Always Sunny: The Gang’s 10 Biggest Victims, Ranked

Always Sunny: The Gang’s 10 Biggest Victims, Ranked

The main gang from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are a bunch of reprehensible individuals. Few who meet them are better off for doing so, and in the 14 seasons of the show, they’ve made plenty of people’s lives worse.

They have some perpetual victims, but on several occasions, they only have to meet someone once for the damage to be done. In fairness to the gang, they don’t often harm people on purpose. They’re just so hilariously self-centered that they don’t realize that their actions are hurting others, nor do they usually feel bad about it afterward. But out of all of the people they’ve harmed, which ones have had it the worst?

Bill Ponderosa

Always Sunny: The Gang’s 10 Biggest Victims, Ranked

The gang can’t be entirely blamed for Bill Ponderosa’s life falling apart; he fell victim to his own addictions after all. However, in classic Frank fashion, he also contributed to the man’s downfall.

The elder statesman of Paddy’s Pub was supposed to be Bill’s sponsor, but instead of helping him get over his addictions, Frank would encourage him to partake. In fact, the so-called sponsor would often be the one supplying the gear.

The Lawyer

Screenshot Always Sunny The Lawyer Talking To Dee In Courtroom

During his long feud with the gang, this well-educated Lawyer got the better of them on many occasions. Yet, over that time, he still suffered because of their crazy schemes.

At first, they simply annoyed him by repeatedly asking for his help without payment. Then their relationship started to get worse and worse. Eventually, he got his eye severely damaged at the McPoyle vs. Ponderosa trial. It was a bird who attacked him, not the gang, but Charlie was partially the reason for the animal being let loose in the courtroom.

Female Boxer

Screenshot Always Sunny Million Dollar Baby Parody

During the “Hundred Dollar Baby” episode of season 2, Always Sunny did a solid parody of Million Dollar Baby. In it, Frank trained Dee to be a boxer.

Not long into the training regime, a person from Frank’s past showed up with his daughter. After tensions rose between the two women, a fight was scheduled. Dee ended up not being able to turn up for the exhibition, so the two fathers were going to go at it instead. Frank, though, went for a cheap shot, knocking his former rival into the young woman who fell and broke her neck.

Juarez Family

Always Sunny In Philadelphia Juarez Family

The gang even ruins lives when they’re trying to do good. One such instance happened in season four when they attempted to do their own version of Extreme Home Makeover. The family they picked to ‘help’ was the Juarez clan.

They started by kidnapping them all to get them out of the way while they improved their home. Yet, they ended up just burning the whole place to the ground. In the immediate aftermath, the family was okay as they were given the Reynolds mansion. But later on, it was revealed that they couldn’t afford the property tax on a place like that.

Dee’s Friend

Screenshot Always Sunny The Gang Gets Crippled Ending

In one episode, Mac and Dennis had the diabolical scheme of pretending to be in a wheelchair to receive sympathy. Dee was initially disgusted, but it wasn’t long before she made use of some crutches to pretend she had spinal problems.

While doing this, she caught the eye of a guy, and the two hung out together. Not long later, an inebriated Dennis accidentally drove his car into the man and the rest of the gang. The poor guy was the only one who was seriously injured.


Screenshot Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia Dee

Even people in the gang aren’t safe from their abuse. And out of them all, Dee is certainly the most mistreated. From simple name-calling to truly mean pranks, the gang has done countless awful things to her.

One of their cruelest acts occurred in the episode “The Gang Broke Dee.” They came up with an incredibly elaborate plan to convince her into thinking that she’d become an overnight stand-up sensation. After she’d seemingly reached the pinnacle of her career, they publicly revealed it was all a ruse. Naturally, she was distraught.

Water Slide Kid

Screenshot Child Drowning Always Sunny The Gang Goes To A Water Park

During the gang’s trip to a water park, things immediately went wrong for Mac and Dee as they got stuck in the first slide they went down. The ride didn’t stop, though, as kids kept shooting down, creating a bigger blockade.

At one point, Dee tried to create some space by sending some children down the rest of the slide. One of the kids she pushed down was visibly unconscious, and when he hit the water, he didn’t move. His exact fate is unclear, but he seemed to drown.


Screenshot Always Sunny Jojo Dax Shepard Ass Kickers United

In an attempt to stop Mac from eating his thin mints, Dennis invented a cult that manipulated its members into doing what he wanted. There were a few more people who joined what was known as the A**Kickers United, including a dim-witted man named Jojo.

Eventually, the whole scam turned into a competition between Dennis, Dee, and Frank to see who was the most convincing manipulator. In his final attempt to win, Dennis’ instructed Jojo to commit suicide using lighter fluid, and he did. It was one of the most psychotic things Dennis has ever done.


The Waitress is angry with Charlie in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

As a great recurring character, the Waitress is one of the gang’s most frequent victims. For years, she’s been stalked by Charlie. He’s followed her around, broke into her apartment, and has done plenty of other creepy things to her.

Dennis hasn’t treated her any better, as he has regularly manipulated her feelings for his own needs. And finally, Dee heavily pressured her into drinking again, which turned her into a mess.

Rickety Cricket

Charlie taking to Cricket on the sidewalk in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

The list of terrible things the gang has done to Cricket is endless. Since reuniting with them for the first time since high school – they used to abuse him then too – he has gone from being a priest to a drug-addicted homeless man with a burned up face.

It didn’t all happen at once, either. Every run-in he’s had with the gang has made his life a little worse. It’s all broken him down so much that he doesn’t even seem angry with them anymore.