An Epic Harry Potter Twist Comes To DC (in The Grossest Way)

An Epic Harry Potter Twist Comes To DC (in The Grossest Way)

Warning! Spoilers to Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 ahead!

In the original Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985), multiple versions of DC Comics heroes were brought together by the Monitor to fight the Anti-Monitor, his mirror opposite that sought to destroy everything, one world at a time. Despite unimaginable hardship and loss, the heroes and villains were united by the mystical Spectre and with the help of a select few, the Anti-Monitor was defeated and the DC universe was rebooted to be one single Earth instead of a multiverse. This event became the blueprint for all future crossovers going forward with long-term consequences that are still being felt today. In Tales of the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1, we were introduced to a different series of events after the Anti-Monitor fell, a new omnipotent villain to accompany the high death count and one particular vengeful hero who takes a page out of Harry Potter‘s book when they finally make their presence known on the battlefield.

In the Last Days of the Justice Society #1 (1986) by Roy and Dann Thomas, and David Ross, this sequel to Crisis on Infinite Earths has the Justice Society of America’s memorial to fallen members interrupted by the Spectre who informs them that Crisis had unforeseen consequences, altering history to empowering evil forces to be able to destroy both the Earth and the universe. The Justice Society travels through time to stop this but end up in another dimension entirely, specifically Asgard when Ragnarok is about to begin. The Justice Society choose to stay in the dimension, fighting an endless battle where they cannot die to prevent the fire-giant Surtur from destroying the Earth, with only a select few of their members able to return home.

The Tales of the Dark Multiverse version by Steve Orlando and Mike Perkins imagined that the Justice League agreed to fight Ragnarok instead of the Justice Society following the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Despite their best efforts, the Justice League died in battle without any chance of resurrection and with no real opposition, Surtur brought Ragnarok to Earth and its remaining heroes. As Surtur and his minions lay waste to Washington, DC, the All-Star Squadron show up to defend the new Earth but their numbers are no match for the sinister fire-giants powers as heroes fall left and right. After Surtur uses Hawkgirl’s mace to decapitate Dr. Fate, the Spirit of Vengeance decides that it is long past for him to intervene and pass judgement on this force of death and destruction.

An Epic Harry Potter Twist Comes To DC (in The Grossest Way)

The way the Spectre makes his entrance brings to mind the Hogwarts Sorting Hat and how it helped the series’ hero Harry Potter in a moment of need. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry finds himself facing Voldemort as Tom Riddle and the deadly Basilisk. Albus Dumbledore’s phoenix Fawkes appeared to help Harry, clawing out the Basilisk’s eyes while also dropping the Sorting Hat. While asking the Hat for help, Harry found the usually chatty and sentient hat quiet and later realized it contained something, pulling out the sword of Godric Gryffindor, which helped him kill the Basilisk. In this case, the Spectre appears not from a portal but from within the decapitated and bloody helmet of Dr. Fate, acting less like the Sorting Hat and more like Hermione’s bottomless enchanted purse. Although the other powerful mystic hero was just beheaded, the Spectre appears without any blood or brains on him, trying to intimidate Surtur in his giant form.

Unfortunately, Dr. Fate or his spiritual advisor Nabu was no Fawkes to the Spectre as Surtur was neither impressed nor intimidated and mocks him before beheading him as well. As the Justice Society lost another two heavy hitters in their dwindling line-up, their war, much like Harry Potter, saw a lot more good people die before it was over.