All The Deaths In Doctor Strange 2, Ranked By Brutality

All The Deaths In Doctor Strange 2, Ranked By Brutality

Significant attention has come the way of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness for the way director Sam Raimi didn’t hold back on the violent bits. The film has opened to an overall positive critical reception over the multiversal adventure of Doctor Strange and America Chavez, but the pair also had to witness a lot of death and destruction caused by Scarlet Witch.

From the villainess’ destruction of Kamar-Taj’s forces to her wiping out the Illuminati, Doctor Strange 2 has several deaths that would have shocked viewers. It’s interesting to look back at the manner of brutality used by the characters since this separates the protagonists from the villain.

Captain Marvel

All The Deaths In Doctor Strange 2, Ranked By Brutality

Captain Marvel put on a good fight against Scarlet Witch thanks to her inherent powers. She was initially struck by debris that Scarlet Witch flung at her but returned to battle. Unfortunately for her, Scarlet Witch didn’t consider removing Captain Marvel the next time and crushed her under a statue.

Captain Marvel didn’t appear to be mutilated after her death since her arm and head could still be seen. This meant that she basically had the life knocked out of her, making it a relatively merciful death compared to what the rest of the Illuminati had to endure.

Professor X

Professor X's hand on his wheelchair in Doctor Strange 2

There are some movies to watch before Doctor Strange 2 in order to be prepared for it, with the X-Men film series among them. Earth-838’s Professor X’s personality was similar to the previous version, who decided to enter Scarlet Witch’s mind to free the Earth-838 variant.

The MCU Scarlet Witch ended up snapping his neck, which somehow had the same effect on Professor X’s real body. While it was a bloodless death, Professor X was no doubt in pain with the way he collapsed and violently twitched before dying. It was clear that Scarlet Witch added an extra force to ensure Professor X perished in pain.

Sinister Strange

Sinister Strange laughing in Doctor Strange 2

Sinister Strange’s death was of his own doing because of his attempt at Doctor Strange’s life. The pair battled it out using music-based magic that ended in a stalemate until Doctor Strange managed to blast Sinister Strange out – the latter ended up falling on a spike to cause his demise.

It appeared to be a relatively quick death, but the force with which he impaled himself was something that would’ve made viewers cringe. Falling from such a big height through the glass window wouldn’t have done the level of pain he felt any favors.

Defender Strange

Defender Strange holding a portal open in Doctor Strange 2

There are plenty of Doctor Strange stories in Marvel Comics where he plays the role of a protector, although Defender Strange didn’t have as much resolve. He attempted to kill America to take her powers when it became clear he couldn’t defeat Gargantos, which is when the beast impaled him with its tendrils.

Defender Strange was in visible agony when he was lifted off his feet into the air as the spiky tendril went through him completely. He died soon afterward from the injury, leaving his body heavily disfigured which showed the kind of suffering he had to endure before he perished.


Doctor Strange 2 Trailer Gargantos

Gargantos can qualify as one of the more powerful monsters shown in Marvel properties, as he killed Defender Strange and took on Wong and Doctor Strange at the same time. Gargantos’ death was preceded by the sorcerers slicing off its tentacles and throwing magical hooks into its body.

However, its end fully came when Doctor Strange magically ripped off a street light and rammed it into Gargantos’ eye before ripping it out completely. The creature had to suffer a particularly gory demise that saw its eye gouged out before it collapsed many feet to the ground with a crunch.

Masters Of The Mystic Arts

Scarlet Witch attacking Kamar-Taj in Doctor Strange 2

The Masters of the Mystic Arts were killed en masse by Scarlet Witch when they refused to hand America over. Scarlet Witch opted for a variety of ways to slay them, ranging from casting down explosions that blew many of them up to crippling them before burning their bodies to a crisp.

After escaping the Mirror Dimension, Scarlet Witch used reflections to kill the remaining sorcerers, pulling them inside the water whose reflections she could manipulate. Suffice it to say, the Masters of the Mystic Arts dealt with a huge blow and the remaining sorcerers had to clean up some horribly disfigured bodies.

Captain Carter

Captain Carter fights Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange 2

Along with Captain Marvel, Captain Carter put on the best fight against Scarlet Witch during her attack on the Illuminati. Captain Carter was always going to be defeated, though, and the moment arrived when Scarlet Witch used Captain Carter’s own shield against her.

Scarlet Witch added extra momentum to the force behind the shield to send it barreling toward Captain Carter, who was bisected in an instant. The movie didn’t show her getting sliced apart because of how gruesome it was, but the momentary reaction from Captain Carter over losing the lower half of her body was enough to convey her pain.

Black Bolt

Black Bolt appears in the Inhumans TV series.

Black Bolt is considered the most powerful member of the Inhumans for his ability to obliterate anyone simply through a whisper – that’s how he slew Earth-838 Doctor Strange. However, his power backfired on him spectacularly thanks to Scarlet Witch’s quick thinking.

When Mister Fantastic foolishly revealed what Black Bolt was capable of, Scarlet Witch removed Black Bolt’s mouth entirely. In his panic, he ended up letting out a scream that was released from the side of his skull, blasting Black Bolt’s head apart. After having killed many people through his extreme sonic abilities, Black Bolt tasted his own medicine in a horrifying fashion.

Mister Fantastic

Doctor Strange 2 Patrick Stewart Xavier Illuminati

Mister Fantastic has long been seen as an exceptionally durable superhero who can easily withstand blows from The Hulk and The Thing. It appears that magic is above his paygrade, as the Earth-838 version was savagely spliced until there was nothing left of him.

Scarlet Witch lifted him off his feet and essentially split him apart like spaghetti, all the while Mister Fantastic screamed in horror and agony. For good measure, Scarlet Witch caused his head to explode into pieces, leaving nothing left of Reed Richards at all but specks of blood.