s Day alone, such as the female kangaroo villagers who each have their own joey with them. Others may not have the most appealing of designs, such as Canberra the koala villager, but their personality makes them friendly and worthwhile companions any day, even as a friend on Valentine’s. While none of them are quite as strange as the AI-drawn Animal Crossing villagers seen in recent months, some can feel oddly close. This means some villagers will unfortunately spend Valentine’s Day by themselves.

Animal Crossing’s Ribbot May Spend Valentine’s Day Alone

Animal Crossing Villagers That’ll Spend Valentine’s Day Alone

Ribbot is one of Animal Crossing’s frog villagers, but with a twist: he’s a robot rather than an organic frog. As a jock villager, he’s highly active, and since he enjoys fitness, he’s likely very physically strong. Compounded with his robotic capabilities, Ribbot could become a menace if left unchecked. He’s a pleasant villager to spend time with, but if he insists on spending Valentine’s Day alone, he might just be preparing something sinister, like a robot takeover. The same goes for other robotic, Halloween-esque Animal Crossing villagers such as Sprocket and Cephalobot.

Sprocket is another jock villager, leading one to wonder why so many robots in the Animal Crossing universe need to be physically fit in the first place. It may seem fine to pass on spending Valentine’s Day with the robot villagers, but doing so might be a mistake. Animal Crossing robots can feel emotion, too, and it’s important for their positive emotions to be encouraged.

Animal Crossing’s Coach Should Be Avoided On Valentine’s Day

Animal Crossing Coach Alone On Valentines Day

Coach is a fine villager in his own right. He’s an outgoing and friendly bull villager – but sometimes he takes his profession a bit too seriously. Like his name implies, Coach is a sports coach, and as encouraging as he can be, not everyone enjoys spending Valentine’s Day getting yelled at to do exercise by a coach. Coach is a great villager to spend time with when doing one of Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ group stretches, but players will likely save that for the day after Valentine’s Day after they’ve eaten their chocolates. During Valentine’s Day itself, however, it’s understandable to want to dismiss thoughts about exercise.

If Animal Crossing’s Limberg Will Likely Be Alone On Valentine’s Day

Animal Crossing Limberg Alone On Valentines Day

Despite their name, cranky villagers in Animal Crossing generally aren’t all that unpleasant. That being said, there are definitely some cranky villagers who seem like they’d naturally repel Valentine’s Day visitors. For instance, Octavian the octopus’ default catchphrase, “sucker,” can be easily misunderstood to be referring to the person he’s speaking to, which comes across as rude. But the worst of the cranky villagers is Limberg the mouse. Not only is his design awkward – as numerous mouse villagers’ are – but he stinks, literally. He’s named after Limburger cheese, which is known for its strong odor, and his initial catchphrase is “squinky,” a combination of “squeak” and “stinky.”

Another one of the less visually appealing and more hideous Animal Crossing villagers with a strong odor is Stinky the cat, but he doesn’t constantly remind people of that fact. Limberg, on the other hand, really wants players to know about his odor, because he even signs his photograph with the words “Something stinks,” reminding players about his “quirk” each time they check his photo. While Limberg is free to live his life as he pleases, many will likely keep their distance from him during Valentine’s Day.

Barold From Animal Crossing Will Spend Valentine’s Day Solo

Animal Crossing Barold Alone On Valentines Day

Of all the villagers in Animal Crossing, Barold the bear cub is the most notorious for his unappealing design. He’s a lazy villager like fan favorites such as Bob, Zucker, and even the immensely popular Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ villager Sasha, but the latter’s cute designs help offset the silly things lazy villagers say. Without an appealing design, Barold’s dialogue about bugs living in his house and him finding food underneath his furniture only comes across as strange, and isn’t encouraging when trying to convince others to spend time together on Valentine’s Day. Anyone who wants to spend a stress-free Valentine’s Day with a lazy Animal Crossing villager would prefer the company of Stitches, Punchy, Sherb, Hornsby, Erik, or even Lucky; although Barold insists players should feed the bears, he’ll likely be getting his own food on Valentine’s Day.