All the Recent Bans & Suspensions: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Parler

All the Recent Bans & Suspensions: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Parler

As policies continue to be tweaked and public companies are pressured to enact meaningful changes, bans and suspensions have rampaged across social media services in the last few weeks. These changes have been a long time coming.

The actions taken by major platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook are a result of the ongoing protests and, some would say, reckoning triggered by the murder of George Floyd. Shortly after the protests began and people demanded changes to the US justice system and law enforcement, the focus of the conversation shifted towards questioning the various avenues on which racial inequality can be perpetuated indirectly. It didn’t take long for people to realize that social media platform owners bear some of the responsibility. The criticism stems from the concept that by allowing people to build communities focused on racism and built on ignorance, these companies were giving those ideas a voice.

In response to those claims, the major platforms started by posting vague ideas about solidarity and supporting racial justice. When further pressed by user outcry, employee demands, and the threat of losing advertising revenue, each one eventually began to put action behind its words. Twitter was one of the first to do so, finally applying its long-standing policies to a tweet from Donald Trump approving of violence against protesters. That opened the door for a major argument about freedom of speech on social media, but it also served as the catalyst for a wave of changes across different platforms.

High-Profile Bans/Suspensions On Social Platforms

All the Recent Bans & Suspensions: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Parler

The biggest individual bans to come since the internet suddenly realized racism is bad were from YouTube. The platform banned the personal channels and channels associated with Richard Spencer, Stefan Molyneux, and David Duke. The former two are infamous alt-right spokesmen and the latter was once the leader of the KKK. Yes, it took a global movement against racial inequality for YouTube to decide a KKK leader’s channel might violate its hate speech rules. YouTube also demonetized content from Shane Dawson, one of its biggest and most controversial stars.

Reddit finally decided to ban r/The_Donald after years of warnings as the community supported and produced content in violation of Reddit’s rules. Other subreddits that refused to moderate offensive content were also removed. Twitch temporarily banned the official Donald Trump account since the channel played clips of Trump speeches that violate the site’s hate speech rules. Twitter banned Kate Hopking, a popular anti-immigrant speaker with multiple radio shows, permanently. The platform most known for a lack of moderation, Parler, even issued bans recently, although the circumstances surrounding those are debatable.

Facebook’s Ad Boycott Could Be a Turning Point

Facebook issued a massive policy change as CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally shifted course from his statements that social platforms don’t need to arbitrate truth. However, the decision may have come too late as dozens of major corporations have suspended running Facebook ads (and thereby paying Facebook) due to the company’s long-standing refusal to take responsibility for its role in spreading hate. Facebook is in a position where controversy, even when it’s a result of racism, can lead to profit, which upsets may people.

That mentality has led to the “Stop Hate for Profit” campaign, which served as a rallying point and led to the ad boycott. Some of the companies that have chosen to pull Facebook ads include Coca Cola, Ben & Jerry’s, Sony, Microsoft, Honda, Lego, and Puma. The boycott has reportedly cost the platform tens of billions of dollars in value.