Always Sunny: Charlie’s 5 Best & 5 Worst Traits

Always Sunny: Charlie’s 5 Best & 5 Worst Traits

Everyone knows that the wild card on It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is Charlie Kelly. He may not be able to spell or read and he may be obsessed with a woman who usually ignores and avoids him, but he also does Charlie Work around the bar, impresses people with his musical abilities, helps out his friends whenever they need it and entertains fans on this hilarious TV show.

Like any other human or television character, Charlie has positive and negative traits that make him up and make him who he is. While his dumb decisions, laziness and gross behavior can lead to not-so-great consequences at times, this guy can also be hardworking, funny, spirited and loyal. 

Best: Puts Up With Charlie Work

Always Sunny: Charlie’s 5 Best & 5 Worst Traits

As mentioned, this character does the Charlie Work at Paddy’s Pub; while he used to be a main co-owner, he gave away most of his stake in this business.

Therefore, his main role is being a janitor, meaning he scrubs toilets, kills rats and makes sure this place passes health inspections. There is no way they could stay up and running with him.

Worst: Pretty Lazy

always sunny charlie

Despite his hard jobs around the bar, Charlie is really pretty lazy. His ideal day would probably be spent inhaling paint, hanging out with cats, eating cheese and thinking about magnets or ghouls. 

It really is a shock that Paddy’s is still open, based on how little effort is put in by The Gang and how much time they spend goofing around with other things in life.

Best: Outgoing

Charlie Kelly with his arms out in It's Always Sunny

Another positive trait would be Charlie’s enthusiasm and friendliness. He has an energetic personality, he can make conversation (though it will probably be on some strange topic), and he always seems to be up for anything. 

This outgoing vibe may be wasted on schemes many times, but nevertheless, his smile and positivity are contagious! 

Worst: Questionable Hobbies

charlie kelly cheese date

Something else that is shocking is how Charlie is still alive and seemingly well. Why? Well, he ingested/inhaled paint, glue, stickers, cleaners, bouncy balls, and chalk.

Furthermore, he once stated that his favorite hobby is magnets and that he likes ghouls, and he enjoys spending his time crawling around in the dark with Frank. He eats a whole lot of cheese, too… like, too much and so much that it leads to constant bad breath. What a strange man.

Best: Loyal

Frank and Charlie gesturing next to each other in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

All of the members of The Gang tease and annoy each other now and then, and Charlie takes a lot from his so-called friends. Fans can assume that, deep down, these characters all really love each other, though, as they have been through so much together and seem to like their time together.

And through it all, the ups and downs and abuse, Charlie has remained loyal to Mac, Dennis Frank, and even Sweet Dee.

Worst: Can Get Obsessed

it's always sunny waitress charlie

Someone else he has shown loyalty to would be The Waitress; for years, he has followed her, crushed on her and tried to impress her. All the while, she has been mean to him and even hooked up with his friends.

Do they really like each other? Are they destined to settle down, just like this actor (Charlie Day) and actress (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) did in real life? Whatever happens, his obsession is not healthy.

Best: Full Of Life

its always sunny charlie lethal weapon 6

Without a doubt, The Gang spends the majority of their time doing really dumb stuff. That is what makes this series so funny! And while their decisions are questionable, one thing is for sure: Charlie is full of life.

He really is quite carefree and spirited, and his pals always know they can count on him for an exciting adventure (for better or for worse).

Worst: Immature 

Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 14 FX

On the other hand, he is immature. He also seems rather sheltered, as he has never eaten certain fruits, had never left Philadelphia and never seems to take care of himself (i.e. not owning a toothbrush and wearing the same soiled clothes all the time).

Seriously, without the other main characters surrounding him, he might not make it on his own.

Best: Owns A Bar

Danny DeVito and Charlie Day in Season 14

Upon first glance, one may not suspect that Charlie Kelly would be a business owner, but yes, he did open Paddy’s with his best friends.

Sure, he couldn’t read any documents or leases that they signed, and he traded his hold in the bar for half a sandwich… but he is a professional!

Worst: Makes Decisions That Hurt Him Financially, Physically, Etc. 

A shocked Charlie in It's Always Sunny

The final negative trait seen in this character would be his poor decision-making skills. Time after time, he has hurt himself in numerous ways. He has hurt his friends, and he has let them hurt him.

These people have also hurt others, as they destroy careers, lock enemies in burning apartments, commit crimes, only look out for themselves, and more, and Charlie puts up with it.