American Horror Story Season 12 Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained: 7 Story Reveals & Twists

American Horror Story Season 12 Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained: 7 Story Reveals & Twists

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for American Horror Story: Delicate episode 1.

While American Horror Story: Delicate episode 2, “Rockabye,” featured plenty of major revelations and big plot twists in the end, it’s still not clear where this 12th season of the horror anthology series is heading. American Horror Story: Delicate is the first season of the horror anthology series to be based on an existing novel. Author Danielle Valentine’s Delicate Condition provided the inspiration for the show’s plot, which follows a famous actor as she balances pregnancy with the demands of an Oscar campaign. Only that is not quite true since, by the end of episode 2, both of these plots have seemingly come to a premature end.

While the first episode of American Horror Story: Delicate ended with a strange woman breaking into Anna Alcott’s apartment, the second part of the series picked up right after this traumatic encounter. American Horror Story: Delicate episode 2 immediately cast suspicion on Anna’s duplicitous husband, Dexter. He didn’t prove particularly helpful while the police questioned Anna about the break-in, even appearing to agree with them when the officers suggested that she could have imagined the incident. Unfortunately for the heroine of American Horror Story: Delicate, she did not get much support from her friend the next day.

8 Kim Kardashian’s Siobhan Walsh Is Up To Something

American Horror Story Season 12 Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained: 7 Story Reveals & Twists

When Anna (Emma Roberts) arrived at the office after the break-in, she understandably expected that she might receive some sympathy from Siobhan (Kim Kardashian). Siobhan did admit that Anna had been through a lot, but she then immediately admonished her long-time friend for having the temerity to focus on anything other than her Best Actress Oscar campaign. Break-ins and stalkers aside, Siobhan was sure that Anna’s only priority should be awards season. Bizarrely, Anna thanked Siobhan for refocusing her attention.

However, Siobhan’s pushiness wasn’t the only thing that made this meeting seem suspicious. The supposed “B12 shots” that she gave Anna looked a lot like vials of blood, and her reassurance that she would never harm her friend during pregnancy rang hollow. It looks pretty likely that Kardashian’s character is up to something suspicious, and the blood-colored B12 supplements are sure to be connected to whatever she is plotting. Just as the villains of Rosemary’s Baby used Tannis Root to control the titular heroine, Anna’s supposed friend might be doing the same with another dubious health supplement.

7 Anna Alcott Got Pregnant

Anna and Dex in American Horror Story Delicate

After a long and arduous IVF journey, Anna finally got some good news after she met with Siobhan in the second episode of American Horror Story: Delicate​​​​​​. The character threw up moments after taking her B12 shot and called her IVF supplier, who told her to wait two weeks before taking a pregnancy test. In the trippy sequence that followed, two weeks apparently went by without Anna even noticing them pass. It is possible that Dexter (Matt Czuchry) messed with her calendar, but this could also be subtle proof of Anna’s deteriorating mental state. In any case, Anna’s pregnancy test came up positive, meaning her efforts weren’t in vain.

6 American Horror Story: Delicate’s Heroine May Have Killed Someone

Emma Roberts in American Horror Story Delicate

While Anna’s test confirmed that American Horror Story: Delicate’s pregnancy plot was well underway, this did not mean that the show was short on a more immediate sort of horror. As she attended the Gotham Awards later in episode 2, Anna encountered a fan who unsettled her deeply. When the woman tried to help her with morning sickness, Anna shoved her into the bathroom sink, knocking her onto the tiled floor and seeming to kill her in the process. However, the mystery woman then vanished in the aftermath of this event, so it is impossible for viewers to tell whether this surreal encounter really happened.

5 Anna’s Oscar Chances Could Be Shot

Emma Roberts Screaming in American Horror Story Delicate

While it is not entirely clear whether Anna really killed a civilian, it is pretty likely that she killed her chances of winning an Oscar thanks to her vomiting black bile while accepting a Gotham Award. This gruesome fate befell Anna as she tried to accept the awards seconds after the bathroom debacle and, at first, it seemed like the scene might be a hallucination. However, the next sequence confirmed that this moment really happened, as Siobhan told Anna to lie low for a bit while her team made a valiant attempt to salvage this PR nightmare.

4 Something Supernatural Is Going On In Anna’s Apartment

Kim Kardashian and Emma Roberts looking in a broken mirror in American Horror Story Delicate.

Before the Gotham Awards ceremony, Siobhan secured Anna a famous dress that Madonna wore decades earlier. However, the pair’s enjoyment of this moment was short-lived. While they were checking out the outfit in Anna’s bedroom mirror, it suddenly cracked for no apparent reason. While Siobhan remained a suspicious figure after this moment, even she seemed to be shocked and taken aback by this unexpected paranormal occurrence.

3 American Horror Story Season 12’s Heroine Got Out of NYC

Dex in American Horror Story Delicate

Fortunately for Anna, Dexter’s mother had a home upstate that the pair could relocate to after the Gotham Awards catastrophe. This meant that Anna could hide from the paparazzi with the help of a live-in bodyguard as she recuperated, while also steering clear of the pair’s creepy apartment. Unfortunately for the duo, their troubles didn’t end with a change of location.

2 Cara Delevingne’s AHS Character(s) Finally Arrived

Cara Delevigne in American Horror Story Delicate trailer

Cara Delevingne appeared briefly in American Horror Story: Delicate episodes 1 and 2, but the ending scenes of the latter finally gave her a clear role and a character name. The model-turned-actor played Nurse Ivy, a woman who works in the small local hospital far from the city. It was initially unclear whether this was the same woman who was stalking Anna on the street in the city, and the show kept this ambiguous question open until after tragedy struck. In her brief appearance, Nurse Ivy gave Anna an extremely invasive ultrasound examination.

1 Anna Lost Her Pregnancy

Kim Kardashian and Emma Roberts looking stunned in American Horror Story season 12

The next scene revealed that there was no “Nurse Ivy” working in the hospital, and whatever Cara Delevingne’s character did to Anna caused an immediate miscarriage. Thus, Anna’s pregnancy plot line appears to have begun and ended surprisingly swiftly by episode 2, making it tough to predict where the show’s story will go next. Anna could become pregnant again, but this twist might minimize the impact of the character’s miscarriage. She could also forgo having children, although it is tough to see where American Horror Story: Delicate being ostensibly focused on the theme of pregnancy would go next if the creators chose this path.