An Unexpected Villain Definitively Proves Batman’s Fear-Based Persona Works

An Unexpected Villain Definitively Proves Batman’s Fear-Based Persona Works

Warning! Contains spoilers for Batman #142 and #143!

Over the years, Batman has built his reputation as a creature who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. While this doesn’t seem like it would be all that effective at a glance, the Joker’s first reaction to Batman actually proves just how effective this reputation really is.

The flashback sequences from Batman #142 and #143 by Chip Zdarsky and Giuseppe Camuncoli reveal the origin of the Joker and his first few interactions with Batman. The Joker wasn’t always the laughing maniacal serial killer that he is today; he was actually quite terrified of Batman at first. Several times, the Joker flees from Batman when confronted by the Dark Knight.

An Unexpected Villain Definitively Proves Batman’s Fear-Based Persona Works

It’s only because of the manipulations of Daniel Captio — one of Batman’s old mentors — that the Joker is able to eventually overcome his fear and become the criminal Gotham City knows today. If it hadn’t been for Captio’s training, it’s likely that Batman’s reputation alone would’ve prevented the Joker from ever becoming anything more than a generic serial killer.

Comic book art: the Joker laughing chaotically.


Joker’s Entire Origin Was Caused by a Jaw-Dropping Gotham Villain, DC Confirms

The Joker is one of Batman’s most mysterious villains, and his origin has changed around a lot — but now DC has revealed who REALLY created him.

The Joker Was Once Truly Afraid of Batman

Comic book panels: The Joker Flees In Terror From Batman

Bruce Wayne spent years of his life traveling around the world and learning to become an icon of fear. He’s trained as a ninja and actively goes out of his way to make people terrified of him. Batman’s devotion to theatrics borders on the absurd. Instead of simply capturing Deadshot when he had the chance, for exampole, Batman instead replaced Deadshot’s bullets to give the illusion he was bulletproof. Batman is a true master of fear, and that cultivated fear has prevented many people from becoming bigger threats. In fact, it almost prevented the Joker from becoming the monster he is today.

The Joker’s first interaction with Batman was truly terrifying. Depending on which origin the Joker uses, the encounter is only scarier. The only facts about the Joker’s first meeting with Batman is that the Joker ended up falling into a vat of acid due to Batman’s presence. This resulted in agonizing pain for the man who would become the Joker. It’s no wonder that, after an encounter like that, the Joker would want to avoid Batman at all costs. This is true for dozens of smaller criminals who stay inside upon seeing the Bat-Signal, and the only thing keeping smaller criminals from becoming super-villains is the experience of committing enough crimes.

The Joker Was So Afraid, He Never Wanted To Confront Batman

Comic book panels: Joker Admits That He's Afraid Of Batman

One man can’t stop all crime just by using his fists. Batman has worked for years not to be viewed as a man but as something much more horrifying. The Bat-Signal isn’t just for the citizens of Gotham to know help is on the way, it’s also a warning to the criminals that Batman is on the move. Batman’s terrifying reputation is simply the best way to prevent crime in the long run, and this is surprisingly proven by the Joker’s origins.

Batman #143 is available now from DC Comics!

BATMAN #143 (2024)

Batman 143 Main Cover: the Joker looking scared as Batman attacks him.

  • Writer: Chip Zdarsky
  • Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrew Sorrentino
  • Inker: Stefano Nesi
  • Colorist: Alejandro Sanchez and Dave Stewart
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, and Tomeu Morey