American Horror Story Season 10: Death Valley’s Alien Treaty Explained

American Horror Story Season 10: Death Valley’s Alien Treaty Explained

American Horror Story season 10, Death Valley, shows President Eisenhower making a secret treaty with aliens, which causes both advantageous and devastating consequences. Death Valley documents President Eisenhower’s first meeting with extraterrestrials on Earth back in 1954 while also featuring a present-day timeline that explores how much the alien-human interactions have developed over the past 70 years. As the black-and-white American Horror Story timeline shows the high-level ramifications of those secrets, the present-day characters become subjects to the aliens’ dangerous side of the treaty.

The premiere episode of American Horror Story season 10’s Death Valley attempts to portray the real-life conspiracies of Dwight Eisenhower’s alien meeting. Eisenhower (Neal McDonough) is called away from his Palm Springs vacation to investigate a mysterious crash in the desert, only to find aliens and the nearly 20-years missing aviator Amelia Earhart. Back at the Air Force base, 1950s housewife Maria Wycoff (Rebecca Dayan) has been abducted and possessed by aliens, now being the communicator between humans and extraterrestrials. After murdering several military employees, Maria attempts to parley with Eisenhower for a mutually beneficial deal.

When first explaining why the aliens have come to Earth, they reveal that their planet is dying and in order to survive, they need to make a strong species that is half-alien, half-human, possibly by feeding humans American Horror Story: Red Tide‘s black pills. Similar to the deal that conspiracy theorists believe was made in real life, Death Valley’s president agrees to allow American Horror Story’s aliens to abduct 5,000 Americans per year for experimentation as long as it’s kept secret and they help advance the United States’ technological innovations. When jumping to the modern-day timeline, the four abducted college students find themselves heavily pregnant being held in an alien-human holding place. As they get to meet the other resident humans, they find out that some people can reduce aging, receive help with advancing their own tech inventions (such as AHS‘ alien hub presence of Steve Jobs), and other benefits for their contributions to birthing the alien-human hybrids.

American Horror Story Season 10: Death Valley’s Alien Treaty Explained

The primary reason for Death Valley’s alien treaty with President Eisenhower was to try to advance the aliens’ species for future survival while also allowing the United States to technologically get ahead of their international rivals like the Russians. Since the deal was first struck in 1954, the aliens have spent nearly 70 years trying to perfect a new species. As seen by Angelica Ross’s Death Valley alien-hybrid character, Theta, there have been some hiccups along the way, with her head having a half-human, half-alien eye shape. The different types of human-alien species being tested on by the college characters seem all the more suspicious, with one character even being pregnant with twins. According to American Horror Story season 10, the aliens have given humans quick advances from the microwave to the iPhone, while humans are still being taken as lab rats and even killed by the experiments.

With the series giving a reason for why the deal between the aliens and humans was struck in the first place, American Horror Story is finally beginning to provide answers about the alien mysteries from season 2’s Asylum. It’s still unclear if Death Valley‘s and Asylum’s aliens are the same species, but they both were focused on impregnating human abductees. Since Kit Walker’s alien-induced children grew up to be highly successful humans, it appears the aliens may have already found a way to make an excelling species. Abducting Kit and his family also would have occurred after the deal introduced by American Horror Story season 10, so it’s plausible that Asylum’s aliens were also featured in the treaty.