Alien Confirms the True Horror of a Xenomorph Breeding Ground

Alien Confirms the True Horror of a Xenomorph Breeding Ground

Warning: contains a preview for Aliens #11!

The Xenomorphs in Alien are fearsome foes when met in any location and Marvel seems to be giving the extraterrestrial species an upper hand in a new preview for Aliens #11. Being confronted by a single Xenomorph in space is horrifying enough, but being part of a farm of the creatures goes beyond the standard nightmare.

Marvel’s acquisition of Alien publishing rights has led to some rather interesting storytelling and art as of late. From crossover variant covers with legendary Marvel heroes to brand new types of Xenomorphs, big things are happening with the franchise where comics are concerned. The first Aliens arc kept a traditional story, setting a military man up against a lab experiment on the loose. The second arc seemed to be running traditional courses as well, though the story now appears to be taking a darker turn.

A preview for Aliens #11 has been shared by Graphic Policy. This upcoming issue has the creative team of Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Salvador Larroca. The colony of people on Euridice—a moon settlement—have found themselves facing Xenomorphs after a ship crash landed with the creatures aboard. Now they are struggling to survive as grim revelations come to light: they could be part of the development of a Xenomorph breeding ground.

Alien Confirms the True Horror of a Xenomorph Breeding Ground


Preview of Marvel's Aliens #11 page 2


Preview of Marvel's Aliens #11 page 3


Preview of Marvel's Aliens #11 page 4


Preview of Marvel's Aliens #11 page 5

SANCTUARY IS NO MORE! Jane and the remaining Spinners are running out of ways to escape. And hope is getting slimmer as each station they reach is decimated by the Xenomorphs. Will help reach the colony in time? Or will the true intents of the colony destroy all hope?

The colony, referred to as the Spinners, has been working hard to build their home. However, this preview implies their work may not have been for the purpose they initially believed. Their presence may not be to live. Their religion and higher being, referred to as “Mother,” is being used against them. Their beliefs are being twisted, implying that their purpose is to be fodder for Xenomorphs. This would definitely be the kind of goal that corporations in this universe lean toward and strive for. Though it does increase the sinister nature of the story compared to some of the previous comics in the franchise, Predators have been known to breed Xenomorphs and humans could be following in their footsteps.

Within the franchise, humans are frequently used as breeding vessels, but in the films it usually occurs in enclosed areas. Additionally, the breeding is often small scale, limited to a spaceship’s crew. Aliens presented a former colony, which fell after infection during an investigation of an Engineer spacecraft. While research on Xenomorphs was being done, the colony did not seem to be constructed for the purpose of breeding the aliens. Now, just over twenty years following the fall of Hadley’s Hope, motives have changed and a full-scale breeding ground appears to be in its early stages of infestation. This could severely limit the options the Spinners have in trying to survive if they are expressly stationed on the settlement to be used for Xenomorph breeding. Should this prove to be the case, it likely isn’t the only settlement in space being developed for this dark purpose. Additionally, these xenomorphs are altered, adding further torture for the colonists who fall victim to them. Fans will be able to discover the secrets of Euridice when Marvel’s Aliens #11 releases on April 27.