All of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Heavenly Pacts Explained

All of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Heavenly Pacts Explained

There are many powerful and complex techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen, but one of the strongest is the Heavenly Pact. From Domain Expansion to Reverse Technique, there’s no shortage of entertaining powers leading to Jujutsu Kaisen having one of the best power systems in anime. The interesting and rare technique Heavenly Pact has given some characters incredible power and made them some of the strongest sorcerers in the series.

There are as many manifestations of cursed energy as there are sorcerers and cursed spirits. There is no limit to how simple or absurd a power can be in Jujutsu Kaisen. Perhaps the most fascinating power is the Heavenly Pact. Heavenly Pacts gives a user incredible power but takes something of equal value in exchange. The more power it gives, the more it takes. There are only 3 known users of this power throughout the series, and each ranks among the series’ strongest fighters.

Maki ZeninAll of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Heavenly Pacts Explained

Maki Zenin is a second year at Jujutsu High in Tokyo. Although she’s currently a Fourth Grade sorcerer, she’s undergoing promotion to become a First Grade. Only the strongest of the strong are granted the honor for that level, and she’s definitely that. Her Heavenly Pact gives her extraordinary physical strength. Unfortunately it came at a huge cost though, as she has very low levels of cursed energy. She can’t even see spirits without the help of her glasses. Because of this, she was shunned by her clan and was branded a weakling. She’s far from that, however as Maki is consistently one of the strongest fighters at Jujutsu High, and that’s no small achievement.

Toji Fushiguro

Toji Fushiguro

Toji was the main villain in the Gojo’s Past Arc and is Megumi’s father. He’s the only one who ever came close to defeating the Jujutsu Kaisen’s strongest sorcerer, Gojo. His Heavenly Pact is identical to that of Maki, however, he is much stronger and faster than her. This is because, unlike Maki who still has a bit of cursed energy, he has none. He’s the most gifted physically in the show. Just like Maki, he uses cursed weapons, but he also uses a cursed spirit to store many weapons. He was also shunned by the Zenin Clan despite being so strong and changed his last name to Fushiguro.

Kokichi Muta

Kokichi Muta fighting Mahito

More commonly known as Mechamaru, Kokichi’s Heavenly Pact is the harshest. His body is extremely frail, and he feels excruciating pain from the slightest touch. He secluded himself from the outside world to avoid direct exposure to sun and moonlight, which both also hurt him. In his Heavenly Pact, he got an incredible amount of cursed energy. His technique, puppet manipulation, has a huge range of area to control puppets, extending as far as the whole island of Japan. After making a deal with Mahito and Getou, he finally got a healthy body in Episode 6 of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2.

The Heavenly Pact has bestowed extreme power to some of the characters in the show. Each of those characters has gone on to become some of the strongest sorcerers and curse users, leading to some amazing fight scenes. What makes the Heavenly Pact interesting and even scary is that it is very unpredictable. It could give a sorcerer a weak power and won’t take much in return, or will make them powerful and ruin their life as in the case of Kokichi. It’s also very ironic as it took away cursed energy from two people from a clan where cursed energy is king. Jujutsu Kaisen’s Heavenly Pacts all show far some people are willing to go to obtain power.

Jujutsu Kaisen is availabe to stream on Crunchyroll.