And Just Like That: 7 Unpopular Opinions About The Show, According To Reddit

And Just Like That: 7 Unpopular Opinions About The Show, According To Reddit

And Just Like That, HBO’s Sex and the City revival series, didn’t get the warm reception its creators might have hoped for. Nonetheless, die-hard Sex and the City fans are fully committed to the series, which follows the lives of three of the four main characters as they navigate life in their 50s.

The most vocally devoted fans of the show aren’t shy about sharing their thoughts on the revival series, and many of them take their commentary to Reddit. Sometimes, the things a fan does or doesn’t like about And Just Like That contradicts the majority, and their unpopular opinions make for lively discussion.

Che Is A Likable Character

And Just Like That: 7 Unpopular Opinions About The Show, According To Reddit

Reddit user Forsaken_Bison_8623 posted a link to a recent article from The Daily Beast calling Che “the worst character on TV,” and most commenters in the thread agreed with the sentiment. “Ouch, but true,” wrote Redditor ShelleyDez.

In contrast, user thxmeatcat went against the grain, asking the question, “Am I the only one that likes Che?” Based on the responses, they are indeed on their own with this opinion. Many clarify that their negative opinion of the character is no slight to Sara Ramirez, who plays Che and is one of the most underrated TV drama actors.

Stanford’s Ending Was Good

Stanford Blatch walking away from a cab in And Just Like That

Most Redditors are very angry about the way Stanford was written out of the series. Sadly, Garson was terminally ill, and he died after filming his appearance on the show. Despite the circumstances, many commenters in a thread posted by New-Individual-2850 still believe Stanford’s exit could have been handled better.

Redditor spellavis113, however, has another opinion, saying the ending “made sense to me. Maybe he finally realized that Carrie sees him as an accessory or that they’re not as close as he thought and his marriage to Anthony isn’t worth staying in…” They commended him, noting that it’s “kinda ballsy to do that in your 50s.”

Samantha’s Absence Story Is Good

Hands holding a card that says

As fans know, Kim Cattrall, who played Samantha Jones on Sex and the City, did not return for the sequel series. Thus, her absence had to be explained away in some fashion. Most Redditors believe the mentions and discussions of her that have appeared on the show to date, however, are passive-aggressive and unfair at best.

In a Reddit thread by xResilientEvergreenx, commenter rocketmczoom calls it “low-rent and unnecessary.” But there’s one Redditor with the opposite opinion. Educational_Yard_137 commented, “I thought the explanation of how Sam was in London was funny and good.”

Anthony Is Not Likable

Carrie and Anthony at an empty apartment in And Just Like That

Redditor u/temple3489 was in for a rude awakening when they asked if anyone else was with them in not liking Anthony, including everything from his voice to his facial expressions. “Anyone else f—ing hate him?” they ask. The consensus among fans who replied, however, was that they absolutely love Anthony.

Despite the fact that the thread is two years old and thus pertains to Sex and the City versus And Just Like That, Anthony remains the same character he was before. “I love Anthony,” says Redditor liz_miervaldis. “His lines are great.” Redditor hisshissgrr adds, “I especially love how he says something bitchy and then follows it up with a compliment.”

Miranda Hasn’t Changed

Miranda Hobbes looking into the distance in And Just Like That

Redditor u/candyvenom88 started a Reddit thread noting that the character of Miranda has become “weird” and Redditor 1ucid comes to Miranda’s defence, saying she “binge drank plenty on SATC and she bumbled all the time,” so the character hasn’t really changed that much.

But most Redditors disagree. User candyvenom88, who started the thread, reminds fans that Miranda was “a badass lawyer who commanded a room when she entered.” Me_Lissa23 adds that “Miranda just isn’t Miranda anymore. I hate where they are taking her character.”

Seema Should Not Have Called Out Carrie

Seema smiling while looking to her right in And Just Like That

In one scene, after Carrie gets upset with Seema because her movers accidentally broke a picture frame, Seema brings up a time at lunch when Carrie said something hurtful to her. In a discussion by Redditor QueerPapi, they agree with Seema’s decision. Some Redditors disagree, like MichaelsGayLover, who commented, “Only a narcissist would be jealous of a grieving widow’s marriage.” For the most part, though, fans loved that Seema clapped back.

Kariatide wrote, “She heard Carrie and then said what she had to say and showed how Carrie’s actions and words also affect others.” Filledemtl78 agrees, saying Seema was “holding a mirror up to Carrie showing how self-absorbed she is.” It’s not surprising, since Reddit users had plenty of problems with Carrie on Sex And The City too, with one being that she comes across as selfish.

Miranda’s Parenting Decisions Are Right

Miranda and her son Brady at Big's funeral in And Just Like That

Plenty of And Just Like That fans were shocked and mortified by the storyline that Miranda’s teenage son Brady, one of the least likable characters on And Just Like That, is not only having frequent sexual relations with his girlfriend in her home, but often when she and Steve are present, and very loudly. Miranda doesn’t seem OK with it, but yet she lets it happen and doesn’t do anything to stop it. Most people disagree with this. In a Reddit thread by snapegirl1974, Redditor undergrounddavis does actually think it’s OK, noting that 17 is “almost an adult” and that it seems like a “reasonably solid relationship.” They add, “As a parent I’d rather my kid was having sex under my roof than in a park somewhere.”

But most people disagree. Redditor naranjitayyo says “every molecule in my body revolted at that.” Misssarahbee adds that, while the attempt might have been to show a more sex-positive, progressive parenting approach, they call it “revolting,” “out of touch with reality and gross.”