Animal Crossing Grid Designs Are Perfect For Organizing Your Island

Construction in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be tricky, but one user has created some new icons which go a long way towards alleviating player headaches. Animal Crossing: New Horizons was updated recently and is currently celebrating Nature Day, an in-game timed event which correlates to Earth Day in the real world. The game has also introduced two new NPC villagers in its latest update, Leif and Jolly Redd, and even adds on a whole new wing to Animal Crossing’s museum.

The popularity of Animal Crossing: New Horizons has caused the game to become one of the fastest-selling Nintendo Switch games of all time, and these high sales went on to influence the availability of the console itself, as thousands of people who never owned a Nintendo Switch before bought the system specifically for this game. This led to the Switch’s March sales being so high that they actually overtook the sales numbers Nintendo experienced during the console’s launch title, and the litany of Animal Crossing memes and turnip calculators being created and shared on social media show that the game’s community is only growing as time goes on.

Now, one fan on Twitter who goes by @the_regressor has taken it upon themselves to create and share a grid system which they used to help make sure their construction projects in Animal Crossing: New Horizons stay straight and organized. According to the creator, who also makes low-polygon animation videos, the grid-based markers were designed because they were “tired of misaligning building placement,” a problem which is likely echoed by many, many other players as well. Check out @the_regressor’s solution below:

This isn’t the only ingenious idea a player has come up with to make some of the more difficult or time-consuming actions in Animal Crossing: New Horizons easier to plan for. There is also an Island Name Generator which is helpful for players who have trouble coming up with fictional titles on the fly, and before the game was even released players were planning out the placement of their buildings and foliage with the help of Animal Crossing’s Happy Island Designer program.

It’s frustrating to complete a project only to realize it would actually look a lot better if everything was moved one tile to the left, and designs like the grid-based tile markers created by @the_regressor can do a lot to help players be absolutely sure they know where they want to build before construction begins. Until Nintendo release a patch for Animal Crossing: New Horizons which allows users to toggle the game’s invisible grid system on and off, these designs are the next best thing.