All 12 Times The Mandalorian’s Iconic Star Wars Curse Has Been Spoken (& Why)

All 12 Times The Mandalorian’s Iconic Star Wars Curse Has Been Spoken (& Why)

While The Mandalorian has certainly gifted Star Wars with plenty of new lore, one of its most iconic and surprising additions is a brand-new curse. The Mandalorian has been transforming the Star Wars galaxy ever since its debut, from the introduction of the Jedi youngling turned Mandalorian apprentice Grogu to Din Djarin’s cloistered sect of Mandalorians, who derived from Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ Death Watch. The Mandalorian season 2 alone was responsible for the return of four major Star Wars characters, two of which were brought into live-action for the very first time.

For as many references to familiar Star Wars lore as The Mandalorian has, it has just as many – if not more – brand-new additions. It quickly made the Mandalorians’ “This is the Way” a defining phrase for the series, though that’s not the only line of dialogue The Mandalorian has invented. Its curse “dank farrik” has since become a fun trademark of the Star Wars TV show, with many characters in The Mandalorian universe using the phrase to express various emotions. Here are all 12 times this curse from The Mandalorian has been used thus far.

All 12 Times The Mandalorian’s Iconic Star Wars Curse Has Been Spoken (& Why)


The Mandalorian Cast & Characters Guide

The Mandalorian has created a long list of new Star Wars characters and brought back some familiar ones, with an incredible cast to match.

12 “Dank Farrik, That Was Close!”

Mythrol – The Mandalorian Season 1, Episode 1 “Chapter 1: The Mandalorian”

Mythrol panics in the cockpit of the Razor Crest with Din Djarin in The Mandalorian season 1 episode 1

The first person to ever use “dank farrik” is the Mythrol, and his use of it goes back to the very first episode of The Mandalorian. When the Razor Crest falls under attack by a ravinak, Mythrol is nearly killed by the creature, with Din Djarin pulling him into the Crest just in time to avoid the Mythrol becoming lunch. He exclaims an anxiety-ridden iteration of the curse that speaks to the true danger of the moment, though the Mandalorian is never shaken as he easily scares away the ravinak with a single touch of the electric prongs on his Amban phase-pulse blaster rifle.

11 “Dank Farrik, It’s Going Back In.”

Din Djarin – The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1 “Chapter 9: The Marshal”

Dank farrik” isn’t used again until The Mandalorian season 2, and Din’s first utterance of the curse begins a season 2 trend of the phrase being used in nearly every episode. As he and Cobb Vanth watch the krayt dragon attack from afar, he mutters the curse in frustration about the creature’s retreat, just before convincing Cobb not to set off the explosives too early. Din goes on to become the one responsible for the krayt dragon’s defeat, but at this point, he knows he’s helpless in assisting the Mos Pelgo townsfolk and the Tuskens until they draw the creature out further.

10 “Dank Farrik. The Landing Array Isn’t Responding.”

Din Djarin – The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 3 “Chapter 11: The Heiress”

Din Djarin, Frog Lady, and Grogu all sit in the Razor Crest cockpit in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 3

After a dangerous run-in with the New Republic on Maldo Kreis that nearly destroys the Razor Crest, Din prepares to land the roughened ship on Trask, just to find the landing array unresponsive. He utters the curse in frustration and a concealed amount of panic, knowing he’ll have to make a manual entry onto the moon – which is no simple feat. Even worse, he has to do so with Grogu, Frog Lady, and her eggs all aboard, which increases the risk of damaging precious cargo.

9 “He’s One Of Them. Dank Farrik.”

Axe Woves & Koska Reeves – The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 3 “Chapter 11: The Heiress”

Bo-Katan Kryze, Koska Reeves, and Axe Woves react to Din Djarin on Trask in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 3

The Mandalorian season 2 is the first time Din comes across Mandalorians from outside his own covert, and their casual removal of their helmets convinces him they’re not real Mandalorians. His reaction causes Axe Woves to quickly identify Din as a Child of the Watch, to which Koska Reeves mutters “dank farrik” in disappointment. Bo-Katan Kryze is quick to offer Din an explanation, though the brutally honest way in which she does so drives Din and Grogu away from the boat before he can even ask about finding a Jedi.

8 “You’re Lucky I Even Packed It At All. Dank Farrik.”

Mythrol & Cara Dune – The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 4 “Chapter 12: The Siege”

Mythrol, Cara Dune, and Greef Karga watch a stormtrooper fall on Nevarro in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 4

Mythrol finds himself at the heart of unwanted action again in The Mandalorian season 2, reuniting with Din for the first time since the Mandalorian froze him in carbonite. When he tries to help slice into an Imperial elevator, he argues with Cara Dune, insisting he cannot work faster with what he has. Cara mutters the curse in frustration about the time he’s taking, just to immediately watch as Din throws a stormtrooper off the overhang above them – offering his own way to get them up.

7 “Dank Farrik! No, I’m Not Mad At You.”

Din Djarin – The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 6 “Chapter 14: The Tragedy”

Din Djarin talks to Grogu in the Razor Crest cockpit in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 6

Din’s next utterance of the curse is much more lighthearted, as it’s focused on the raw Force power Grogu is able to wield in his presence. Having just learned Grogu’s name on Corvus, Din repeats the child’s name and plays his own version of catch with the Razor Crest shifter knob. When Grogu successfully pulls the shifter knob from Din, he celebrates with an enthusiastic “Dank farrik!” At first, Grogu thinks Din is angry with him, and he throws the knob away just before Din explains he’s simply amazed by Grogu and his special abilities.

Din Djarin in The Mandalorian season 3 superimposed over Cara Dune holding his Mythosaur necklace in The Mandalorian season 1 finale


All 20 Times Din Djarin’s Name Is Spoken In The Mandalorian (& Everyone Who Knows It)

Even as one of Star Wars’ most popular characters, Din Djarin’s name isn’t used much in The Mandalorian. Here are all 20 times it’s been said so far.

6 “Dank Farrik! Son Of A Mudscuffer!”

Cara Dune – The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 8 “Chapter 16: The Rescue”

Cara Dune tries to unjam her gun in an elevator with Bo-Katan Kryze, Fennec Shand, and Koska Reeves in The Mandalorian season 2 finale

During a brief break from their brutal attack on Moff Gideon’s light cruiser, Cara Dune takes the chance to fix her jammed gun in the lift with Bo-Katan, Fennec Shand, and Koska. Out of disgruntled anger, Cara exclaims the curse, clicking, pushing and pulling the gun until it gives way. Just as she’s offered assistance, Cara slams the gun upon the ground, successfully un-jamming it just in time to fight their way through the last wave of Imperial troopers.

5 “Let Me. Dank Farrik!”

Fennec Shand – The Book Of Boba Fett, Episode 3 “Chapter 3: The Streets Of Mos Espa”

Just before one of The Book of Boba Fett’s most controversial scenes, Fennec Shand exclaims the “Dank farrik!” curse in anger towards the missing Mayor Mok Shaiz. She and Boba Fett find his throne empty after Fennec slices their way inside, beginning a pursuit of the mayor’s cowardly majordomo. The Mods are the ones who engage in Star Wars’ slowest chase scene to date, all of which is initiated by Fennec’s utterance of The Mandalorian’s iconic curse.

4 “Dank Farrik, She’s Fast.”

Din Djarin – The Book Of Boba Fett, Episode 5 “Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian”

Din Djarin pilots the N-1 starfighter for the first time in The Book of Boba Fett episode 5

After the destruction of the Razor Crest in The Mandalorian season 2, Din Djarin finds himself in need of a new ship, leading Peli Motto to fix up an old Naboo N-1 starfighter with him on Tatooine. During its maiden flight, Din tests its abilities in the infamous Beggar’s Canyon, and Din utters the curse in amazement at how fast the starfighter is compared to his old gunship. Peli even makes fun of him for his earlier argument of solely wanting a Razor Crest, though Din’s too amazed at what the ship can do to offer his own quip in response.

3 “Let’s See What She’s Got. Dank Farrik.”

Din Djarin – The Book Of Boba Fett, Episode 5 “Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian”

Din Djarin and his N-1 starfighter get pulled over by X-wings in The Book of Boba Fett episode 5

When Din breaks through Tatooine’s atmosphere on his maiden flight of the N-1 starfighter and begins to spin and speed around a civilian transport, he’s quickly pulled over by New Republic X-wings. Upon seeing them, Din mutters a “dank farrik,” knowing he’s about to be pulled over for the second time in The Mandalorian universe. Considering the last time he was pulled over didn’t go so well, this use of the curse was more than likely an expression of worry about what could possibly go wrong this time.

2 “Dank Farrik. They Have A Target Lock On Us.”

Din Djarin – The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 1 “Chapter 17: The Apostate”

Din Djarin's N-1 starfighter is led to Gorian Shard's Corsair in The Mandalorian season 3, episode 1

Din is once again seated in his N-1 starfighter when he utters the infamous curse in The Mandalorian season 3, but this time, Grogu’s also with him. While leaving Nevarro, the duo is intercepted by snubfighters from Pirate King Gorian Shard’s Corsair, and the pirates lead Din directly to the main vessel in an effort to capture him. Din curses when he realizes the giant ship has a target lock on the N-1, though he and Grogu are quickly able to avoid capture by making use of a custom modification built in by Peli Motto herself.

1 “Dank Farrik! Another Engine Down, And Shields Are Failing.”

Gorian Shard & His Pirates – The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 5 “Chapter 21: The Pirate”

The most recent use of “dank farrik” goes back to The Mandalorian’s pirates, with Gorian Shard’s Corsair under full attack by both Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze on Nevarro. When a snubfighter is destroyed and crashes directly into the Corsair, Gorian Shard exclaims the curse in both anger and frustration, just to be informed that one of their engines is down as a result – and their shields have lost their integrity. Gorian Shard’s curse does nothing to save him from his fate in The Mandalorian, as Din and Bo-Katan make quick work of taking his snubfighters and his Corsair down before he can further damage Nevarro’s town.