All 9 Avatar: The Last Airbender Cameos In The Legend Of Korra, Ranked

All 9 Avatar: The Last Airbender Cameos In The Legend Of Korra, Ranked

The Legend of Korra featured many cameos from characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender, but not every appearance was as exciting or impactful as the best of the show. The series follows Korra, the next Avatar after Aang, and her adventures trying to maintain the balance and peace that Aang worked so hard to achieve in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Though Korra was a very different Avatar in style and personality, she held many of the same beliefs and values as Aang and needed as much guidance as he did.

The timeline of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra made it impossible for certain characters to appear in the story. However, through flashbacks and trips to the spirit world, plenty of fan-favorite characters joined the cast. Some of the most crucial and memorable cameos occurred when Korra was at a crossroads and needed advice from past Avatars and characters the most. Witnessing these iconic characters getting older and wiser can be bittersweet. Despite this, it’s nice to see The Legend of Korra pay tribute to the stories that preceded it.



Season 1, Episode 9, “Out of the Past”

Though Sokka died after The Last Airbender ended, his spirit was still at the heart of The Legend of Korra. This was because Korra was a waterbender and shared the energy and confidence that Sokka brought to Team Avatar. Unfortunately, his cameo is one of the smallest of the show as he only appears briefly in a season 1 flashback. The central conflict of The Legend of Korra season 1 is Korra’s battle with the Equalists and their leader, Amon. It’s later revealed that Amon is the son of the bloodbender Yakone.

In a flashback, Korra sees Sokka, Katara, and the other members of the Gaang as part of the council in Republic City arresting and sentencing Yakone after he’s charged with bloodbending. After this, Korra begins to put the pieces together about Amon’s origins and that he’s using bloodbending to take away people’s bending. Seeing the older, more serious Sokka, who has taken on so much responsibility as a leader is a stark change from the young man in Avatar. Despite this, a few moments of Sokka are better than forgetting about him completely.



Season 2, Episode 13, “Darkness Falls”

Admiral Zhao isn’t the best villain in Avatar, but he sets the stage for how the audience perceives the Fire Nation and is a precursor to the evil of Azula in season 2. He spends season 1 chasing Aang and competing with Zuko in the hunt for the Avatar. His most significant moment comes in the final two episodes of season 1 when he captures and kills the Moon Spirit, debilitating the waterbenders and destroying balance in the world. Thankfully, the Moon Spirit is restored, but Zhao’s fate remains ambiguous, as the spirit of the Ocean sweeps him away.

This opened conclusion is resolved in The Legend of Korra season 2 when several characters journey into the spirit world including Aang’s children Tenzin and Kya. While Tenzin and Kya search for Tenzin’s daughter, the airbender Jinora, they find Zhao, eternally searching for the Avatar amongst the mists and spirits. Zhao’s appearance doesn’t serve a larger plot point or lead them to Jinora, but it’s a sneaky callback to the original series that longtime fans appreciated.

All 9 Avatar: The Last Airbender Cameos In The Legend Of Korra, Ranked


Avatar: The 10 Best Easter Eggs In The Legend Of Korra

The creators snuck lots of Avatar goodies into The Legend of Korra, and these 10 are just a few out of many!



Season 1, Episode 1, “Welcome to Republic City”

Katara appears several times throughout The Legend of Korra, as she’s one of the few members of the Gaang who are still alive in the series. On the one hand, this is sad because it means she had to live through losing Aang, but it also means that Korra has her guidance and help in the present. In the first episode of the series, Katara is seen as part of the White Lotus, the group that protects the Avatar. She helps train Korra and lends her waterbending expertise.

As one of the most powerful benders in Avatar and The Legend of Korra, Katara has much to teach to the next generation of waterbenders, but this isn’t a large part of the series. Now and then, she pops up to remind the audience that she’s still out there. This was because The Legend of Korra wanted to ensure that audiences were concerned about what the newest edition of Team Avatar was up to. However, seeing her with her children, Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya, and with her extended family is one of the most heartwarming parts of the show.


Past Avatars

Season 2, Episode 7, “Beginnings: Part 1”

One of the most interesting parts of the Avatar universe is the lore of the Avatar and the connection that every Avatar has to their past lives. This connection is what protects them, helps them in the Avatar state, and gives them the knowledge and wisdom to make decisions that affect the balance of the universe. Unfortunately, Korra has to lose her Avatar connection to fully evolve into the Avatar she was meant to be. However, before that, she gets to interact with her past lives and previous Avatars.

A few of the most iconic Avatars that both Aang and Korra interact with are Roku, the Avatar before Aang, and Kyoshi, the Avatar who preceded Roku. They were both fearsome warriors with different outlooks and approaches to being the Avatar, showcasing how different every person is despite sharing this spiritual connection. When Aang first appears to Korra she sees her past lives, but the most significant interaction comes in season 2 when she learns about the history of the Avatar, and how their story began.


Wan Shi Tong

Season 2, Episode 10, “A New Spiritual Age”

“The Library” is one of the best episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and it features the spirit, Wan Shi Tong, a large owl who protects and presides over the library. When Aang and Team Avatar stumble across the library in Avatar​​​​​​, they gain vital insight into how to stop Fire Lord Ozai which eventually aids Aang in defeating him. Wan Shi Tong was a mysterious but intriguing figure who never came back on Avatar. Fortunately, he did return for the final time in The Legend of Korra season 2.

Korra and Jinora enter the spirit world looking for answers in season 2, as season 2 is one of the most spiritual arcs in Korra. Throughout the show, one of the biggest conflicts is Korra trying to connect with the spiritual part of being the Avatar, and when she and Jinora get separated in the spirit world, this is what she sets out to do. While Korra is on her own, Jinora encounters both the library and Wan Shi Tong. Seeing Jinora with Wan Shi Tong calls back to Aang being there and brings the library plot full circle.



Season 3, Episode 2, “Rebirth”

Zuko might be the best character in Avatar: The Last Airbender, and at the very least his character arc is the most complete and fully fleshed out. Seeing him redeem himself and come to terms with the evils the Fire Nation has committed on his own terms is a tragic but fantastic storyline that illustrates how much people can change and become forces for good. By the end of Avatar, he’s joined the Gaang and fights against his father to bring peace to the four nations.

In The Legend of Korra, he has stepped down as Fire Lord and his daughter has assumed the throne. However, his presence still holds great power and reverence, as seen when Bolin, one of Korra’s friends, becomes tongue-tied when they meet. Additionally, Zuko is still a force to be reckoned with when he takes on Zaheer, the main antagonist of season 3, and provides Korra with advice when she asks for it. He and Aang become close at the end of Avatar and seeing him help Korra in the same way he helped Aang is touching.



Season 1, Episode 9, “Out of the Past”

How Aang was characterized in The Legend of Korra was contentious, but seeing him again in the series even though he was no longer in the physical world was a momentous occasion on the show. Aang’s shadow hangs over Korra in everything she does, as living up to such a legendary Avatar is no easy task. In season 1, Korra is plagued by her spiritual block that prevents her from seeing Aang and connecting with her past selves. At her lowest point, Aang finally appears and helps her regain her bending and connection to the Avatars.

He comes back at various points in The Legend of Korra to guide her and through flashbacks of his actions as the Avatar as an adult. Though he cannot return after Korra loses her connection to the Avatar line, his last cameo is still a moving part of the show. Just as he came when Korra needed him, he comes to Tenzin, his son, when Tenzin is searching for Jinora in the spirit world. It’s a moment of healing for Tenzin, who felt the weight of the airbending legacy on his shoulders and needed to hear that he was enough.

A composite image features Aang and Katara in grey scale with Tenzin and baby Rohan in color from The Legend of Korra


Legend Of Korra: Aang’s Family Tree (From Oldest To Youngest)

The Legend of Korra is a show just as much about family bonding as elemental bending, including that of Aang, Katara, and their offspring.



Season 1, Episode 9, “Out of the Past”

Though Toph doesn’t join the Gaang until Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2, she becomes a vital member of the team and one of the greatest characters on the show. She’s the only earthbender and teaches Aang almost everything he knows about this style of bending. She’s a fierce warrior and has a no-nonsense personality that carries through into The Legend of Korra. Her daughters, Lin and Suyin, go on to play large parts in the series and become leaders in the earthbending community.

Korra relies on Lin and Suyin a lot over the years, but one of Korra’s most impactful spiritual and emotional journeys happens with Toph, and not in the spirit world. Toph has gone off on her own, exploring the world, in her old age, and Korra stumbles upon her in a forest. She’s still tough as nails and teaches Korra how to reconnect to her power after the events of season 3, one of The Legend of Korra‘s best fight scenes. The Toph shown in a flashback in season 1 is nostalgic, but in season 4, Toph changes Korra’s life.


Uncle Iroh

Season 2, Episode 10, “A New Spiritual Age”

Uncle Iroh is the character who spurs the character development and spirituality of many characters in both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Aang, Toph, and most of all Zuko each have incredible moments with Iroh across the seasons, and after learning his backstory and history with violence in the Fire Nation, his attitude and dedication to peace and balance are even more honorable. He is one of the most spiritual characters on the show, displayed through how true allegiance is to the universe rather than the warring human factions.

While seeing Aang was an emotional and pivotal moment for Korra, she’s vulnerable when she finds Iroh in the spirit world in season 2. She reverts to her childlike self and is honest about how challenging it is to be the Avatar and how she frequently doesn’t know what to do. As always, Iroh treats her fears with the patience, kindness, and trademark quirkiness that makes him such an endearing character. Seeing Iroh once again, and witnessing him help Korra on her journey is everything audiences could have asked for and more.

The Legend of Korra


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This spinoff of Avatar: The Last Airbender follows the titular Korra, the new generation’s Avatar and reincarnation of Aang. As an Avatar, Korra can bend all four elements, and the show follows her adventure through the difficulties in a rapidly growing world.


Janet Varney
, P.J. Byrne
, David Faustino
, J.K. Simmons
, Jeff Bennett
, Dee Bradley Baker
, Seychelle Gabriel
, Mindy Sterling

Release Date

April 14, 2012




Joaquim Dos Santos


bryan konietzko