“An Entire Planet, All Gone”: Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever, as the Blue Lanterns’ Final Fate Is Revealed

“An Entire Planet, All Gone”: Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever, as the Blue Lanterns’ Final Fate Is Revealed

A major ally of the Green Lantern Corps will never be the same again, as the Blue Lanterns officially fall in DC canon. Powered by the blue light of hope, the Blue Lanterns are the most dependable cosmic allies that the Green Lanterns have, and yet even their defeat is just the start of a far larger attack.

In a preview of Green Lantern #8, Hal Jordan is contacted by Blue Lantern Razer, who reveals that his entire Corps has fallen. A mysterious attacker has targeted their homeworld of Odym, destroying the Central Power Battery that allows them to channel hope through their Power Rings.

However, Razer also reveals that the Central Power Batteries of the Red Lanterns and Sinestro Corps have come under similar attack, suggesting that no matter their moral alignment or history, every Corps connected to the Emotional Spectrum is being targeted.

Green Lantern #8

“An Entire Planet, All Gone”: Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever, as the Blue Lanterns’ Final Fate Is Revealed
  • Writer: Jeremy Adams
  • Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan
  • Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Steve Beach
Saint Walker as Blue Lantern with his eyes closed in a DC comic.


Who Are The Blue Lanterns? DC’s Green Lantern Allies Explained

Allies to the famous Green Lantern Corps, the Blue Lanterns are a shining beacon of hope and positivity for the DC Universe.

The Blue Lantern Corps Is No More

The Green Lanterns’ Most Vital Allies Are Done

Saint Walker and the Blue Lantern Corps speaking their oath while aiming their Power Rings in DC comics

Founded by Ganthet and Sayd shortly after the Sinestro Corps War, the Blue Lanterns are the most selective of the many groups who draw on the powers of the Emotional Spectrum. Blue Lanterns are chosen for their ability to imbue others with hope, and most of their powers are focused on interacting with other emotions – hyper-charging Green Lanterns and lessening the effectiveness of those like the Sinestro Corps who draw on negative emotions.

The Blue Lantern Corps famously has very few, carefully chosen members, most of who are thinkers rather than warriors. It takes multiple days to unlock a Blue Lantern’s powers, during which they reflect on the core ideals of the Corps and the sacrifice they are making in dedicating their life to helping others. While groups like the Green Lanterns have been able to rebuild in little time by recalling past members and recruiting en masse, the Blue Lanterns don’t have a deep enough bench for this kind of bounce back. While it’s possible the Blue Lantern Corps may one day return, the attack on Odym means they’ll essentially have to start again from scratch.

Thankfully, Hal Jordan is now on the case, attempting to take down the threat which is targeting the different Corps. Unfortunately, Hal will be doing this solo – the United Planets have taken over the Green Lantern Corps, expelling any human members who objected when Earth was quarantined as an unnecessary threat to the wider galaxy. Razer’s warning marks the devastating fall of the Blue Lantern Corps, but will also hopefully make it possible for Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern to prevent any of his other allies suffering the same fate.

Green Lantern #8 is coming from DC Comics February 13.