Ahsoka’s Show Can Finally Payoff Star Wars Rebels’ Best Jedi Setup

Ahsoka’s Show Can Finally Payoff Star Wars Rebels’ Best Jedi Setup

The Ahsoka show is set to hit Disney+ later this year and it may be setting up a new Jedi story that was teased in Star Wars Rebels. The end of Star Wars Rebels was one of heartbreak and triumph as the Rebels liberated Lothal from Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Empire, but they also lost Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger went missing. There were many setups at the end of Rebels that have yet to have been followed through on, but the Ahsoka show can change that.

The final scene of Rebels showed Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano set off to find a missing Ezra, which is supposed to be a large portion of the upcoming series. However, the epilogue also showed audiences that Hera Syndulla gave birth to her and Kanan’s son Jacen, who has the potential to feature in upcoming Star Wars projects.

Jacen Syndulla Could Appear In Ahsoka (& Tease His Jedi Future)

Ahsoka’s Show Can Finally Payoff Star Wars Rebels’ Best Jedi Setup

Jacen is half human and half Twi’lek, meaning his hair is green, and his skin has a light green shade to it, coming from his mother Hera. Since Jacen was born in 0BBY, he’d be around and a member of the Ghost crew when Sabine and Ahsoka leave to go find Ezra. It’s still unknown if Hera Syndulla will be accompanying Sabine and Ahsoka on their mission, but if she appears it’s not too hard to guess that Jacen would be with her. Sabine had mentioned that by the time the Battle of Endor happened, Jacen was already a member of the Ghost crew as Spector 7.

Jacen may be the reason why Hera doesn’t accompany Sabine and Ahsoka. Because Hera fought in multiple large battles against the Empire, she may be looking to spend some time with her son without the threat of war. Additionally, Jacen’s father Kanan was a Jedi Knight, so Hera may not want to put him in a situation where Empire sympathizers and Jedi haters may be. It’s unclear if Jacen is force sensitive, but it would be a meaningful reason why the mother and son duo don’t go on this mission.

Jacen Syndulla Could End Up As Part Of Luke’s Jedi Academy After Ahsoka

Ahsoka Tano and Luke Skywalker in The Book of Boba Fett.

The Book of Boba Fett featured a scene showing droids physically building Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy, and Ahsoka was there overseeing it. Even though Ahsoka doesn’t consider herself a Jedi, she still follows its teachings and is willing to help others find their way. She may encourage Hera to let a force-sensitive Jacen be one of Luke’s first students. Audiences probably won’t see Jacen and a young Ben Solo interact, but it’d be nice to see how the Academy operated before its downfall.

Hopefully, the Ahsoka show will properly introduce us to Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla’s son Jacen. Though his character was only briefly seen in the Rebels series finale, Jacen has the potential to show up across multiple Star Wars properties. Whether we see him team up with his mom, Sabine, and Ahsoka remains to be seen, but it’s safe to assume that if Hera is making an appearance Jacen will at least be mentioned. Furthermore, setting Jacen up as a future Jedi could indicate his appearance in other shows besides Ahsoka. Hopefully, audiences get more time with these beloved characters from Star Wars Rebels in the upcoming Ahsoka series.