All Legendary Ship Battles In Starfield, Ranked By Difficulty

All Legendary Ship Battles In Starfield, Ranked By Difficulty

One of the undeniable highlights of Bethesda’s latest release, Starfield, is the incredible battles that take place on board a spacecraft while traversing through the vast reaches of space. Although these space battles are not uncommon, and the enemies the Spacefarer will face are at most only slightly challenging, there are some rare ships cruising in space that pose an enormous threat – if the player is unfortunate enough to encounter them. The most dangerous enemy ships are undoubtedly the three legendary ones, and although they are difficult to locate these incredibly powerful battleships are an ever-present threat; however, they are not equally deadly, some are far more dangerous than others.

With a map encompassing over 1,000 Planets and 100 Star System, Starfield is an enormous game – a game primarily traversed behind the controls of the player’s spacecraft. Despite their application as a method to quickly get from point A to point B, ships in Starfield as not limited to navigation, they are an enormous part of the game’s combat. Spacecraft can be upgraded and customized to maximize speed, agility, and power; however, even a fully upgraded ship will encounter enormous difficulty if the Spacefarer should ever come across one of the game’s three Legendary ships. Though these enormous battleships are rare, the player must always be prepared to encounter them.

3 Va’ruun Shroudbearer

All Legendary Ship Battles In Starfield, Ranked By Difficulty

A level 45 battleship, accompanied by three level 14 Va’ruun Hymn-class fighters, the Va’ruun Shroudbearer is a legendary spacecraft with enormous firepower and the ability to make fast work of any enemy ship that comes too close. Although undeniably powerful, the flagship in the House Va’ruun fleet of spacecraft is certainly the least powerful of the three legendary ships in the Settled Systems; however, that does not mean it should be underestimated by players.

From a merely aesthetic perspective, this behemoth of a spacecraft is a sight to behold. It is by far the most imposing and impressive craft the Spacefarer will come across in the Settled Systems – it is simply enormous and, for many, an exact visual replica of their concept of a space-going battleship. Despite this cool appearance, the Va’ruun Shroudbearer is a monumental disappointment and particularly vulnerable to ballistic attacks – primarily as it does not possess any defensive shield. Furthermore, its arsenal of weapons, although monumental relative to the player’s ship, is minuscule when compared with the two other legendary spacecrafts.

Owing to the absence of a defensive shield, the most efficient way to take on the Va’ruun Shroudbearer is to employ as many ballistic weapons as possible – primarily as ballistic weapons are particularly good at inflicting hull damage. The Va’ruun Shroudbearer is also particularly slow so making the most of this advantage will help. It is also advisable to quickly dispatch the Va’ruun Hymn-class fighters before progressing to take on the Va’ruun Shroudbearer.

2 Spacer Scavenger Blattodea

Legendary Ship Spacer Scavenger Blattodea approaching the player in Starfield

The Spacer Scavenger Blattodea, though only level 35, is an incredibly powerful legendary ship that features an impressive arsenal of weapons, all of which can deal an extraordinary amount of damage. Furthermore, this legendary spacecraft is, by a long way, the fastest and most agile of any comparable ship – an added factor that compounds the already incredibly high level of challenge the Spacer Scavenger Blattodea poses the Spacefarer should they choose to take it on.

Beyond the challenges and dangers the Spacer Scavenger Blattodea poses in its own right, the craft is also accompanied by a trio of smaller and faster spaceships, all of which come with idiosyncratic strengths and weaknesses; moreover, each presents an equally unique set of difficulties – a level 10 Spacer Raven, a level 14 Spacer Coyote, and a level 18 Spacer Vulture. These three escort ships are all reasonably powerful and can cause a great deal of damage and distraction to the Spacefarer’s ship – a potentially fatal mix when they are already up against the legendary craft, the Spacer Scavenger Blattodea.

Though it possesses an enormous offensive capability, Starfield‘s Spacer Scavenger Blattodea, like the Va’ruun Shroudbearer, inexplicably has no defensive shield, and is, therefore, vulnerable to ballistic weaponry. With that being said, the added mobility and smaller footprint of the Spacers’ legendary ship make it a harder target to consistently hit. The most effective method to defeating this craft is to heavily spec into ballistic modules; however, it is important to not forget about the escort trio – they will require a combination of ballistic and laser weapons to efficiently dispatch.

1 Ecliptic Battleship Camulus

Ecliptic Battleship Camulus Starfield

Named for Camulus, the god of war to the Gaulish and Celtic peoples, Ecliptic Battleship Camulus is without question the most devastatingly powerful and frustratingly difficult legendary ship in Starfield. Like the other two legendary spacecraft that the Spacefarer can encounter, Ecliptic Battleship Camulus possesses an immense offensive capability; however, it matches this with defensive stats that are unparalleled by any ship in the entire Settled Systems – it could best be compared with a tank.

The Ecliptic Battleship Camulus is a level 55 legendary Ecliptic ship, and unlike its fellow legendary ships, it possesses an intensely powerful defensive shield that affords the craft over 4,000 hit points. The battleship also has a seemingly impenetrable hull. Though its offensive capabilities are not as magnificent, they are still easily capable of destroying the Spacefarer’s ship with relative ease. Beyond its impressive credentials, like the other legendary ships, the Ecliptic Battleship Camulus is escorted by a trio of fighter craft – three level 12 Ecliptic Stilettos; however, these seem to be for show as they pose little risk to the player.

Perhaps the best strategy for combating this behemoth craft, and surviving this David and Goliath-esque battle, is to select weapons that have expansive ranges – the most useful module for this style of combat would be particle beam turrets. It takes an extraordinary amount of time to defeat this legendary ship, primarily due to its colossal shield and hull defense stats; however, it is relatively slow and, therefore, it can be circled and chipped away at over time. Ultimately, of all the legendary ships in Starfield, the Ecliptic Battleship Camulus is by far the most difficult to defeat in battle.