All Nations In Avatar: The Last Airbender Explained

All Nations In Avatar: The Last Airbender Explained

With Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender on the way, the live-action adaptation will soon display the various different nations that comprise the world of the animated source material. Although the martial arts styles in Avatar: The Last Airbender help flesh out each character’s personality, the nation that each individual hails from plays a significant role in their characterization as well. While some nations favor a more measured and calm approach to solving their problems, other Avatar nations rely more on aggressive tactics and bending to establish themselves as a formidable force.

The live-action Last Airbender is changing the canon, but an element that seems to be in good standing based on the trailers is how Netflix intends to handle each of the four nations in a live-action context. While it is understandable that certain characters and storylines have to be altered from the source material, adhering to the original series’ depictions of the different nations is important because of how important it is to the series. From the peaceful Air Nomads to the ruthless Fire Nation, Avatar: The Last Airbender must depict them all faithfully.

All Nations In Avatar: The Last Airbender Explained


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Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender promises a remixed story, including a major Aang character change that can make a season 3 fight even better.

The Water Tribe

Desna and Eska are the leaders of the Northern Water Tribe, and Tonraq is the leader of the Southern Water Tribe.

The Water Tribe as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender are comprised of various citizens who inhabit the northern and southern hemispheres of the globe. The members of the Water Tribe are notable for their ability to water bend, which allows them to venture into the Spirit Wilds in order to gain food and resources successfully. While Desna and Eska are the leaders of the Northern Water Tribe and Tonraq is the leader of the Southern Water Tribe, siblings Katara and Sokka are the tribe’s most recognizable members, as they’re among some of Aang’s first friends early in the series.

Through energybinding, ancient beings known as lion turtles blessed the Water Tribe with an abundance of water, which effectively allowed them to hone their abilities and use the element to adapt to any situation. However, disagreements between some members resulted in the Northern and Southern Tribes breaking off and developing their own philosophies while remaining tethered spiritually. In direct opposition to the Fire Nation’s anger and tenacity, the Water Tribe’s flexible and calm way of life makes them get along with virtually every other nation.


North and South Poles, Foggy Swap


Desna and Eska (Northern Water Tribe) and Tonraq (Southern Water Tribe)


North Pole: Agna Qel’a, South Pole: Wolf Cove, and Foggy Swamp: Unknown

Notable Characters

North Pole: Chiefs Desna and Eska, Chief Oyaluk, and Chief Unalaq South Pole: Chief Hakoda, Katara, and Chief Sokka Foggy Swamp: Huu, Kuyan, Slim, and Tho

Earth Kingdom

Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom, and copper, silver, and gold pieces are its currency.

The largest and technically the strongest nation in Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Earth Kingdom is based on ancient Chinese civilizations and, as their name would suggest, uses various forms of earth’s matter, such as rocks, mud, and concrete to defend themselves and others against threats. Comprising most of the Eastern hemisphere, the citizens of the Earth Kingdom are notable for their resilience and determination that often sees them overcoming insurmountable odds with grace and integrity. However, the Earth Kingdom’s early history was much more complicated than its present.

After Avatar Wan closed the portal to the spirit world, Avatar‘s Earth Kingdom citizens went to war with one another to decide the outcome of the nation’s future. Over time, the nation was able to find peace after discovering the vast number of rich resources in the nation’s region and opted instead to learn how to turn their anger into productive resilience. As such, the Earth Kingdom formed many military factions, such as the Council of Five, Terra Team, and the Kyoshi Warriors, to protect themselves from invading factions.


Eastern Hemisphere


Wu, 54th Earth King – 174 AG – present Kuvira, 171 AG – 174 AG (Interim President) and military dictator Hou-Ting, 53rd Earth Queen – Unknown – 171 AG Azula, Spring 100 AG Kuei, 52nd Earth King – 79 – 100 AG / 100 AG – Unknown Jialun, fl c. 66 BG – 54 BG 46th Earth King – c. 270 BG Yi Ming Feishan


Ba Sing Se

Notable Characters

Captain Boqin, Generals Fong, How, and Sung, King Bumi, General Kuvira, and Iroh, and Toph Beifong

Daniel Dae Kim as Fire Lord Ozai in Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender Cropped


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Fire Nation

Fire Lord Ozai ruled the Fire Nation from 95 to 100 AG.

The Fire Nation are notable for their anger and aggression, which makes them the perfect conduits for their fire-bending abilities. Although the Fire Nation is known for their intimidating presence and their ruthlessness in combat, one of the most important aspects of their culture is how they became so powerful. After Avatar Kyoshi’s time, a boom in industrialization led to the Fire Nation doubling their efforts in gathering resources and knowledge, making them the most technologically advanced military faction in the world. As such, the Fire Nation became the most dominant military force in the world.

With Avatar Kyoshi no longer a threat to the Fire Nation, they eventually set their sights on conquering other nations, chiefly the Earth Kingdom, to expand their influence and reach. Under the leadership of Fire Lord Ozai, further advances in technology contributed to a massive increase in the Fire Nation’s resolve, and they went on to conquer the Earth Kingdom. After conquering the Earth Kingdom, Fire Lord Ozai would set his sights on becoming the Phoenix King via conquering the remaining nations – something Avatar Aang would prevent from happening.


Majority of the Fire Islands


Izumi, 167 AG – Present Zuko, 100 – 167 AG Ozai, 95 – 100 AG Azulon, 20 – 95 AG Sozin, 58 BG – 20 AG Sozin’s father, Unknown – 58 BG Zoryu, Unknown Chaeryu, Unknown Gonryu, Unknown Yosor, Unknown


Fire Nation Capital

Notable Characters

Admirals Dalja Ro and Zhao, Avatara Roku and Szeto, Combustion Man, Duke Zolian, Fire Lords Azulon, Chaeryu, Izumi, Ozai, Sozin, Yosor, Zoryu, and Zuko, Fire Sages Bai, Kaja, Niuan, and Shyu, General Oraso Eiko, and Princesses Azula and Zeisan

Air Nomads

Air Nomads most closely resemble Buddhist monks both in appearance and philosophy.

The Air Nomads are perhaps the most peaceful faction in Avatar: The Last Airbender, as their commitment to ridding themselves of worldly possessions and desires has resulted in them attaining enlightenment. Furthermore, unlike other nations in Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Air Nomads held the strong belief that anyone born to the tribe possessed a strong aptitude to becoming a bender, as the high level of spirituality that its followers possessed would eventually help its members unlock their true potential. However, despite their affinity for peace, the majority of the Air Nomads were wiped out by the Fire Nation.

However, Aang’s rebirth as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender would eventually see the young boy develop his bending skills as well as maturing, all to stop the Fire Nation in their ruthless pursuit of power and restore peace, balance, and harmony to the world. Despite their efforts, some criticized the Air Nomads for not caring about the outside world due to their inactivity when helping other nations solve their conflicts. Nevertheless, Aang would eventually complete his mission by defeating Fire Lord Ozai, which restored peace and the Air Nomads’ honor in Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Mountain ranges across the globe.





Notable Character

Air Temple Island: Monks Jinpa, Pasang, Tang Xu, Tashi, and Xay Eastern Air Temple: Sister Gymesten and lio Western Air Temple: Abbess Dagmola, Avatar Yangchen, Librarian Tsering, and Sisters Jetsun, Norri, and Rioshon Northern Air Temple: Guru Laghima and Monk Namthöse Southern Temple: Avatar Aang, Air Nomad boy, Abbot Dorje, and Monks Gyasto Unknown Temple: Sisters Anada and Sumati, Ugyen, and Master Youdron New Air Nation: Bumi, Daw, Enuk, Gyume, Kai, Opal, Rinzen, Tsemo, and Yung Air Acolytes: Abbot Shung, Air Acolyte woman, Hei-Won, Jingobo, Won-Yee, Xing Ying, and Yee-Li

Avatar: The Last Airbender (Live-Action)

Gordon Cormier , Dallas Liu , Kiawentiio , Ian Ousley , Daniel Dae Kim , Paul Sun-Hyung Lee

Release Date
February 22, 2024
