All of Ash’s Companions, Ranked By Number of Pokémon Caught

All of Ash’s Companions, Ranked By Number of Pokémon Caught

The Pokémon anime may not really be about catching them all, but catching Pokémon is still a huge part of the series, and it’s a major moment whenever a main character adds a new Pokémon to their collection. As the main character, Ash has caught quite a few Pokémon, with his total over the course of the entire series being 78–a respectable number in a world where these creatures need love and attention from their trainers. While his companions have largely had their own goals that didn’t involve catching a lot of Pokémon, it’s still interesting to wonder: how do Ash’s companions stack up against each other when it comes to catching Pokémon?

For Ash’s companions, any Pokémon they have caught in a Poké Ball will count, even if it was later released. Pokémon that they’ve merely befriended, or spent a lot of time with and not caught, won’t count towards their totals. This also only counts individual Pokémon, so catching multiple of the same species will count, but a Pokémon evolving won’t count as a new catch. Pokémon that characters already owned before their debut on the series will also qualify for the list. In other words, so long as it’s seen in a Poké Ball at some point, it counts.

15 Mallow – 1 Pokémon

All of Ash’s Companions, Ranked By Number of Pokémon Caught

Mallow is a friend of Ash’s from the Alola region’s Pokémon school, whose only Pokémon is a Bounsweet, which later evolves into Steenee and finally Tsareena. Mallow and Bounsweet/Steenee are very close, having lived together for a long time, and like Pikachu, she rarely returns it to its Poké Ball. Mallow does have a Shaymin that often stays with her, but this Shaymin is never actually captured in a Poké Ball, making it technically still a wild Pokémon. Despite that, she has commanded Shaymin in battle, and it does obey her, making it a real technicality.

14 Lillie – 2 Pokémon


Lillie is another friend of Ash’s from Alola. She began the series afraid of Pokémon due to a traumatic incident in her past, but gradually overcame this limitation and decided to become a Pokémon trainer of her own. Her first Pokémon was an Alolan Vulpix, named Snowy, which hatched from an egg she had been caring for. While working with Ash and the Ultra Guardians, Lillie caught a wild Ultra Beast, Blacephalon, but ultimately released it back to its home dimension, as is part of the Ultra Guardians’ duties. Lillie mostly treats Snowy like a pet, and it rarely does battle.

13 Sophocles – 2 Pokémon


Like Lillie and Mallow, Sophocles is another friend from the Alola region who mostly keeps Electric-type Pokémon. Sophocles never actually catches any Pokémon on screen, as his two Pokémon, Togedemaru and Charjabug, were originally owned by him before the series began. Sophocles’ Charjabug does eventually evolve into a Vikavolt, which greatly increased its power and speed. Sophocles doesn’t battle much, either, instead focusing on Charjabug/Vikavolt racing as his main activity with his Pokémon.

12 Tracey – 3 Pokémon


Tracey was one of Ash’s shortest-lived companions, only accompanying him through the Orange Islands before deciding to join Professor Oak in his research. Tracey is a Pokémon sketch artist who enjoys drawing Pokémon in their native habitats, and his Pokémon are designed around that. He relies on his Marill’s hearing and his Venonat’s compound eyes to help track down Pokémon he wants to draw. Tracey also caught a rather old Scyther while traveling with Ash, which he used more frequently in battle. Tracey’s Marill is known to have laid an egg, but it was given away before it hatched.

11 Kiawe – 3 Pokémon


Kiawe is yet another companion from the Alola region, one who specializes in Fire-type Pokémon. He begins the series owning a Charizard, which he frequently rides around on, and a Turtonator, which he used more for battle. Over the course of Sun & Moon, Kiawe also caught an Alolan Marowak after it attempted to steal a rare artifact, and he defeated it in honorable combat. Kiawe had the strongest rivalry with Ash out of the Alola gang, and often trained with him when Ash needed practice. Kiawe and his Pokémon were also skilled at using Z-moves, with all three capable of executing them.

10 Serena – 3 Pokémon


Serena was Ash’s female companion throughout his adventures in Kalos during Pokémon XY. She began as a trainer to try to find her own path rather than following her mother’s, and selected her first Pokémon, a Fennekin, from Professor Sycamore. Serena would eventually go on to catch a Pancham and an Eevee, with the latter having evolved into a Sylveon by the end of the series. Serena wasn’t afraid to battle when she had to, but rarely did so recreationally. Instead, Serena focused on becoming a Pokémon Performer, working on stage routines with her Pokémon designed to dazzle and impress.

9 Cilan – 4 Pokémon


Cilan is one of Ash’s companions from the Unova region, traveling with him throughout Black & White. Cilan is a Pokémon Connoisseur, a person who helps to evaluate the compatibility between Pokémon and people. Originally a gym leader and one of three brothers, Cilan began the series with just a Pansage. He eventually caught a Stunfisk and a Dwebble, which evolved into a Crustle. Additionally, during a trap by Team Rocket, Cilan caught a Blue-striped Basculin, but it was released in the same episode.

8 Lana – 4 Pokémon


Lana is the last of Ash’s friends from the Alola region, and a Water-type Pokémon specialist who became fast friends with Misty when they met. Before the series began, Lana owned a Popplio, and her family owned a Lapras, which Lana would go on to use for transportation over water. Lana also caught an Eevee which had a very distinctive haircut named Sandy. While acting as a member of the Ultra Guardians, Lana captured the Ultra Beast Xurkitree, which she released back to its home dimension. Lana’s Popplio would eventually evolve all the way to a Primarina, while her Eevee remained an Eevee.

7 Iris – 5 Pokémon


Iris is a girl Ash traveled with in the Unova region, alongside Cilan, and she aimed to become a Dragon-type master. Iris began the series with her Axew, as well as an Excadrill, which she had evolved from a Drilbur she caught. Iris would later catch an Emolga as well as a Dragonite, which loved battle and took a little time before it was fully obedient. While traveling the Johto region alone, Iris caught a Gible as well, adding a third Dragon-type to her team. After separating from Ash, Iris became the Unova region’s champion, and evolved her Axew into a Haxorus. Iris is definitely the most skilled trainer among Ash’s companions, as she made it all the way to the Masters’ Eight tournament alongside him.

6 Clemont – 7 Pokémon


Clemont was Ash’s male companion throughout Kalos and the XY series. Leader of the Lumiose City gym, Clemont effectively had two teams of Pokémon. First was his Magnemite, Magneton, and Heliolisk, which acted as his Electric-type team for gym challenges. Clemont left these Pokémon in the care of his robot, Clembot, to handle challenges, while he caught new Pokémon traveling with Ash, including a Bunnelby which evolved into Diggersby, Chespin, and a Luxio which he eventually evolved into Luxray. Clemont also owned a Dedenne, which he let his little sister Bonnie care for, as she was too young to catch a Pokémon of her own.

5 May – 7 Pokémon


Ash’s first new traveling companion was May, whom he met in the Hoenn region after parting ways with Misty and Brock. May received a Torchic as her first Pokémon from Professor Birch, which she would go on to evolve all the way to a Blaziken. While traveling through Hoenn, May caught a Wurmple (which evolved into Beautifly), Skitty, a Bulbasaur, and a Munchlax. She was gifted an egg, which hatched into an Eevee, and a Squirtle. May mostly participated in Pokémon Contests, but was more than willing to battle when the situation called for it. By her appearances in Diamond & Pearl, May had evolved many of her Pokémon, and proved herself a very competent trainer.

4 Dawn – 8 Pokémon


Ash met Dawn in the Sinnoh region after destroying her bike, as was tradition. Dawn was attempting to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a great Pokémon Coordinator, which involves performing on stage with Pokémon. Dawn’s first Pokémon was Piplup, and throughout her travels in Sinnoh, she caught a Buizel (Which she traded to Ash for his Aipom), Buneary, Pachirisu, and Swinub. She was also gifted a Pokémon egg, which hatched into Cyndaquil, and a Togekiss which once belonged to a princess. Dawn also caught and released an Oshawott in Journeys, while testing out ancient Hisuian Poké Balls. Dawn arguably had the most growth as a trainer, and has the most fully-evolved Pokémon of Ash’s companions, with 4 reaching their final forms.

3 Brock – 11 Pokémon


As Ash’s longest-running companion, it’s no surprise that Pewter City gym leader turned Pokémon doctor, Brock, is near the top of the list. Prior to the series, Brock had caught an Onix and a Geodude, with his Onix eventually going on to evolve into Steelix. While in Kanto, he was given a Vulpix and caught a Zubat, and in Johto, he caught a Pineco which evolved into Forretress. He would go on to pick up Lotad and Mudkip in Hoenn, along with a Bonsly upon returning for the Kanto Battle Frontier. In Sinnoh, Brock caught Croagunk, and he won a competition where he received an egg, which would hatch into a Happiny. Brock reappeared in Alola as well, where he was given a Comfey by a Nurse Joy there. Brock is one of the few of Ash’s companions to be able to Mega Evolve as well, Mega Evolving his Steelix during his time in Sun & Moon.

2 Misty – 12 Pokémon


Just barely edging out Brock is Misty, the Water-type gym leader from Cerulean City. Misty began the series with three Pokémon: Staryu, Starmie, and Goldeen. She would go on to catch Horsea and Psyduck in Kanto, Poliwag in the Orange Islands, and a Corsola in Johto. Misty also caught a Seaking, which she released, and hatched two Pokémon from eggs: Togepi and Azurill, which Misty got from Tracey’s Marill. Misty also owned a Gyarados and a Luvdisc, the former of which was capable of Mega Evolution. Misty has the distinction of having the last catch in the series, catching a Clauncher in the final episodes of Journeys.

1 Goh – 108 Pokémon


Blowing all of Ash’s other companions out of the water is Goh, who even caught more Pokémon than Ash himself. Ash’s traveling partner through Journeys, Goh’s explicit goal was to catch one of every Pokémon, including his ultimate goal, Mew, and he lived up to that by throwing balls at nearly every wild Pokémon he saw. Among Goh’s more noteworthy Pokémon are a Shiny Voltorb (making him the only main character with a shiny Pokémon besides Ash), revived Pokémon fossils Arctozolt and Aerodactyl, and the Legendary Pokémon Suicune and Regieleki. Goh also captured the dangerous Legendary Eternatus, although he handed that Pokémon over to Leon. As one might expect, Goh doesn’t use most of these Pokémon in battle, but he does help care for them at the Cerise laboratory.

There’s more to being a good Pokémon trainer than just catching Pokémon, but catching them definitely plays an important role. Most of the characters who have very few Pokémon are from the Sun & Moon era, and simply didn’t get much screen time to fill out their teams. There’s also a tendency for characters to befriend Pokémon without catching them in later seasons, like with Mallow’s Shaymin. Having fewer Pokémon on their teams did help to give the Pokémon they did have better development, so catching very few was often for the best. Still, it’s interesting to see how Ash’s Pokémon companions compare to one another, and what that reveals about their style as a trainer.