All 19 Animal Man Stories By Grant Morrison, Ranked

All 19 Animal Man Stories By Grant Morrison, Ranked

At the time of its publication, there was no other comic in America quite like Grant Morrison’s Animal Man. Prior to Morrison, Animal Man had been just another obscure character languishing in limbo. Initially seeing Animal Man as a vehicle to explore animal rights issues, Morrison eventually took the character in a metaphysical direction, raising profound questions about the nature of reality and existence.

After making a name for themselves in the British comics’ scene, Grant Morrison entered the mainstream with Animal Man in 1988. Over the course of 26 issues, and one story in Secret Origins, Morrison not only rescued Animal Man from obscurity, but ensured the character would remain vital to future generations. Most of Morrison’s Animal Man output were single, self-contained stories that still nevertheless told one larger saga. There were a few multi-issue arcs, and for the purpose of this list, they are counted as one story. Here are all 19 Grant Morrison Animal Man stories, ranked.

Not Even Company Mandated Crossovers Slowed Grant Morrison Down

“Birds of Prey,” appearing in Animal Man #6 by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood

Every year in the late 1980s, DC held a major crossover event that impacted the entire line, and Animal Man was no exception. Issue six ties into the publisher’s mega Invasion event, which saw a confederation of alien races, including the Thanagarians, invade Earth. Morrison and their collaborators ran with the premise, introducing the “art martyrs” of Thanagar, who used death and chaos in their works. Morrison added not only a new and demented layer to the militant and warlike Thanagarians, but to the entire Invasion event as well.

The Red Mask Showed Animal Man’s Human Side

“The Death of the Red Mask,” appearing in Animal Man #7 by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood

Tangentially related to the Invasion crossover event, “The Death of the Red Mask” was one of the best demonstrations of the book’s humanity. The writers of comics’ “British Invasion,” of which Morrison was part of, humanized heroes and villains in new and exciting ways. Morrison created a “new” Golden Age villain in The Red Mask, only to kill him off in the same issue. While the world around them burns, Animal Man attempts to talk Red Mask out of suicide. Animal Man departs, thinking he has made a breakthrough, only for the Mask to turn around and actually do it.

Animal Man Was More Than Just a Champion For Human Beings

“Fox on the Run,” appearing in Animal Man #10 by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Mark McKenna

Although Grant Morrison eventually took Animal Man in a meta-textual direction, they initially used it to explore animal rights. These two seemingly contradictory concerns collide in the story “Fox on the Run.” Animal Man travels to Britain where he disrupts a fox hunt by saving the animal. Although fox hunts of the such depicted in Animal Man #10 do not happen in America, they are a very big concern for European animal rights advocates. Not content to merely create another animal rights story, Morrison begins seeding bits and pieces of the meta-direction the book will soon head in.

The Time Commander Gave Animal Man a Change of Pace–If Only Briefly

“The Clockwork Crimes of the Time Commander,” appearing in Animal Man #16 by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood

For the first part of Grant Morrison’s tenure on Animal Man, the character was a member of the European branch of the Justice League, and this issue shows why he belonged there, despite whatever his impostor syndrome might have told him. Animal Man and his Justice League colleagues team up to stop the Silver Age villain, the Time Commander, from committing crimes against the timestream. The issue ends with Animal Man and his wife enjoying dinner in Paris. While they are enjoying themselves, a mysterious man who has been stalking Animal Man in previous issues watches.

Animal Man Would Not Hesitate to Break the Law–If It Helped Save a Life

“Consequences,” appearing in Animal Man #17, by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood

By the time “Consequences” was published, Morrison was seriously ramping up the meta-textual elements that would culminate in the book’s final arc. However, they paused for a bit to tell another animal-rights story. Animal Man assists a group of animal rights advocates to spring caged monkeys from laboratories. Animal Man and his friends are successful, but in the aftermath, a first responder is seriously hurt. From there, Animal Man confronts a right-wing bully commentator on live television, only to look bad in the process. This story was a commentary on not only animal rights, but the nature of heroes and the law.

Animal Man’s Past and Future Collide in “Spooks.”

“Spooks,” appearing in Animal Man #14, by Grant Morrison, Tom Grummett and Steve Montano

At roughly the halfway point in their Animal Man run, Grant Morrison had already set up a number of intriguing storylines, some that would not bear fruit for several more issues. They also set up another one in “Spooks.” A mysterious phantom begins stalking members of Animal Man’s family. Every time Animal Man attempts to chase the ghost, it disappears. Morrison themselves makes an appearance in this issue, albeit in the dreams of Doctor Highwater, one of the book’s recurring characters. Between the phantom and Morrison, the pieces were slowly moving into place.

On Land or On Sea, Animal Man Defends All Animals

“The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea,” appearing in Animal Man #15 by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood.

Dolphin hunting is an unfortunate reality, and Morrison tackles the issue head on in “The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.” Once again setting aside the meta-textual concerns for an issue, Morrison educates readers on the topic in a non-preachy and non-didactic way. Animal Man regularly meets the heroes of the DC Universe during Morrison’s run, and in this issue, is paired up with Dolphin, an occasional ally of Aquaman. Animal Man, by his own admission, broke a number of international laws–but he really did not care, as the dolphins were safe.

Grant Morrison Addressed an Issue Surrounding One of DC’s Goofiest Characters

“Hour of the Beast,” appearing in Animal Man #13, by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood

The B’Wana Beast, a goofy character from the Silver Age, was recast as a supporting character early in Morrison’s Animal Man run. B’Wana Beast has the power to meld two animals together. It is not a particularly useful power, but Morrison and their collaborators made the best of it. However, in “Hour of the Beast,” Morrison addresses the character’s problematic nature. B’Wana Beast is a White man who considers himself a champion of the African continent, raising issues of white saviorism, and Morrison meets this head-on, creating a new B’Wana Beast by issue’s end.

All 19 Animal Man Stories By Grant Morrison, Ranked


“The Superhero Dream Is Essentially Romantic”: Star X-Men & Superman Writer Grant Morrison Calls Out “Superheroes Are Fascist” Theory

Grant Morrison recently addressed Alan Moore’s comments about superheroes being “fascist,” giving a wonderful counterpoint to Moore’s perspective.

Grant Morrison Gave Animal Man’s Origin New and Mind-Bending Layers

“The Myth of Creation,” appearing in Secret Origins #39 by Grant Morrison, Tom Grummett and Doug Hazelwood

DC’s late-1980s Secret Origins title retold character origins in the wake of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and when it came time for Animal Man to get this treatment, Morrison obliged. They gave a new spin on the character’s first appearance in Strange Adventures #180 by tying it into the major, meta-textual story they were developing in Animal Man’s own title. Morrison made an already nutty origin story even more so, and cleverly incorporated the Secret Origins story into the first part of issue ten, “Fox on the Run.”

Grant Morrison Used Animal Man to Make an Old Flash Villain Cool

“Mirror Movies,” appearing in Animal Man #8 by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood.

This masterpiece, from early in Morrison’s run, reintroduced the Mirror Master, a Silver Age Flash villain. Working as an assassin for parties unknown, Mirror Master tried to kill Animal Man, but as seen later in the run, developed second thoughts about it, even becoming something of an ally to the hero. Morrison made the new Mirror Master Scottish, and gave him a vague moral code. This version of the Mirror Master proved popular with fans, and has made many more appearances in the DC Universe, including in the pages of The Flash.

Animal Man Was a Devout Family Man–Even After They Were Gone

“The Last Enemy,” appearing in Animal Man #20, by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood

By the end of Grant Morrison’s Animal Man, the hero has been put through his paces, and this issue shows how he retains his humanity in light of the death of his family. In addition to issues of animal rights and metafiction, Morrison explored family dynamics in their Animal Man tenure. Animal Man was a husband and a father, and he had to balance these positions with his role as a superhero, which made for some of the most compelling stories of the run–including the gut-wrenching “The Last Enemy.”

One Story Showed Animal Man Belonged on the Justice League

“Home Improvements,” appearing in Animal Man #9, by Grant Morrison, Tom Grummett and Doug Hazelwood

Animal Man, as mentioned earlier, was briefly a member of Justice League Europe, fighting alongside DC icons such as the Flash and Wonder Woman. However, Animal Man struggled to find a place in the team, and ended up leaving before Morrison finished their run. Animal Man’s doubts about his heroic career were on full display in “Home Improvements,” as he confides in the Martian Manhunter about what has been eating at him. Their conversation about the matter is refreshing and frank, and serves as a reminder that Animal Man can play in the big leagues–if he wants to.

Grant Morrison Refined Animal Man’s Origins Even Further

“Out of Africa” and “Secret Origins,” appearing in Animal Man #11 and #12, by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood

In issue 10, as well as Secret Origins #39, Grant Morrison played out around with Animal Man’s origin, recasting it for the modern era. In issues 11 and 12, they take it a step further. They introduce the aliens from the Secret Origins story, and give a glimpse at their powers. Morrison also introduces Hamed Ali, an immortal villain who falls prey to the alien’s sheer power, as they erase him from continuity completely. Finally, Morrison (covertly) acknowledges the Crisis on Infinite Earths, which would become a bigger deal later in the run.

Animal Man Unleashed His Fury in “Tooth and Claw”

“Tooth and Claw,” appearing in Animal Man #21, by Grant Morrison, Chas Troug and Doug Hazelwood

At this point in Grant Morrison’s Animal Man, the hero’s family is dead, killed by forces answering to the United States government, and he gets his revenge in “Tooth and Claw.” Mirror Master, introduced in a previous issue, began to get cold feet about killing Animal Man, and offered to help the hero bring his would-be assassins down. When Animal Man reached his destination, he was confronted by a giant, mech-style robot, and to beat it, he had to use his powers in new and creative ways, such as using the time perception abilities of a fly.

Psychedelics Came to Mainstream Comics During Morrison’s Animal Man

“At Play in the Fields of the Lord,” appearing in Animal Man #18, by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood

In mainstream comics, drugs were by and large taboo. Heroes would regularly bust up drug smuggling rings, so when Animal Man took hallucinogens in the story “At Play in the Fields of the Lord,” it was shocking. Morrison clued readers in that something major was coming for Animal Man, and the writer gave hints throughout this issue–and the drugs became a way to get this point across. Under their influence, Animal Man learns about the first Crisis–and that there is another on the way. The issue ends on an ominous note that will impact the rest of the run.

Animal Man Smashed the Fourth Wall Under Morrison’s Guidance

“A New Science of Life,” appearing in Animal Man #19, by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood

A continuation of events from the previous issue, Animal Man and Doctor Highwater’s psychedelic odyssey, is far from over. Animal Man continues to have visions of a great “Crisis” that is coming, but they are vague and obtuse. Animal Man’s consciousness continues to be raised higher and higher, until he turns around and “sees” the reader at home. The panel in question is one of the most iconic of the run, and in hindsight, foreshadowed the run’s end. The story ends on a tragic note as well, as Animal Man comes home to find his family dead.

Grant Morrison Closed Out Their Animal Man Run In a Mind-Bending Fashion

Appearing in Animal Man #22-26, by Grant Morrison, Paris Cullins, Steve Montano, Chas Truog, Doug Hazelwood, Mark Farmer

Grant Morrison’s final Animal Man story brought to a head over two years worth of buildup. Thanks to the machinations of the Psycho Pirate, characters who had been consigned to “Limbo” were returning, threatening the fabric of reality. Animal Man was able to stop this “Crisis” from happening, and left our reality all together, where he would come face to face with Grant Morrison themselves. While comic book creators guest-starring in comics was nothing new (DC did it often during the Silver Age), Morrison took it to a whole nother level with Animal Man’s final arc.

Grant Morrison’s First Animal Man Arc Announced a Major New Talent

Appearing in Animal Man #1-4, by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood

Prior to the publication of Animal Man #1, the character was viewed as a relic of DC’s Silver Age, a hero fit for another time. Grant Morrison shattered every one of these notions with their first arc in Animal Man. As stated earlier, Morrison intended to use the book to explore animal rights issues, and that is on display in the title’s first four issues. Grant reintroduces fans to Animal Man as well as the hero’s family, thus setting up another important element that will run through the series. Finally, it announced to American comics that a new talent had arrived.

“The Coyote Gospel” Was Where Animal Man Found Its Footing

“The Coyote Gospel,” appearing in Animal Man #5, by Grant Morrison, Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood

For the first four issues of Animal Man, Grant Morrison deftly explored issues of animal rights, mixing them with (unconventional) heroic action. Yet with “The Coyote Gospel,” Morrison not only touched on animal rights, but also began playing around with the nature of comics and reality. Using a stand-in for the Warner Brothers character Wile E. Coyote, Morrison and their collaborators crafted an emotionally wrenching story that simultaneously broke the fourth wall. The themes Morrison explores in this single issue would bear fruit over the remainder of the run.

Doom Patrol Grant Morrison


Grant Morrison Asked Fans to Perform a Magic Ritual to Save Their Comic

In November 1995, Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles was at risk of cancellation. The writer asked fans to use magic to save their comic, and it worked.

After Grant Morrison left, a revolving door of writers and artists would guide Animal Man’s destiny into the mid-1990s. Grant Morrison would return to Animal Man in the 2000s in the 52 weekly series and the character was a huge part of the New 52 reboot. Animal Man and his family were last seen in the pages of The Flash, where their daughter Maxine shared adventures with Wally West’s children. All of this was made possible by Grant Morrison during their run on Animal Man.