Alice In Wonderland Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Alice In Wonderland Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Tim Burton is undoubtedly a great director which is why his adaptation of Alice in Wonderland took an original approach to the story making it an epic fantasy out of a children’s tale. Of course, the plot underwent significant changes as did the characters.

In this film, Alice gets to Wonderland for the second time in her life and must now save this other secret world. Here is how the movie characters would be sorted at Hogwarts.

Bayard Hamar aka The Puppy: Gryffindor

Alice In Wonderland Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Bayard Hamar is the victim of the situation like most of the inhabitants of Wonderland. He has a family that has been imprisoned by the Red Queen who he now has to serve if he wants to see them again alive and well.

But despite everything, he decides to help Alice and company to overthrow the Red Queen which makes him a Gryffindor. He knows that it is very dangerous both for him and for his family, but he is willing to take the risk nonetheless.

Absolem aka The Caterpillar: Ravenclaw

Absolem is probably the wisest character in Wonderland. Much like most of this world’s inhabitants, he talks in riddles, but there is a lot of meaning in those riddles which Alice tries to guess the meaning of and comprehend in some way.

Absolem appears to be quite self-centered, but he is still wise, so he is a Ravenclaw. He also embodies one of the main themes of the tale and the movie – the theme of rebirth and change.

Ilosovic Stayne aka Knave of Hearts: Slytherin

Stain looks over the battlements of a castle in Alice in Wonderland

Ilosovic Stayne, also known as the Knave of Hearts, is the Red Queens right hand. He is the one who leads her army and executes all of her orders no matter how absurd or impossible her whims might be. In fact, he is extremely loyal to his queen.

Ilosovic is a Slytherin thanks to this loyalty. He is ambitious and wants to please, his queen, but he is also fine with being his right hand and doesn’t really want to overthrow her at any point in the movie. He is a great leader and a perfect soldier.

Nivens McTwisp aka White Rabbit: Hufflepuff

Nivens McTwisp, also known as the White Rabbit, is the first inhabitant of Wonderland that Alice meets. He is Alice’s guide into this other world who shows her the path she needs to take to get where she is supposed to be and eventually save Wonderland.

Nivens is a Hufflepuff. Though he might be smart, he is quite a fearful being constantly out of time and on the run. He is nervous and quickly switches his attention from one thing to another, but he cares for his friends and works towards a good cause – overthrowing the evil queen.

The Cheshire Cat: Ravenclaw

Another peculiar inhabitant of Wonderland is the Cheshire Cat who somewhat resembles Absolem because of his riddles and his veiled pieces of wisdom. In addition to that, he is one of the most popular characters beloved by viewers and readers alike.

The Cheshire Cat is obviously a Ravenclaw. He does what he likes doing and keeps some tricks up his sleeve disappearing when he feels like it. He is there just to have fun! Yet, he also helps Alice and company to bring freedom to Wonderland.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum: Hufflepuff

Tweedledee and Tweedledum are an adorable pair of twins who act both as comic relief and as Alice’s friends. Though they might be oblivious and silly most of the time, they are still fun to watch.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum are both Hufflepuffs. Even though they are two separate people, they actually seem to be two sides of one personality. They are always there to help even if they don’t always know how they can help.

Mirana aka White Queen: Hufflepuff

Mirana, also known as the White Queen, is the Red Queen’s sister. She is considered to be the good queen who everyone is trying to get on the thrown instead of the Red Queen, but she has actually done some questionable things too.

Nonetheless, Mirana is mostly adorable, sweet, and friendly. She is a remarkable Hufflepuff who manages to make absolutely everyone love her. The only one who has really suffered because of her is her own sister who has always been the butt of the jokes because of her head while Mirana was beautiful.

Iracebeth aka Red Queen: Slytherin

Iracebeth, also known as the Red Queen, is the main villain of the movie. She is ambitious, capricious, sometimes illogical, demanding, and generally considered to be the tyrant that brought Wonderland to the state that it was in – no freedom, no will, no voice.

Iracebeth is a Slytherin, but she actually had the potential to be a good person if only she wasn’t mistreated as a child and more loved by her sister. Perhaps, she wouldn’t have become such a tyrant and instead became a wise and just ruler.

Tarrant Hightopp aka Mad Hatter: Gryffindor

Mad Hatter

Tarrant Hightopp, also known as the Mad Hatter, is one of the three most popular characters from the books along with Alice herself and the Cheshire Cat. His madness is so interesting to watch because of how unique it is.

That being said, the Mad Hatter does everything to help overthrow the Red Queen. He remembers his family and values his friends. He is also very brave which makes his a Gryffindor. He risks a lot to help Alice which almost results in his execution.

Alice Kingsleigh: Gryffindor

Alice from Live Action Alice In Wonderland

Alice Kingsleigh is the protagonist of the movie, but unlike the books, she has already been to Wonderland before – she just doesn’t remember it. Yet, she is the ultimate savior of this world who should fulfill the prophecy.

Alice is a Gryffindor thanks to her loyalty, braveness, and a strong will. She knows what’s right and stands up for her beliefs. In the real world, however, she is constantly restricted which frustrates her a lot.