All The Light We Cannot See’s Sea Of Flames Diamond Explained (Is It Real?)

All The Light We Cannot See’s Sea Of Flames Diamond Explained (Is It Real?)

WARNING! This article contains SPOILERS for All the Light We Cannot See!

The Sea of Flames diamond is the centerpiece of All the Light We Cannot See‘s plot; however, there’s a concealed meaning behind its story. Netflix’s miniseries All the Light We Cannot See is based on the book of the same name by Anthony Doerr, which received substantial acclaim. Being a fictional story set during historical events, such as World War II, the show’s artistic license allows for added fantasy and plenty of symbolism to the story. Of all the elements present in the miniseries that display some type of hidden meaning, the Sea of Flames is certainly the most important.

All The Light We Cannot See takes place in Saint-Malo, exploring the encounter between two youngsters during the bombing of this German-occupied city. Werner is a boy fighting on the German side trying to intercept radio transmissions, while Marie is a blind French girl broadcasting encrypted messages to facilitate the bombing. However, that’s not the only connecting storyline since Marie’s father, who is missing during the bombing, hides the Sea of Flames diamond, which is believed to be cursed. During the American attack, a German sergeant seeks Marie to find out where the precious stone is hidden. Besides its relevance to the plot, the diamond conceals a secret meaning.

What The Sea Of Flames Diamond Symbolizes In All The Light We Cannot See

All The Light We Cannot See’s Sea Of Flames Diamond Explained (Is It Real?)

Before the German invasion, Marie’s father, portrayed by Mark Ruffalo, worked at Paris’ National History Museum, where he came across the Sea of Flames diamond. Even though it is only a legend, rumor has it that whoever possesses that precious stone will live forever. However, that’s not everything, as, in addition to bringing eternal life to its owner, the stone will also curse the fate of their loved ones. In other words, the diamond gives enormous power at a very high price. In All The Light We Cannot See, the diamond symbolizes the endless human greed for power and the consequences that come with it.

Considering that this is a story about World War II, which notably started with man’s greed, the storyline involving the Sea of Flames synthesizes the show’s statement on war. The search for power also implies terrible consequences. So, in a way, the curse of the diamond is the very same curse of those men who start wars in search of power. Additionally, the stone also acts as a point in common between two youngsters on opposite sides of the war. The final decision Werner and Marie take regarding the diamond shows that turning their back on war is not a matter of being French or German.

All The Light We Cannot See’s Sea Of Flames Diamond Doesn’t Exist In Real Life

Werner looking up in All the Light We Cannot See

Even though the Sea of Flames does not exist in real life, Anthony Deorr, who wrote the novel, told Powell’s in 2014 that there’s only one jewel that can be considered an inspiration for its creation. This inspiration happens to be the Delhi Purple Sapphire, which resides in the British National History Museum and is believed to be cursed. Although, luckily, the Sea of Flames is just an invention from the author’s mind, what it stands for is very much real. The symbolism showcased by All the Light We Cannot See ultimately intends to make viewers reflect upon condemnable human behaviors that surpass World War II and can be addressed nowadays as well.