Animal Crossing-Like Games To Play In 2022 When You’re Bored Of ACNH

Animal Crossing-Like Games To Play In 2022 When You’re Bored Of ACNH

Since Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been out for over two years and stopped receiving significant updates, some fans have found themselves bored and moving on to play other games similar to the casual island builder. In a game like New Horizons, it can be somewhat limited in terms of what players can do longevity-wise. Most of the options fall along the lines of re-decorating an island, playing with friends via multiplayer, or even starting the whole world over from scratch.

New Horizons was a very successful Nintendo launch title, especially with it being released during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic back in 2020. With many finding themselves unable to explore the outside world, they found solace on their own virtual island filled with a wide variety of animal villagers. A lot of players in Animal Crossing: New Horizons even re-created certain landmarks built in real life to bring a sense of realism into the title.

Unfortunately, players have found themselves worn out by the island builder, causing them to look for other casual games that play similar to, or even better than, New Horizons. Since the beginning of the Animal Crossing series, there have been many titles released that resemble and take certain aspects from the franchise. Whether players own a Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, or PC, there are a wide variety of games that are like New Horizons.

Stardew Valley Is Like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, But With Farming

Animal Crossing-Like Games To Play In 2022 When You’re Bored Of ACNH

Even though Stardew Valley is considered to be a title that’s all about farming, it still retains an Animal Crossing-like charm as players can interact with the residents of Pelican Town on a daily basis. To go even further, Stardew Valley has “heart events” implemented that give villagers cutscenes that allow people to build a meaningful connection and get to know them on a more personal level. It’s also possible to get married to residents that are single as well.

Unlike Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley has more for players to do ranging from farming, completing heart events, cooking, and fighting in dungeons. Another mechanic that Stardew Valley does better than New Horizons is that it has a better Co-Op system, giving players more freedom to do whatever they want without being tethered together. The farming sim even has an in-depth endgame that can take a while to complete.

There’s a lot that the next Animal Crossing game can learn from Stardew Valley. Until then, players can give the farming sim a try and make friends with the people of Pelican Town. In terms of the title’s likeness to New Horizons, they are both extremely similar to each other.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Fans Should Try Out The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Family

Another simulation game that Animal Crossing fans should consider playing is The Sims 4. Both franchises are life sims that are vaguely similar to each other. While the gameplay mechanics of the title might be different, the premise still remains the same as players can still form connections and relationships with the people around them.

An advantage that The Sims has over New Horizons is that it has more in-depth customization options in regard to character creation and when it comes down to making houses. There are also tons of packs in The Sims 4 that can spice up the player’s experience. Those who play on PC can also download mods that can either add to the gameplay or give more cosmetic options to the Sims they create.

While it may feel like a reach, fans of New Horizons should give The Sims 4 a try if they find themselves bored of the island builder. It provides a more immersive experience, plus there’s a lot more that can be done, from being a musician to learning how to be a master vampire. There’s a little something for everybody.

My Time At Portia Resembles Animal Crossing: New Horizons’s Cozy Feeling

My Time At Portia Farmer Running

My Time at Portia is not only similar to New Horizons gameplay-wise, but it also retains that cartoony style that some fans have come to know and love. The game did so well that it has a sequel, My Time at Sandrock, which is currently in early access and is expected to release in 2023. With that in mind, there’s a lot to love in this open-world farming sim.

It has a main storyline for players to follow as they have to discover the dark secrets of Portia. These secrets can include meeting mysterious characters, finding different relics, and completing quests for the residents. Like Stardew Valley, combat is also present in the title as well.

The villagers in My Time At Portia are unique from each other too, as the more that a player’s friendship or romantic level with them grows, the more of their backstory becomes available. While the pacing may be slow at times, the game proves to provide a cozy and interesting experience. If New Horizons fans are in the mood for a little mystery, they should definitely check it out.

Ooblets Is Just As Cute And Wholesome As Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Ooblets Farmer and Ooblets

Ooblets is perfect for Animal Crossing fans, as the title not only radiates cuteness and vibrant colors, but it provides a wholesome experience for players to enjoy. The game mixes together franchises such as Pokémon, Stardew Valley, and even Animal Crossing to create a positive monster-collecting life sim. What makes Ooblets unique is how successfully it pulls off its gameplay mechanics, making them all correlate with each other.

The main objective is for players to collect and train ooblets and have them compete in card-based dance battles to increase their level and go against other trainers. Farming and fishing are also featured in the game, acting as a main source of income. Players can also decorate their homes, though the options aren’t as extensive in comparison to New Horizons.

The monster training life sim is a unique game that New Horizons fans should check out. Ooblets is still receiving updates to this day and plans to leave early access this Summer. Now is the perfect time to get involved in some dance battles.

It’s not surprising that a lot of games released today take inspiration from Animal Crossing: New Horizons considering that it is one of Nintendo’s most successful franchises. Despite its popularity, players who find themselves bored of the title will want to gravitate toward games similar to it. The biggest thing that fans can hope for is news to be released on a new Animal Crossing title from Nintendo, but in the meantime, these games will hopefully help scratch the life simulation itch.